Budget 2011 - Obama asks for record deficit

15 Feb 2011 10:41 #21 by archer
deep cuts....deep cuts....deep cuts.....we keep hearing the mantra but get no specifics.....where will you cut? You want to let go hundreds of thousands of government employees....there goes the unemployment numbers up....up...up. Shall we cut the military budget deeply? I'm betting you would happily cut services to seniors and the poor while keeping tax breaks for the wealthy.....it seems when conservatives talk cuts they do it on the backs of the poor/middleclass/ and seniors. Would you bite the bullet and cut deductions for the wealthy? Close tax loopholes for corporations? or just attack SS and medicare? How would it help our grandkids if they end up having to support their grandparents and parents because SS and medicare have been slashed? Get specific.....where do you want to cut.......even the Republican run house can't agree on where to cut, or what to cut, but the thought of having to raise some taxes gives them apoplexy.......they just don't have the guts to really make the hard choices, they would rather criticize dems than actually do anything themselves.....a lot of CYA going on in the house these days by reps.

BTW.....I don't know anyone who likes patchouli......

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15 Feb 2011 10:51 #22 by outdoor338
archer, we can't afford to run our country the way it is. You would never run your home budget the way the gov is doing it now, would you? Both dems and republicans have to work on it..and obama wanting a 53 billion fast rail system, shows me how out of touch he is with the shape of the country is in right now..

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15 Feb 2011 11:02 #23 by archer

outdoor338 wrote: archer, we can't afford to run our country the way it is. You would never run your home budget the way the gov is doing it now, would you? Both dems and republicans have to work on it..and obama wanting a 53 billion fast rail system, shows me how out of touch he is with the shape of the country is in right now..

Sheesh outdoor....you are just as bad as the house republicans...so easy to say we can't.....but not a peep on what we can do. Where would you cut? Actually spending on infrastructure is one of the few spending ideas I agree with........we are falling farther and farther behind the rest of the world in transportation and infrastructure....and money spent in that area IS an investment in our future. Just as a family feels that money spent on a child's education, even if it has to be borrowed....is money well spent.

I would suggest we start cutting the ridiculous no-bid contracts from the military, completely redo the tax code to close the loopholes for the wealthy and corporations,.....and even some middle class taxpayers....and make the tax system easier to administrate.

I agree with Trump (horrors!!!!!) that a tax needs to be placed on Chinese and other foreign goods even if it means higher prices for Americans....... I would like to see a national sales tax on everything except food and medicine.....that would tax those who have the money to spend and not so much those who don't.....I'd like to see less money sent overseas in the form of aid to foreign governments (though that is only a drop in the budget bucket), I'd like to see more spent on enforcement of medicare and medicaid protocol, saving money in the long run on abuses of the system......I'd raise the cap on medicare and SS contributions.....maybe eliminate a cap altogether. If we are going to inflict economic pain, lets not inflict it only on working stiffs.....

And that is just the beginning

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15 Feb 2011 12:01 #24 by Blazer Bob

archer wrote: [What say we let the liberals hold the gun to the head of the Republicans, and let the conservatives hold the gun to the heads of the Democrats.......that could get really interesting.

neptunechimney wrote: [ It will not happen unless enough of the voting public keeps a gun to the heads of all the political class. Metaphorically speaking of course.

I use the same "metaphor" and you are all over my case. I can think of nothing more demeaning than being compared to Sarah Palin :VeryScared: [/quote]

Since you see no difference in our statements, you have forever forfeited you right to object to metaphors. The question of the hour is when it happens again, will you speak out criticizing lefties who jump on the same tired old horse.
rofllol rofllol

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15 Feb 2011 12:30 - 15 Feb 2011 12:42 #25 by BearMtnHIB

I would suggest we start cutting the ridiculous no-bid contracts from the military, completely redo the tax code to close the loopholes for the wealthy and corporations,.....and even some middle class taxpayers....and make the tax system easier to administrate.

