Place the blame where it belongs, on his parents not Sarah

11 Jan 2011 17:03 #11 by JMC

Nmysys wrote: You are right, except you don't acknowledge the topic of this thread. Blame his parents not Sarah Palin.

Mental illness is NOT the fault of the parents. Learn some science. Not Sarahs fault either.

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11 Jan 2011 17:18 #12 by Travelingirl
I agree JMC. I've personally witnessed some really bizaare behavior where drugs and the occult were used together. It really caused some serious mental illness in this kid (I realize some people are born mentally ill and it's still not their parent's fault). No one blamed this kid's parents. We felt like he made the original choice to start using drugs and, out of rebellion, he joined the wicca church. It devastated his parents. They did everything they could to send him to treatment, etc. From what I understand something evil and terrifying happened to him one night and it literally scared him straight. Plus just like the shooter on Saturday, the kid was an adult. That's why I question if the parents should carry all the blame - or any at all?

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11 Jan 2011 17:47 #13 by JMC

travelingirl wrote: I agree JMC. I've personally witnessed some really bizaare behavior where drugs and the occult were used together. It really caused some serious mental illness in this kid (I realize some people are born mentally ill and it's still not their parent's fault). No one blamed this kid's parents. We felt like he made the original choice to start using drugs and, out of rebellion, he joined the wicca church. It devastated his parents. They did everything they could to send him to treatment, etc. From what I understand something evil and terrifying happened to him one night and it literally scared him straight. Plus just like the shooter on Saturday, the kid was an adult. That's why I question if the parents should carry all the blame - or any at all?

To paraphrase " you can't fix this kind of crazy" The fault is not with anyone IMO, just a person with serious problems. Politics , parents,school had nothing to do with this sick person. Lock him away for life.

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11 Jan 2011 17:50 #14 by Travelingirl
I found a few things that others are saying about the shooter. He sounds like one sick dude.

There’s little evidence he has a coherent ideology. Loughner’s philosophy professor says the 22-year-old acted like “someone whose brains were scrambled” and whose “thoughts were unrelated to anything in our world.”

The Washington Post

Those seeking a coherent philosophy will probably be frustrated”, said Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research at the Anti-Defamation League. “So far, most of his beliefs appear to be the product of his own mind, primarily,” he said.

Wall Street Journal

Judging from his Internet postings, Jared Lee Loughner is a delusional young man whose inner political landscape is a swamp of dystopian novels, left- and right-wing tracts, conspiracy theories, and contempt for his fellow human beings.”

New York Post

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11 Jan 2011 18:01 #15 by JMC

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11 Jan 2011 18:04 #16 by Rick
I blame Target...their logo is everywhere and it's making people kill. It needs to be replaced with a peace sign (rainbow colored of course)

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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11 Jan 2011 18:12 - 11 Jan 2011 18:19 #17 by Mayhem

travelingirl wrote: I found a few things that others are saying about the shooter. He sounds like one sick dude.

There’s little evidence he has a coherent ideology. Loughner’s philosophy professor says the 22-year-old acted like “someone whose brains were scrambled” and whose “thoughts were unrelated to anything in our world.”

The Washington Post

Those seeking a coherent philosophy will probably be frustrated”, said Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research at the Anti-Defamation League. “So far, most of his beliefs appear to be the product of his own mind, primarily,” he said.

Wall Street Journal

Judging from his Internet postings, Jared Lee Loughner is a delusional young man whose inner political landscape is a swamp of dystopian novels, left- and right-wing tracts, conspiracy theories, and contempt for his fellow human beings.”

New York Post

But all these libs who made these observations are the very same voices who lament the the right to allow people like this wander free among us until they wig out, then it is the Republicans fault. And the people who are almost as delusional in their belief that they are conservative, want to negotiate and debate with them. :lol:

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11 Jan 2011 18:17 #18 by Travelingirl
Are you're saying I'm delusional in my belief that I'm a conservative?

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11 Jan 2011 18:26 #19 by Mayhem

travelingirl wrote: Are you're saying I'm delusional in my belief that I'm a conservative?

No I am saying there are people who claim to be Republican/conservative and couldn't explain it if their life depended on it. Similar to small c christians. They know nothing about that which they claim to be. A confident conservative has no need to waste time debating with subscribers of an exposed con and scam. Life is not long enough to spend one second on engaging them. They are more deranged than this murderer. But at least he had original thoughts, which is more than can be said for liberal drones.

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11 Jan 2011 18:29 #20 by Travelingirl

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