14 Feb 2011 16:06 #11 by Grady

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14 Feb 2011 17:28 #12 by LadyJazzer
Further update:

I got the call back from "Joe"... He told me that under Jefferson County Election Rules, the operative portions of the Jefferson County Election Laws state that if a qualified voter request an Absentee Ballot (by mail or fax), then the Director of the Election (DoE), MUST provide one. (That would be Jeff Lindsay, if I understand the information on the website.)

He said the controlling part of the law for this is "Title 1, Article 8-102" and 1-8-104...

I did a scan on the JeffCo website and I found at least a high-level summary of the second one: ... _10034.pdf

"Colorado Revised Statutes §1-8-104"

I you do a search within the document for the phrase: "Statutes §1-8-104" you find it in the second paragraph, but all it references is the length of time that absentee ballots must be retained after an election. Obviously there is more than that to it, but that's all I can find from here.

I specifically asked, "What if I request an absentee ballot from the DoE, and it is denied?" Joe's response was, "You take it to the District Court, and cite the governing portion of the statute regarding the portion of the law that says if you request an absentee ballot it MUST be provided."

So, that's as far as I've gotten so far. I think someone else is going to have to follow up by getting a legitimate address or fax-number for the DoE, Jeff Lindsay. Apparently there is some of this information on the proponents website:

I think it may require a call to Mr. Lindsay to make it clear that absentee ballots are GOING to be required.

And that's all I have at the moment... I'll pursue it more tomorrow....

Updated to add: In the document referenced on the website, Footnote [5], the Court Order link takes you to "Title 32: Special Districts"... If you search on "absentee" you find one paragraph:

32-1-804.1. Call for nominations. Not less than seventy-five days nor more than ninety days before a regular special district election, the designated election official shall provide notice by publication of a call for nominations for the election. The call shall state the special district director offices to be voted upon at the election, where a self-nomination and acceptance form may be obtained, the deadline for submitting the self-nomination and acceptance form to the designated election official, and information on obtaining an absentee ballot.

I suggest someone should keep an eye on the local newspapers, Canyon Courier/High Timber Times, and the Denver Post for such a published notice. (FYI, 75 days on the "not less than" side would be Thursday, February 17, 2011... That's three days from now... If they want to play dirty, it could be posted on Thursday, and meet the letter of the law.)

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15 Feb 2011 19:26 - 03 Mar 2011 17:35 #13 by Kracker

LadyJazzer wrote: Update:

I called the JeffCo Elections Department today. I was referred to the "Division of Local Governments". (303.866.2156). After a short wait on-hold, I was transferred to "Joe, in Elections"... I explained that with an election of such an important nature, I could not believe that a resident would not be allowed to vote absentee on it if they knew they would not be present on the day of the election. "Joe" is researching it and will call back.

I got a second number of the "Elections Director", Josh Liss; (303.271.8147). I was told that if I didn't get my question answered to my satisfaction at the first number, then call back on this number and speak to Josh.

It strikes me that if there is a sudden number of callers calling about the same situation, it might "get their attention" and make them realize that disenfranchising a bunch of voters who could be affected by the outcome is not going to go down well....

If I hear back from "Joe", I'll post the result.

Here's what I think will happen sometime in the next few weeks.

Jeff Lindsay (the illegitimate designated election official), in consultation with the proponents' attorney, will probably ultimately settle for sending mail-in ballots to those who individually request them so that they can defuse this issue and make it appear as if they are being fair.

We cannot allow them to get away with that ploy! We need to accept nothing less than mail-in ballots for EVERY permanent mail-in voter in the entire Conifer-285 Corridor.! We need to stand up for every single one of those voters and demand that they all receive mail-in ballots! I mean, how about the very elderly who can't drive and have signed up for mail-in ballots? Some people can't even easily afford gas for their cars. It's really disgusting what these crooks are doing to people here.

No voter in the Conifer-285 Corridor--not one--should be forced to come on bended knee to the likes of Jeff Lindsay, who is an illegitimate designated election official to begin with, because he is one of the proponents.

This election needs to be run by an independent, neutral, third party just like every other election is run. Jeff Lindsay is one of the proponents!! How the hell did he come to be the DEO of this election? Jeff Lindsay needs to step down now!!! and turn the election over to a neutral, third-party person so that we can have a fair election.

Why don't you ask this guy, Josh, why the Jefferson County Elections Division isn't stepping in to investigate the proponents' takeover of the DEO position and why Jeffco Elections isn't appointing a neutral third-party to run this election. That would solve all the problems, including the mail-in ballot problem. Right now, we have a proponent in charge of the election. It's appalling and it has to change! Isn't this America?

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16 Feb 2011 08:27 #14 by LadyJazzer
I just sent this message to FOCPR:

To: .

After speaking to the Division of Local Governments, and county Elections Director, Josh Liss, they pointed me to this paragraph in the "Title 32, Special Districts" statutes:

"32-1-804.1. Call for nominations. Not less than seventy-five days nor more than ninety days before a regular special district election, the designated election official shall provide notice by publication of a call for nominations for the election. The call shall state the special district director offices to be voted upon at the election, where a self-nomination and acceptance form may be obtained, the deadline for submitting the self-nomination and acceptance form to the designated election official, and information on obtaining an absentee ballot."

Since I know that I will have to be out of town on the day of the election, I would like instructions on who to contact for an absentee ballot so that I can vote on this important election. Mr. Liss suggested that I contact him back if no such provisions can be provided.

Thank you for the information in advance.

We'll see if they will volunteer the information, or what their response is. If I have not heard back within 5 working days, I will forward the contents of my email request to Joe Liss, Elections Director.

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18 Feb 2011 10:32 #15 by Boneyard
OK folks, looks like this will not be a mail-in ballot even if you are signed up with the county for one. If you missed it there is a Public Notice on page 22 of this week’s (2-16-11) High Timber Times with the heading “Call For Nominations”.
If you want to get on the ballot for a Director position you must obtain a self-nomination form and submit it by 5 PM February 25th. That is next Friday.
If you want a mail-in ballot you must request one from the designated election official by April 26th.

The contact information given is:
Sue Blair, Designated Election Official
C/O Community Resource Services
3855 Lewiston Street, Suite 140
Aurora, CO 80011
Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM
Phone 303-381-4960
Fax 303-381-4961
Email: .

I would recommend using register mail for any contact with them so you have a record of them receiving your request.

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