National Driver's License Nazi/Communist Style

25 Jan 2011 13:32 #1 by Nmysys
Shortly, all 50 States, under the directive of the Obama Administration's Department of Homeland Security, will be required to federalize their driver's licenses, effectively converting what was a uniquely, "local" state drivers' license into what amounts to a "National ID Card"---or, as some opponents to the concept during the Clinton years called it, "a United States Internal Passport."

REAL I.D. was enacted in 2005, to make it more difficult for people who are not citizens, to secure a state-issued driver's license. The law takes effect in May, 2011. At that time, every States will be required to create a drivers' license that conforms to new federal "standards."

In short: REAL I.D. allows the government to convert your state issued drivers' license into a REAL Nazi/Communist-style National Identification Card, with all the scary attributes of an Internal Passport like people in Nazi/Communist-Europe were required to carry.

When did that happen here? It happened in 2005, when you were more concerned about terrorists than civil liberties. Congress passed the Real ID Act on May 11, 2005, which created new bio-metric national standards for state-issued drivers' licenses. The new law also requires those who do not drive to have a state-issued "non-driver" ID card.

Not just the federal government, but states will be able to quickly (at a moment's notice!) share 18 different points of private information about you, personally.

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25 Jan 2011 13:35 #2 by Martin Ent Inc
That damned Bush again.

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25 Jan 2011 13:38 #3 by Martin Ent Inc
As of April 2, 2008, all 50 states have either applied for extensions of the original May 11, 2008 compliance deadline or received unsolicited extensions.[1] As of October 2009[update], 25 states have approved either resolutions or binding legislation not to participate in the program, and with President Obama's selection of Janet Napolitano (a prominent critic of the program) to head the Department of Homeland Security, the future of the law remains uncertain,[2] and bills have been introduced into Congress to amend or repeal it.[3] The most recent of these, dubbed PASS ID, would eliminate many of the more burdensome technological requirements but still require states to meet federal standards in order to have their ID cards accepted by federal agencies

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25 Jan 2011 13:57 #4 by conifermtman
They should make everyone reapply and make them bring their birth certificate. I wonder if Barry would apply?

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25 Jan 2011 14:33 #5 by FredHayek
Normally I am a Libertarian but I welcome this intrusion on states rights. Too many sanctuary states out there.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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25 Jan 2011 14:45 #6 by LadyJazzer
Lessee, that would be the "RealID Act":

A) written by James Sensenbrenner (R) of Wisconsin.
B) RealID was enacted by BUSH and signed into law May 11, 2005.
C)Along with the Bush administration, the Real ID Act is strongly supported by the conservative Heritage Foundation and by many anti-illegal immigration advocates.
D) Real ID is opposed by such groups as Gun Owners of America, by the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal as well as the Obama administration.
E) The Senate never discussed or voted on the Real ID Act specifically and no Senate committee hearings were conducted on the Real ID Act prior to its passage.[25] Critics charged that this procedure was undemocratic and that the bill's proponents avoided a substantive debate on a far-reaching piece of legislation by attaching it to a "must-pass" bill.
F) Section 37.11(c) of the DHS final rule allows the states to accept several types of documents as proof of social security number: a social security card, a W-2 form, an SSA-1099 form, a non-SSA-1099 form, or a pay stub bearing the applicant's name and SSN. However, the states are not required to verify the validity of these documents directly with their issuers (e.g. with the employer that issued a W-2 form or a pay stub). Instead, the DHS rule requires the states to verify the validity, and its match with the name given, of the social security number itself, via electronically querying the Social Security On-Line Verification (SSOLV) database managed by the Social Security Administration.

National ID card controversy

There is disagreement about whether the Real ID Act institutes a "national identification card" system.[30] The new law only sets forth national standards, but leaves the issuance of cards and the maintenance of databases in state hands; therefore, the Department of Homeland Security claims it is not a "national ID" system.[31] Web sites such as,, and argue that this is a trivial distinction, and that the new cards are in fact national ID cards, thanks to the uniform national standards created by the AAMVA and (especially) the linked databases, and by the fact that such identification is mandatory if people wish to travel out of the US.

