Jared Loughner Described by Classmate as "Left-Wing Pothead"

10 Jan 2011 09:31 #21 by Whatevergreen
Celebrating? Really?? Were there fireworks and party hats?

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10 Jan 2011 09:38 #22 by Scruffy

residenttroll wrote: Her cheering begin with her first post on Saturday. She was celebrating by making statements that he was a product of some Bible carrying gun toting conservative rhetoric - which has been debunked. Looney Jerk had revealed the left's talking points moments after the blood was splattered.

Celebrating? I missed those remarks where she was celebrating. Could you point them out? Was she offering to serve ice cream and cake? Was there a party?

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10 Jan 2011 09:40 #23 by LadyJazzer

Scruffy wrote:

residenttroll wrote: Her cheering begin with her first post on Saturday. She was celebrating by making statements that he was a product of some Bible carrying gun toting conservative rhetoric - which has been debunked. Looney Jerk had revealed the left's talking points moments after the blood was splattered.

Celebrating? I missed those remarks where she was celebrating. Could you point them out? Was she offering to serve ice cream and cake? Was there a party?

ResidentPrick is as delusional as ever... It's almost fun to watch...

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10 Jan 2011 09:43 #24 by Beeks
I think this was LJ's first post on Saturday......

I am without words.... The piece-of-slime that did this is beneath contempt... Hmmmmm.... Who, in Arizona, would shoot a Democrat in the head that they didn't agree with over things like health-care legislation, immigration reform legislation, embryonic stem-cell research .....

I will personally drop the dime on this pond-scum.

Yeah, real celebratory.......

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10 Jan 2011 09:49 #25 by pineinthegrass

LadyJazzer wrote:

CinnamonGirl wrote: Didn't someone ask yesterday if a republican has ever been shot.

Wasn't Reagan a republican? not sure about that though. Reagan was shot by a nutbar too.

I asked how many Republicans have been KILLED... I know Reagan was shot...And I know that Ford had an attempt that failed. Jeez, do you think I didn't know that?

Not true. You asked about conservative politicians who were "shot/attacked" by liberals (at least in your first post on the subject).

LadyJazzer wrote: Sorry, CG... How many conservative politicians can you think of who were shot/attacked by liberals? For the violence against liberals by right-wingers, off the top of my head, I can think of Harvey Milk, Mayor Moscone, Rep Giffords, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, (okay, he wasn't an elected politician), liberal talk-show host, Alan Berg (Denver)...and that's if you don't count abortion providers like George Tiller, David Gunn, Dr. Slepian....etc.

Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head... How many conservatives can you think of?

Yeah, it IS horrible.... And I'm p*ssed....

And when you were provided names, you first ignored it, then changed your story.

Same thing when it was pointed out to you that your list of "right-wingers" who attacked liberals included several who were not "right-wingers".

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10 Jan 2011 09:55 #26 by LadyJazzer

So, of the ones that you came up with that I missed, how many of them can you DEFINITIVELY say were "liberals"? (If you want to hold me to the EXACT letter of what I said?)

Can you prove that Hinkley was a "liberal"? How about "Squeaky" Fromme? A Manson wacko, but I don't remember reading where she was a "liberal".... I've already responded in another thread about the climate that existed in Dallas around the JFK assassination. The John Birch Society had plastered WANTED posters all around the town with Kennedy as the bulls-eye... Lee Harvey Oswald just pulled the trigger...

You want to compare how many campaign offices were vandalized?

Sorry, I'm not in the mood to play your nit-picking game... My list still stands.

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10 Jan 2011 10:22 #27 by Beeks
Common thread? They're all wackos. They don't fit into your pretty little liberal or conservative boxes. Quit making everything about politics!!

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10 Jan 2011 10:47 #28 by outdoor338
actually LJ, your cheering on a shooter that almost took the life of a congress woman, and that killed 6 people, you seem to be enjoying the shooting more then anyone on 285, all you're doing is pimping the shooting on your behalf so you can spout your hate speech..your just as bad as the shooter.

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10 Jan 2011 10:58 #29 by Scruffy

outdoor338 wrote: actually LJ, your cheering on a shooter that almost took the life of a congress woman, and that killed 6 people, you seem to be enjoying the shooting more then anyone on 285, all you're doing is pimping the shooting on your behalf so you can spout your hate speech..your just as bad as the shooter.

Please point out, specifically, where it is that LJ has cheered on the shooter.

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10 Jan 2011 11:01 #30 by outdoor338
read all of his posts scruffy..then you decide..are you defending his attacks, yes or no..if you can't say either way, then you have proven my point, your rejoicing as well...carry on!

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