Pelosi, Obama Hawaiian Vacations Come to an End, But Taxpaye

09 Jan 2011 15:39 #11 by archer
Hawaii is not out of the country....and trips out of the country are official business.....yeah, we know you don't want him as president, so of course you don't want him to carry out any presidential duties. When you all whine about his trips I just consider the prejudices of the source.

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09 Jan 2011 16:29 #12 by Nmysys
He has still made more trips than any other President in history. He has spent more money, and his wife has more assistants than any other First Lady in history. No matter what is brought up, you will defend it or give this bullsh** answer turning back at us instead seeing what is really going on. Blind faith in everything that the Democrats do, no matter how much harm they do to this country. They have bankrupted this nation and made us the laughing stock of the rest of the world. No big deal, they will just print more money!

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09 Jan 2011 16:40 #13 by Beeks
Made more trips in two years than any other President, even those that held office for eight years? I haven't done the research, but that seems unlikely.....

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09 Jan 2011 16:46 #14 by LadyJazzer
Never let a mindless outrage go to waste.

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09 Jan 2011 17:09 #15 by archer

Nmysys wrote: Blind faith in everything that the Democrats do, no matter how much harm they do to this country. They have bankrupted this nation and made us the laughing stock of the rest of the world. No big deal, they will just print more money!

Blind hatred of everything a democrat does has done more to foster the atmosphere of hate and violence in this country than all the nutjobs combined. Republicans have turned this country into a nation of fear, distrust, and violent actions. Then, when they get voted into office they backtrack on their promises and you conservatives just nod your heads and go least they arent democrats spending our money, they're republicans and were A-OK with that. Republicans, and our previous president made this country a "laughingstock" but you were ok with that too, because it was republicans making bad decisions and it was a republican president making a fool of himself.

Partisanship is rampant in this country and you conservatives are just as guilty of it as are liberals.

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09 Jan 2011 18:19 #16 by FredHayek
Pelosi can afford it, she comes from a political dynasty that has sold political favors for generations in Baltimore. She probably spent her vacation crying in her pineapple juice over her lost job.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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09 Jan 2011 19:01 #17 by navycpo7

archer wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Blind faith in everything that the Democrats do, no matter how much harm they do to this country. They have bankrupted this nation and made us the laughing stock of the rest of the world. No big deal, they will just print more money!

Blind hatred of everything a democrat does has done more to foster the atmosphere of hate and violence in this country than all the nutjobs combined. Republicans have turned this country into a nation of fear, distrust, and violent actions. Then, when they get voted into office they backtrack on their promises and you conservatives just nod your heads and go least they arent democrats spending our money, they're republicans and were A-OK with that. Republicans, and our previous president made this country a "laughingstock" but you were ok with that too, because it was republicans making bad decisions and it was a republican president making a fool of himself.

Partisanship is rampant in this country and you conservatives are just as guilty of it as are liberals.

I believe your wrong in your statement, what it should have stated was "Blind hatred of everything Congress does has done more" it is the same on all sides But for me it is all the different parties throwing things around that does nothing but cause hate and discontent among AMERICANS.

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09 Jan 2011 20:15 #18 by archer

navycpo7 wrote:

archer wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Blind faith in everything that the Democrats do, no matter how much harm they do to this country. They have bankrupted this nation and made us the laughing stock of the rest of the world. No big deal, they will just print more money!

Blind hatred of everything a democrat does has done more to foster the atmosphere of hate and violence in this country than all the nutjobs combined. Republicans have turned this country into a nation of fear, distrust, and violent actions. Then, when they get voted into office they backtrack on their promises and you conservatives just nod your heads and go least they arent democrats spending our money, they're republicans and were A-OK with that. Republicans, and our previous president made this country a "laughingstock" but you were ok with that too, because it was republicans making bad decisions and it was a republican president making a fool of himself.

Partisanship is rampant in this country and you conservatives are just as guilty of it as are liberals.

I believe your wrong in your statement, what it should have stated was "Blind hatred of everything Congress does has done more" it is the same on all sides But for me it is all the different parties throwing things around that does nothing but cause hate and discontent among AMERICANS.

So far I haven't seen the democrats put anyone in the "crosshairs" or ask the general populace to reload and go after the other side with everything they've got. I don't disagree that both side have engaged in some ugly fights, but I truly believe that the conservative side has the most hateful, ugly, and vitriolic rhetoric of the two. Just my opinion, or observation.

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09 Jan 2011 22:13 #19 by Blazer Bob

archer wrote: [So far I haven't seen the democrats put anyone in the "crosshairs" or ask the general populace to reload and go after the other side with everything they've got. I don't disagree that both side have engaged in some ugly fights, but I truly believe that the conservative side has the most hateful, ugly, and vitriolic rhetoric of the two. Just my opinion, or observation.

FWIW, this is said to be a screen shot of a page that has been recently pulled down.

Some of these I recognize but you will have to find links yourself. I need some sleep.

Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to FIGHT for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a FIGHT.”

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09 Jan 2011 22:21 #20 by archer
Just as I said....both sides have a lot to be ashamed of.....the rhetoric heats up and no one seems to give a damn about what it does to this nation's citizens. Will they ever tone it down? I doubt it, and I think we can expect to see more such tragedies like yesterday as we get closer to 2012.

.....I don't think the Daily Kos gets quite the exposure that Sarah Palin gets....but they are both being stupid.Please don't make me trot out all the inflamatory remarks made by Republicans, why did you only pull Obama quotes, where are the ones from Boehner....or Bush.....or any republican?

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