Many advocacy groups and individual opponents of the Real ID Act believe that having a Real ID-compliant license may become a requirement for various basic tasks. Thus a January 2008 statement by ACLU of Maryland says: "The law places no limits on potential required uses for Real IDs. In time, Real IDs could be required to vote, collect a Social Security check, access Medicaid, open a bank account, go to an Orioles game, or buy a gun. The private sector could begin mandating a Real ID to perform countless commercial and financial activities, such as renting a DVD or buying car insurance. Real ID cards would become a necessity, making them de facto national IDs." However, in order to perform many of those tasks, government-issued identification is already required (e.g., two forms of ID - usually a driver's license, passport, or Social Security card - are required by the Patriot Act in order to open a bank account).

The DHS rule, Section 37.13(b)(3), specifies that the validity of birth certificates, presented to document the date of birth or to prove U.S. citizenship, should be verified electronically, by accessing the Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) system maintained by the National Association of Public Health Statistics and Information Systems (NAPHSIS), rather than directly with the issuers of the birth certificates (such as hospitals).

Which means that when licenses come up for renewal, if they don't already meet "RealID" standards for proof, then a valid birth certificate will be required before a renewal is issued. Since a "Certificate of Live Birth" is in every way a legal Birth Certificate, I'm quite sure Obama will have no problem whatsoever obtaining one when it becomes time.

Golly, I wish you guys could decide which fringe group you want to be outraged at... The "conservative Heritage Foundation" or the "Gun Owners of America"... There must be SOME way to do both... Sounds like they're leaving the databases in the "state's hands". ("The new law only sets forth national standards, but leaves the issuance of cards and the maintenance of databases in state hands; therefore, the Department of Homeland Security claims it is not a "national ID" system.") So, you guys should be delighted... That ol' "State's Rights"/10th Amendment thing is being honored.

So, uh, tell me again, which part of this outrage-of-the-day is the "outrage" part?

rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol:

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25 Jan 2011 15:05 #7 by FredHayek
It used to be the right was all about personal freedom but 9/11 turned that upside down. And illegal immigration only further restricts it.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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25 Jan 2011 15:35 #8 by Grady
I don't like it either, but it's going to happen. First a national ID card, then enhancements to the card to enable RFID remote reading.
Then we’ll all be chipped, the pet chipping program is just a research and development program. It’ll start with,

“it’s for the safety of the kids”

if you child is ever kidnapped you will be able to get little Johnny or Susie back safely.”

Then for adults

“With the RFID Pass, ( they won’t call it a chip) you’ll be able to skip the security lines at the airport” , “Connect it to your AMEX or Visa card and you won’t even have to show your card when purchasing, groceries, gas, hotel anything you now purchase with your card”.

You can’t blame the Obama administration any more than you can blame Bush. You can force the population into almost anything if the “crisis” is great enough.

New World Order

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25 Jan 2011 16:55 #9 by Blazer Bob

Grady wrote: I don't like it either, but it's going to happen. First a national ID card, then enhancements to the card to enable RFID remote reading.
Then we’ll all be chipped, the pet chipping program is just a research and development program. It’ll start with,

“it’s for the safety of the kids”

if you child is ever kidnapped you will be able to get little Johnny or Susie back safely.”

Then for adults

“With the RFID Pass, ( they won’t call it a chip) you’ll be able to skip the security lines at the airport” , “Connect it to your AMEX or Visa card and you won’t even have to show your card when purchasing, groceries, gas, hotel anything you now purchase with your card”.

You can’t blame the Obama administration any more than you can blame Bush. You can force the population into almost anything if the “crisis” is great enough.

New World Order

I agree.

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25 Jan 2011 17:30 #10 by Rockdoc
What I do not understand is why would you need such a DL if you travel out of the country? Don't we halve passports for that? If there is such a huge concern, why not link a DL to a passport? If this is supposed to help with illegal immigrants getting DL, you could make a passport requirement couldn't you?

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