Sorry TG, but you have awakened the Monster!
Obama will most assuredly be a one-term President. He is not, nor was he ever, Presidential Material!
However, the facts remain. How will these United States ever undo the particular damage caused by this ludicrously open-minded, liberal and post-colonial President? Will we ever be able to redeem all of the lost freedoms and capitalist curtailments hidden within his Socialist/Progressive/Post-Colonialist legislative agenda?
Mr. Obama has uniformly put first, the downtrodden third world nations; all be it, their plight being truly unfortunate, miserable and sad but, he has positioned them well above the entrepreneurial, creative and productively spirited, American people. A people, by the way, which have thoroughly and endurably set the precedent for all prosperous, creative, competitive, and free market enterprise systems, throughout the entire world.
Mr. Obama must begin to refute the principles of George Soros' Open Society Institute and obtain a clear focus of America’s contributions to the world through its unbiased civil institutions and through its unique and particular form of representative governance.
When America was the envy of the world, it was also at its peak of performance. Since, all of this "Anti", rhetoric has caused us to question ourselves, as well as to question our specific intentions. Additionally, and in turn, we have begun to think of ourselves as wanting or somewhat lacking in character and intellect and therefore, we are most likely guilty for our selfish ambitions towards prosperity and self-sufficiency.
We must ask ourselves these questions? Am I antagonistic towards the remainder of the world? Do I harbor animosity towards those productive societies that repeatedly foster advancements for all of civilization, as well as for all of mankind? Do I wish to keep secret, every scientific, technological and medical breakthrough, only to preserve these for the benefit of me, myself and mine, and more specially for the selfish benefits of our predominant, imperial, self-centered and undeniably predictable culture? Or, do I agree that merely posing these questions is principally a ludicrous and intrinsically, culturally, incomprehensible question? A question that is undeniably, irrational relative to the American spirit?
These mental exercises are, I am sorry to say, constitute the process by which Mr. Obama has signified his Presidency. His approach to all policy decisions are based on his post-colonialist, mistakenly slanted, perceptions of America. This has since, put us in a very peculiar predicament.
I believe, Mr. Obama’s approach to international affairs is in contradiction to what we believe is a concretely understood, American perspective or ideology. It furthermore, is a wrong-headed, irresponsible and potentially damaging act, which will likely result in a condition which our nation becomes subservient to all others. If our nation does not lead, I fear for its collapse.
Our President’s behavior is a self-defeating behavior.
How many times have you experienced in life, a personnell manager that says, you will start with the score of Zero and from that point, you will have to gain points in my favor, vs. the Manager who says you will start at 100% and then, by your actions, will reduce your score on a productivity scale?
This may not at first seem pertinent but, as you realize that if our nation is percieved by the world as a second or third class citizenry, we will always be fighting an uphill battle for acceptance when in fact, we are a nation which sets the standards at 100% and then challenges the remainder of the nations of the world to adopt values for caring, compassion andmotivation for an industrious people.