This is not a god thing for me but I always said if wombs had windows there would be no abortion.
My daughter showed me her ultra sound when her baby was 1 1/2 inches and it looked like a little teddy bear and was flopping around. I cannot imagine killing it. But this is not a crusade for me. I don't believe in making it illegal that would make things worse but I am an advocate of all the info you can get.
Sorry it is so complicated for you CG. I found it to be an awesome video, but heck I'm a man, and when my children were born a lot of the technology your generation and younger take for granted, wasn't available and in general use. I'm not sure I have seen anything like this video before. I know some will enjoy it and the message of Choosing Life, and some will argue again for a woman's right to choose. Either way, I hope all watch the video first.
The relationship between mother and unborn is this:
the mother supplies nurishment to the separate being.
the mother supplies warmth.
all other biological systems between mother and unborn are separate.
The relationship between mother and newborn is this:
the mother supplies nurishment to the separate being.
the mother supplies the means of warmth.
all other biological systems between mother and unborn are separate.
I personally think that videos of this sort border on the macabre. My appreciation of nature is limited to outward beauty bacause I live in the depths of shallowness.