Mark Twain Books

06 Jan 2011 07:05 #1 by rldbailey
Mark Twain Books was created by rldbailey
I read in the Denver Posdt yesterday that they are republishing two books by Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. They are replacing the "N" word with the word "slave" in their efforts to NOT offend people. Come on really?

Wouldn't this be considered a form of censorship and a distortion of history? The "N" word is not a word I use, but when you re-write a book, especially ones like this, you take something away from it. Books are supposed to take you to another time and place and when you change the original premise of what the author wrote, you are no longer in that place. It's ok for kids to hear the "N" word while watching Rap videos on television or talking amongst each other, or from other adults, but under no circumstances should they read it in a Mark Twain book. This is PC going way to far!!

Is our country this screwed up? I suppose they will now try to re-print any book that could be considered offensive! God forbid we expose our youth to the truth of life and how it used to be in the real world. We sure wouldn't want to upset them! Not to mention, are they now going to start bleeping out words like, "honky" when we watch shows like "The Jeffersons"?

Where does it end?

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06 Jan 2011 07:20 #2 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Mark Twain Books
It does seem wrong to change an author's words without his consent. But considering this great book is very high on the school banned list because of the word "nigger", is it better to let the kids read a sanitized book?

The power of words?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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06 Jan 2011 07:24 #3 by HEARTLESS
Replied by HEARTLESS on topic Mark Twain Books
Or the power of politically correct do gooders.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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06 Jan 2011 07:45 - 06 Jan 2011 08:04 #4 by rldbailey
Replied by rldbailey on topic Mark Twain Books

SS109 wrote: It does seem wrong to change an author's words without his consent. But considering this great book is very high on the school banned list because of the word "nigger", is it better to let the kids read a sanitized book?

The power of words?

When they start sanitizing all aspects of their lives, then sure, but when they are selective about it, NO! When you distort a literary masterpiece just so you don't offend someone, that's pretty messed up. But hey, let your kids watch and/or play violent and profanity laced videos/games, let kids under "17" watch "R" rated movies and by all means, let's not teach them what is versus what isn't acceptable behavior in our current society. We need censorship to do that because the parents/adults won't teach them!!??!!

Does anyone really believe that by changing one word in a few books, that it will make kids any less exposed and/or offended by the unpleasantries of life? No wonder we have such a screwed up generation!

I have an idea, let's put them all in a plastic bubble where they will hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil, therefore, there will be no evil. Yeah, I see that's been working real well in our society. Just look at all the violence our youth is exposed to on a daily basis and in the schools.

Also, if these books are too offensive to students and/or their parents, then perhaps our schools should find a more suitable book for their corriculum instead of re-writing a masterpiece!

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06 Jan 2011 07:59 #5 by Martin Ent Inc
Replied by Martin Ent Inc on topic Mark Twain Books
I have the complete works of Mark Twain, and the first one is signed.
Maybe they will go up in price even more.

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06 Jan 2011 08:06 #6 by Blazer Bob
Replied by Blazer Bob on topic Mark Twain Books
Ethnocentric idiots.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Read more: ... z1AGfpiF9t

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06 Jan 2011 09:09 #7 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Mark Twain Books
Irony? The same kids will be listening to rap where nigger is used often.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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06 Jan 2011 09:21 #8 by HEARTLESS
Replied by HEARTLESS on topic Mark Twain Books
Obviously, Rap is artisitic and books are just meant to incite hatred.
I'm getting this PC thing finally.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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06 Jan 2011 10:16 #9 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Mark Twain Books
Will Blazing Saddles be voice edited to now say slave too?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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06 Jan 2011 10:55 #10 by ComputerBreath
Replied by ComputerBreath on topic Mark Twain Books
Do any of you remember the story and/or song about the Little Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly?

Well, the last verse said: "There was a little old lady who swallowed a horse...she's dead of course!"

I saw a "new" version of the book that changed that part...because saying someone died isn't OK for little kids to hear...but it's OK for them to hear that she swallowed a horse?

And I remember in the '80's a school banned the book and Disney movie of Bambi...why? Because the mother deer was shot and killed and it isn't OK for little kids to see that kind of death.

Give me a break. Death is part of life.

Is the "N" word any worse than the "F" word or taking the Lord's name in vain?

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