Place the blame where it belongs, on his parents not Sarah

11 Jan 2011 13:35 #1 by Nmysys
Next We’ll Hear Sarah Palin Gave Birth to the Arizona Shooter

Put Franz Kafka, Eugene Ionesco and Lewis Carroll all in one room and even they couldn’t produce a fictional scenario more absurd than what Americans have witnessed in the last few days. A 22-year old human time bomb takes out 6 innocent people, injures almost 20 others, shoots a congresswoman in the head and within minutes the left names a person of interest- a mother of five from Alaska, Sarah Palin – as being responsible.

By all accounts Palin has not raised any deranged killers. In fact, one could say that despite her responsibilities as mayor of Wasilla and Governor of Alaska she and Todd have done a pretty good job where their children are concerned. So why does the left find it so easy to place blame on someone else’s mother but not the killer’s?

It’s no secret that in most cases of these young homicidal psychopaths the parents act as if they were on Mars while the teens were buying 9mm glocks , posting ominous, threatening videos online and exhibiting gross anti-social behavior. You’d think if young Jared was drinking, smoking pot, erecting satanic shrines in the backyards, scaring the heck out of classmates, failing drug tests and posting bizarre messages on Myspace, Mom and Dad might notice. Apparently, they just look the other way and so does the media.

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11 Jan 2011 14:08 #2 by FredHayek
Yes, but 99% of the kids who do that crap grow out of it without harming anyone.

My mom was all worried when I started playing Dungeons & Dragons, I am glad she didn't medicate me or send me to counseling.

Besides, the shooter was 22 years old. Not much the parents can do at that point but kick him out.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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11 Jan 2011 14:12 #3 by Nmysys
You are right, except you don't acknowledge the topic of this thread. Blame his parents not Sarah Palin.

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11 Jan 2011 14:58 #4 by outdoor338

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11 Jan 2011 15:25 #5 by Residenttroll returns
Oh mine, I sled on ice's Sarah's fault. I didn't get the correct change's Sarah's fault. The lady at the cash register didn't smile's Sarah's fault.

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11 Jan 2011 15:39 #6 by FredHayek
The Dems are a little contradictory about Sarah, is she a evil schemer who wields too much power in the party or is she a joke as a candidate and and has no chance to win anything. Which is it?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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11 Jan 2011 15:42 #7 by Scruffy

SS109 wrote: The Dems are a little contradictory about Sarah, is she a evil schemer who wields too much power in the party or is she a joke as a candidate and and has no chance to win anything. Which is it?

She does wield a lot of power in the Teapublican party. That said, I don't think she's intelligent enough to be in high office and I think she'll be blown out in the primaries should she run.

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11 Jan 2011 16:05 #8 by daisypusher
Hey Scruffy - every time I see your avatar I laugh... lol

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11 Jan 2011 16:14 #9 by Scruffy

daisypusher wrote: Hey Scruffy - every time I see your avatar I laugh... lol

Then my work here is done.

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11 Jan 2011 17:00 #10 by Travelingirl
Should his parents shoulder all of the blame? Is he too mentally ill to hold him accountable for HIS choices? Drugs mixed with the occult seems like a deadly combo to me. I guess time will tell.

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