Budget 2011 - Obama asks for record deficit

14 Feb 2011 22:18 #11 by archer

CriticalBill wrote: One day, if we ever manage to get this country out of debt, the history books (the correct ones) will show how the people of this country (the correct ones) pressured the government to change it's ways by voting out those who were unwilling to give us the CORRECT CHANGE!!

Where were you 10 years ago when we had a surplus and your president decided it was a good time to take that surplus and give it back to the people.....yeah that made a lot of sense, thats like some hard workin stiff deciding he has too much money in savings and gives some of it back to his employer. We sure could use that money now. Did you complain when the cost to fund two wars was purposefully kept out of the budget so it wouldn't look like we were spending ourselves into deep debt?

I take exception to your cutesy use of "the correct ones" like you all haven't had a hand in this country's financial troubles......conservatives helped get us into this mess, and I have yet to see any sign that they have even an iota of an idea how to get us out. They can sure fill up signs with slogans, but as for practical solutions....well so far they are batting zero. Don't be surprised when two years from now the conservatives get voted out because they failed to accomplish anything they were sent to washington for........did people really vote for this bunch of whiners who can't even agree among themselves where costs should be cut?

They are no different than the democrats.....they don't want to touch anything that might make their constituents angry.....like SS, or medicare.....or corporate tax breaks...or the military...or higher taxes.....or letting the tax breaks for the wealthy expire.....nope, they are nickle and diming the discretionary spending to death, knowing full well no matter how much they cut that spending, it won't make a dent in the deficit worth talking about.

Anyone who thinks that just because the "people" put some yokel in power that he/she is going to work in their best interest is deluding themselves. From the day they got to washington they have had one thing on their mind.....how can I get re-elected. It surely won't be by making the hard choices......it will be by smoke and mirrors.....looking like you are cutting spending while never, ever, doing anything that might get you voted out of office.

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14 Feb 2011 22:42 #12 by Blazer Bob

archer wrote: [Anyone who thinks that just because the "people" put some yokel in power that he/she is going to work in their best interest is deluding themselves. From the day they got to washington they have had one thing on their mind.....how can I get re-elected. It surely won't be by making the hard choices......it will be by smoke and mirrors.....looking like you are cutting spending while never, ever, doing anything that might get you voted out of office.

Any part of this you do not understand?

neptunechimney wrote: [ It will not happen unless enough of the voting public keeps a gun to the heads of all the political class. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Not to put words in your mouth, but my guess is your first response would be to say that you were responding to CB's post, but it is obvious that your post generalizes with the same broad brush you usually use. Why don't you join us in holding the gun instead of wallowing in a swamp of parisian BS.

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14 Feb 2011 22:53 #13 by archer
what is partisan BS about thinking that both parties had a hand in getting us into this mess....and neither party has the guts to make the hard decisions to get us out? I referred mostly to conservatives because they were the topic of the post I was responding to....how wonderful it was going to be because they took power and now would be doing the will of the people.....well I, for one, have never seen either party do the "will of the people" they do what is best for themselves and their party.

What say we let the liberals hold the gun to the head of the Republicans, and let the conservatives hold the gun to the heads of the Democrats.......that could get really interesting.

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14 Feb 2011 23:03 #14 by Blazer Bob

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14 Feb 2011 23:09 #15 by archer
yeah, pretty depressing, isn't it.

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15 Feb 2011 07:33 #16 by Rick

archer wrote:
What say we let the liberals hold the gun to the head of the Republicans, and let the conservatives hold the gun to the heads of the Democrats.......that could get really interesting.

OMG!! You are just like Palin! This is the kind of violent hateful rhetoric that causes people to go on shooting sprees!! :Whistle

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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15 Feb 2011 08:08 #17 by Nobody that matters

CriticalBill wrote:

archer wrote:
What say we let the liberals hold the gun to the head of the Republicans, and let the conservatives hold the gun to the heads of the Democrats.......that could get really interesting.

OMG!! You are just like Palin! This is the kind of violent hateful rhetoric that causes people to go on shooting sprees!! :Whistle

There's gonna be a shootout in congress, and the FBI is gonna come knocking on archer's door.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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15 Feb 2011 09:18 #18 by archer

Nobody that matters wrote:

CriticalBill wrote:

archer wrote:
What say we let the liberals hold the gun to the head of the Republicans, and let the conservatives hold the gun to the heads of the Democrats.......that could get really interesting.

OMG!! You are just like Palin! This is the kind of violent hateful rhetoric that causes people to go on shooting sprees!! :Whistle

There's gonna be a shootout in congress, and the FBI is gonna come knocking on archer's door.

You guys are sooooo funny....neptune makes a comment about holding a gun to the heads of congress and not a peep out of you

neptunechimney wrote: [ It will not happen unless enough of the voting public keeps a gun to the heads of all the political class. Metaphorically speaking of course.

I use the same "metaphor" and you are all over my case. I can think of nothing more demeaning than being compared to Sarah Palin :VeryScared:

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15 Feb 2011 09:43 #19 by Nobody that matters

archer wrote: I use the same "metaphor" and you are all over my case. I can think of nothing more demeaning than being compared to Sarah Palin

That's why it was more fun to rib you about it :biggrin:

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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15 Feb 2011 09:48 #20 by BearMtnHIB

A bunch of entilement minded blood suckers and kumbaya singing patchouli lovers that think the government knows what's best for society.

Hilarious, but true.

This proposed budget once again proves that Obama has no clue what the people want, and no clue about the recent movement which replaced many big spending liberals with tea party supported candidates.

If your out to destroy a country, this would be exactly the way to do it- continue to spend until all credit hits the bankrupt wall. It's the same way you or I could destroy our families - spend so far above our means that there is no possible way out.

And our government may have already done this to us. Forget about our kids and grandkids for a minute because this will affect US. We will be severely affected by this mess real soon, each and every one of us. The damage is done.

There is only one road that even starts to turn this around - deep cuts in government spending. This years budget should be cut by a few trillion, the federal government pared back to the bare essentials only. Hundreds of thousands of government employees should be let go. Entitlement programs need to be eliminated, but also every other line item in the budget needs to be slashed to the bone. Obiviously this is not going to happen, but that is what desperately needs to happen - and now.

Even the entilement minded blood suckers and kumbaya singing patchouli lovers should be able to realize the train wreck that is coming our way if we don't.

So for all the liberals - there is the solution, will you get on-board? For all the whining - the only solution I ever see them offer is to keep on spending, just as Obama is proposing with his budget. Dont say that conservatives have no solution - we do. Deep cuts in government must start now to save us from total collapse.

And raising taxes on an already damaged economy is not a solution - not even close. The problems our economy is experiencing now is largely due to our government growing out of control and if you further raise taxes from here - it will crush any hope for a recovery.

So to sum it all up - I don't think the necessary cuts will happen and ultimately we're all screwed. Plan accordingly.

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