"The Left’s most recent accusations against the Koch Brothers are in regards to the showdown between Republican Governor Scott Walker and Wisconsin public employee unions. For some insane reason they think the evil, plotting Koch Brothers are completely behind the Governor’s attempt at becoming a more business friendly state in order to help the economy."
"You read that correctly – Unions have spent $551,244,577 more over the last 11 years than Koch Industries.
The Koch's have created thousands of jobs over the years. Good paying jobs at that! What's there to hate?
Riiiiiiight.... And you got that from a Rightie-BLOG... Got it...
Well, god knows, I feel sorry for the Koch Brothers now... I should go write a check for $5 and send it tomorrow... We've got to keep their strength up....
rofllol rofllol
(Last year, Forbes magazine listed the brothers as the nation's fifth-richest people, each worth $21.5 billion. (That's roughly $43 BILLION together...)
What about those Koch Brothers? And Trevor Rees-Jones, Harold Simmons, Robert Rowling, Sheldon Adelson, Carl Lindner, George Argyros, Stanley Stub Hubbard, Peter Thiel, Richard T. 'Dick' Farmer, and Roger Milliken.
Yeah, with 12 BILLIONAIRES aligned against that whole union, and ALL of them dumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the coffers, sure looks like the Koch Brothers, et. al., are nearing pauper-hood.
You will always get the same responses from LJ. Vilify those who don't agree with you. It's the tactic of the Left!!!! Why bother trying to get an answer?
Discussing the Koch Brothers vs. the unions in a vacuum without also discussing the other 12 billionaires that are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the war is an irrelevant comparison.
...top 25 Heavy Hitters mostly support Democrats. The number one being a progressive special interest group and the number two being a public employees’ union. Shocked? You shouldn’t be unless you are a Left Winger who is fed lies by the DNC, OFA, Union groups and of course the Liberally biased Main Stream Media."
A little inconvenient truth...
It’s pretty clear from the amounts above that special interest groups such as ActBlue and Unions such as AFSCME spend the majority of their money on Democrats. Associations and Businesses tend to spend their money more evenly across party lines, with Associations leaning slightly Right and Businesses leaning slightly more Right.
which brings us to the conservative mantra....money that goes to conservative causes is good.....money that goes to liberal causes is bad.......got it? You betcha!!