Why liberals hate Sarah Palin

26 Dec 2010 17:20 #1 by Travelingirl
Guessing there are more reasons but this is a good start!

National Review’s Jim Geraghty and Hugh Hewitt provided some proof of this today:

My first thought was that it tied heavily to her appearance; in liberals’ minds, conservatives are supposed to look like the couple from the painting American Gothic: Dour and joyless, aged, spartan and frail. Political leaders aren’t supposed to be young, really good looking women, full of energy, smiles and winks.

Hugh suggested it tied to the contrast between her lifestyle and her critics: “She is the embodiment of the anti-choice, the opposite of every choice that lefty elites have ever made — as to going back home instead of moving to the west coast, having children, having a child with Downs, staying married to one man the whole time, choosing rural or suburban over urban and living a generally conservative lifestyle, working with her hands… That everything she is is the antithesis of everything that liberal urban elites are, so it’s not just enough to say, ‘I disagree with you,’; she has to be repudiated and crushed.

And she shaves her legs!

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26 Dec 2010 17:23 #2 by Nmysys
They FEAR her!!!

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26 Dec 2010 17:35 #3 by daisypusher
And she is rogue! lol

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26 Dec 2010 17:38 #4 by Travelingirl
More reasons...

"They dislike her political support for smaller government, tax cuts, and a strong military. They are outraged by her ongoing push for drilling in ANWR, her participation in hunting sports, and the fact that she’s a card-carrying, Life Member of the NRA.

But all these reasons are trumped by the fact that they despise her beauty. It pushes them over the edge to know that she doesn’t just shoot an assault rifle, but makes an assault rifle look good when shooting it.

This was obvious when she was running for Vice President on the McCain ticket and it became known that she’d taken part in beauty pageants to get money to pay college tuition. How dare her that she is not only beautiful, but she used that beauty for profit.

And who can blame them for noticing? After all, since the 1930s they’ve spent their time supporting women who looked like Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno, Tipper Gore, and Elena Kagan.

Suffice it to say there isn’t a lot of pinup potential in that list."

[url=http://www.humanevents.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;]http://www.humanevents.com[/url]

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26 Dec 2010 17:46 #5 by Scruffy

travelingirl wrote: Guessing there are more reasons but this is a good start!

National Review’s Jim Geraghty and Hugh Hewitt provided some proof of this today:

My first thought was that it tied heavily to her appearance; in liberals’ minds, conservatives are supposed to look like the couple from the painting American Gothic: Dour and joyless, aged, spartan and frail. Political leaders aren’t supposed to be young, really good looking women, full of energy, smiles and winks.

Wrong. It's her vacuous mind that scares liberals. She could be ugly as a rusty nail and it still wouldn't make any difference.

travelingirl wrote: Hugh suggested it tied to the contrast between her lifestyle and her critics: “She is the embodiment of the anti-choice, the opposite of every choice that lefty elites have ever made — as to going back home instead of moving to the west coast, having children, having a child with Downs, staying married to one man the whole time, choosing rural or suburban over urban and living a generally conservative lifestyle, working with her hands… That everything she is is the antithesis of everything that liberal urban elites are, so it’s not just enough to say, ‘I disagree with you,’; she has to be repudiated and crushed.

Wrong again. It's the hypocrisy of her life that makes us crazy. On the one hand, she claims family values and yet travels on a jet after her water burst to bear her child in Alaska rather than do what's best for the child and have it locally. It's her appearance as a firm mother espousing family values and yet her child has a child out of wedlock. It's the way that she makes things up while telling others to "quit makin' stuff up!"

But what really scares liberals about Sarah Palin is that fact that she has a real chance to be President of the United States, with her infantile grasp on world politics, not knowing who world leaders are, her lack of curiosity about issues that a President needs.

In short, she doesn't have the brains to be President, and yet she has a real chance. That's scary. If you think that Bush 2 was bad, she would be even worse.

travelingirl wrote: And she shaves her legs!

I'm glad she does.

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26 Dec 2010 17:48 #6 by Scruffy
Plus, she uses words that don't exist - "refudiate."

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26 Dec 2010 17:53 #7 by Nmysys
We saw Sarah, the night before the election in 2008 in Colorado Springs, and there is absolutely no doubt about the fact that she is beautiful.!!


We know, Barry is a genius!!!! As long as he is staring at a teleprompter.

You wouldn't admit to her beauty nor any positive thing about her because you are a card carrying stooge of the NEA.

For someone who stands for the murder of millions of babies, now you say that her daughter was what, a bad example??

You are a joke!!!!

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26 Dec 2010 18:02 #8 by Travelingirl
According to TIME’s Jay Newton-Small:

Asked via e-mail what she would do if elected, Palin carefully says the first priority “of the next Republican President” should be “to sign a bill for the repeal and replacement of Obamacare with true free-market, patient-centered reform.” Obamacare’s repeal, she adds, “would help to cut future deficits. It would also send a strong signal to America’s workers and employers that government is back on their side and is no longer seeking to impose its one-size-fits-all ‘solutions’ from above.” Palin says she would “also look for entitlement reform, as well as a systemwide audit of government spending with a goal to move us toward zero-based budgeting practices and, ultimately, a balanced budget. We need to start really living within our means. As any mother or father will tell you, don’t spend what you don’t have.”

What's stupid about this?

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26 Dec 2010 18:04 #9 by Scruffy

Nmysys wrote: We saw Sarah, the night before the election in 2008 in Colorado Springs, and there is absolutely no doubt about the fact that she is beautiful.!!


We know, Barry is a genius!!!! As long as he is staring at a teleprompter.

You wouldn't admit to her beauty nor any positive thing about her because you are a card carrying stooge of the NEA.

For someone who stands for the murder of millions of babies, now you say that her daughter was what, a bad example??

You are a joke!!!!

Thanks. I try to be funny.

Sarah is beautiful, but her mind is ugly.

My point in talking about her baby, is that she risked the life of her baby by insisting on delivering in another state, hours away. That doesn't sound like she values her own babies life, does it?

Oh, and this thread isn't about Obama. But let's all remember that spanking he gave to the Republicans this past year - without a teleprompter.

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26 Dec 2010 18:21 #10 by Wayne Harrison
I had to laugh at the title of this thread.... written by someone who recently told me:

travelingirl wrote: You bait and you know it.


It's interesting isn't it, when someone who doesn't believe what you believe feels the need to tell you what not only what you believe but why?

Anyway, I wanted to say I won't be posting in the Courthouse or the Ring after this. It's one of my New Year's resolutions and I intend to keep it. It's not productive and raises my blood pressure.

Besides, I'd like to add more posts to the Campfire so visitors don't think the Courthouse and the Ring are the main things on the 285Bound Forums.

Happy New Year!

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