I'd agree to some of the above but

Here's what I'd like to see them do....

Revamp the entire tax system and eliminate all tax breaks and loopholes. Set the corporate income tax at 15% for all companies.

Eliminate the individual income tax. Set up a consumption tax - say 10 to 15% for all goods and services. Set up a balanced budget amendment to keep government spending from ever exceeding what they take in- unless we are at war. If we are at war - the budget can only increase the amount that it takes to win the war. During good years - the gov will make more money, during bad years - they will need to cut back along with the taxpayers.

Eliminate all forign aid in one fell swoop. I would also cut all military spending that was not necessary - this includes things like the 1.5 billion dollars we give to countries like Egypt.

Fight wars to win. Start fighting wars with our best weapons and the least amount of soldiers - nukes if necessary. Wars should be fought in terms of "people killed per dollar". More people dead for less dollars.

No rebuilding any country we are forced to go to war with- that should be left to any possible survivors, if any. My guess is that after a war or two - no country will want to go to war with us again.

Eliminate all funding for the following;

Federal Reserve system
Dept of education

And a whole list of others.

Transition social security and medicare to private systems with minimal regulations - each citizen responsible for their own retirement money.

Eliminate all farm subsidy. Eliminate ethonol subsidy. Eliminate all green energy subsidy. No subsidy to any energy industry - create a level playing field for all. Review all federal regulations with an eye toward elimination.

Eliminate all funding for welfare, food stamps, low income housing. Only those totally unable to care for themselves should be left in the system. Eliminate all funding for college loans and grants - every individual responsible to fund their own education.

None of the above funding would be necessary because the economy would boom.

Middle and low income Americans pay the same income tax rate as the very rich - this is so far overdue it's not even funny. It's time to get every dog in the fight.

Greatly reduce or eliminate regulations that are keeping businesses from growing or expanding - at the federal, state and local levels.

The above would be a good start - but basically reduce government to only those functions that the constitution allows.

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15 Feb 2011 12:37 #26 by archer

neptunechimney wrote:

archer wrote: [What say we let the liberals hold the gun to the head of the Republicans, and let the conservatives hold the gun to the heads of the Democrats.......that could get really interesting.

neptunechimney wrote: [ It will not happen unless enough of the voting public keeps a gun to the heads of all the political class. Metaphorically speaking of course.

I use the same "metaphor" and you are all over my case. I can think of nothing more demeaning than being compared to Sarah Palin :VeryScared:

Since you see no difference in our statements, you have forever forfeited you right to object to metaphors. The question of the hour is when it happens again, will you speak out criticizing lefties who jump on the same tired old horse.
rofllol rofllol [/quote]

gotta love the na..na..na..na mentality of our resident righties. get over it neptune. There is this HUGE difference between you and I using such a metaphor on a local message board and a national personality such as Sarah Palin using it from her podium (I'm not saying she ever did, only that it would be different)....there is also a difference in our using a metaphor like this one and a rightie poster saying that a liberal poster should die, that is no metaphor. So yeah, I'll let the metaphors pass, I won't let direct death wishes/threats for other posters, or even for liberals in general, pass without pointing out the hatred.

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15 Feb 2011 12:43 #27 by archer
BearMtnHIB....I think many middle class wage earners would love to pay the same percentage of their own income in tax as the top 1% do.....by his own admission, Warren Buffet pays a lower percentage of income tax than does his house keeper........The very wealthy have the means and oppotunity to shield much of their income from taxes.....when I was working as a tax accountant I marvelled at how easy it was for the very wealthy not to pay income taxes....so yeah, bring on equal taxation. I have always been in favor of a simple tax code.....what we have now is so unwieldy....it's why i won't do taxes any more other than my own.......it's almost impossible for one person to keep up with the changes, the little quirks, and the complexity of what we have now.

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15 Feb 2011 12:50 #28 by BearMtnHIB

BearMtnHIB....I think many middle class wage earners would love to pay the same percentage of their own income in tax as the top 1% do.....by his own admission, Warren Buffet pays a lower percentage of income tax than does his house keeper........The very wealthy have the means and oppotunity to shield much of their income from taxes.....when I was working as a tax accountant I marvelled at how easy it was for the very wealthy not to pay income taxes....so yeah, bring on equal taxation. I have always been in favor of a simple tax code.....what we have now is so unwieldy....it's why i won't do taxes any more other than my own.......it's almost impossible for one person to keep up with the changes, the little quirks, and the complexity of what we have now.

See - we CAN agree on things to do. Just think of all those government accountants we can fire on the first day! All those IRS agents.

Slash and burn - cut big government down to size. The other benefit is that both liberals and conservatives alike will have less to argue about. You lefties hate unnecessary military spending as much as we conservatives hate the welfare state.

We should get rid of all of it at once.

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15 Feb 2011 13:11 #29 by The Viking

archer wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: archer, we can't afford to run our country the way it is. You would never run your home budget the way the gov is doing it now, would you? Both dems and republicans have to work on it..and obama wanting a 53 billion fast rail system, shows me how out of touch he is with the shape of the country is in right now..

Sheesh outdoor....you are just as bad as the house republicans...so easy to say we can't.....but not a peep on what we can do. Where would you cut? Actually spending on infrastructure is one of the few spending ideas I agree with........we are falling farther and farther behind the rest of the world in transportation and infrastructure....and money spent in that area IS an investment in our future. Just as a family feels that money spent on a child's education, even if it has to be borrowed....is money well spent.

I would suggest we start cutting the ridiculous no-bid contracts from the military, completely redo the tax code to close the loopholes for the wealthy and corporations,.....and even some middle class taxpayers....and make the tax system easier to administrate.

I agree with Trump (horrors!!!!!) that a tax needs to be placed on Chinese and other foreign goods even if it means higher prices for Americans....... I would like to see a national sales tax on everything except food and medicine.....that would tax those who have the money to spend and not so much those who don't.....I'd like to see less money sent overseas in the form of aid to foreign governments (though that is only a drop in the budget bucket), I'd like to see more spent on enforcement of medicare and medicaid protocol, saving money in the long run on abuses of the system......I'd raise the cap on medicare and SS contributions.....maybe eliminate a cap altogether. If we are going to inflict economic pain, lets not inflict it only on working stiffs.....

And that is just the beginning

OK, I have a question for you. When you and many others ask, 'where would you cut?' Let me ask this. How did this nation get by 3 years ago with a budget half to 1/3 of what they are proposing now? And how is it that we our largest deficit before Obama and the Dems took over all conrtol was just over $400 billion for a year and now we are up to $1.65 Trillion this year? When you ask what can we cut, what about going back to the pre-Dem controlled budgets? This nations seemed to be doing just fine then.

Here are some fun charts looking into our future unless we do something about SS and Medicare

And everyone wants to blame national defence spednign when it is lower now than ever in history and they managed to balance a budget just fine for decades when it was twice as high.

Look what happened in 09 and 10 and 11 are much worse.

The climb increased dramatically after the Dems took over control of both houses in 07 and then went into hyperdrive when they got Obama's pen to sign everything.

Hang on people. Obama's policies have put us on pace for an out of control and unsustainable ride!

This is unsustainable! Projected Growth in Mandatory Spending vs. GDP

Entitlements, entitlenments, entitlements, mandatory spending, and people need to take on personal responsibility!

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15 Feb 2011 13:20 #30 by archer
Where in all those charts does it tell us where and how Republicans are going to make deep cuts? We have to be careful how we cut spending and where we cut it....sure a family could say lets just not buy groceries, that will cut our spending.....but they will all die. Same with the government, we have to pick carefully where and how we cut spending so the country doesn't die.....I am reminded of an old saying, "the operation was a success, but the patient died".

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