Obama admits that he is Muslim!

21 Feb 2011 19:58 #11 by pineinthegrass

major bean wrote: LJ, what you have posted was about a different bunch of videos. If you knew this then you are being very deceitful. If not, then you are just plain ignorant and will post anything that seems to support your stance.

Again, your quote does not address this interview.

"What a load of crap". I assume that you were introducing the substance of your post.

Yes, LJ's link is about another video (which was doctored), not about this video. This video was just a tiny clip taken totally out of context by someone who has an ageda to make Obama look as bad as possible.

major bean wrote: Nice spin. But if you listen to the whole interview to which you linked, it plainly shows that Obama made a slip and admitted that he is Muslim.
Nice spin though. Their analysis is a good attempt to salvage what was plainly slipped in the interview. Listen to it again in its entirety and forget the spin. It is very damning.

Your post makes no sense. You are either kidding with us, or you must be "impaired" this evening. You say he made a slip, and that's what he did. A slip doesn't prove anything. And it really wasn't much of a slip when viewed in the full context.

The more complete video makes it clear he made no such "admission". Not to anyone with an ounce of common sense and fairness, anyway. Geeze...


And yes, this has been posted before and debunked before. You are way late to the party.

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21 Feb 2011 20:12 #12 by LadyJazzer
Tiresome, isn't it?

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21 Feb 2011 20:19 #13 by archer
Tiresome? Yes. But certainly not surprising....once major bean, or a few other righties here decide that they are the definitive source of truth...well there ain't no changing their minds
I am surprised they would bring up such an old outrage that has been debunked more often than Boehner cries. Must have been a slow day for outrages

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21 Feb 2011 20:22 #14 by FredHayek
:Whistle Don't you know? Obama won't admit he is a Muslim until he wins in 2012 and he will also replace the Secret Service with the Muslim Brotherhood on the same day.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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21 Feb 2011 20:49 #15 by pineinthegrass

archer wrote: I am surprised they would bring up such an old outrage that has been debunked more often than Boehner cries.

And here is a video about the Daily Cryer from the Daily Caller (a conservative owned website)...


Yes, they pick and chose the clips, and you don't always see the full context. But it's not doctored, and you can't fake the tears.

Just asking you conservatives... are you comfortable with this guy 3rd in line to the presidency? OK, I'll admit I'm not comfortable with Biden either, but this guy??

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21 Feb 2011 21:32 #16 by major bean
pineinthegrass, a slip is whenever you unintentionally tell the truth. A slip is not a statement of the wrong facts, but rather a statement of the correct facts in an unguarded moment. (Duh!)

It may have been debunked to your satisfaction, but your standards might be set much to low.

pineinthegrass, is your last post what might be called deflection? It shows that you are closeminded and will not entertain the truth about the subject of this post but want to look at something else which might reinforce your preconcieved notions. It is called bigotry.

Major Bean

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21 Feb 2011 21:42 #17 by outdoor338
pine, your joking, right? 3rd in line??? You had pelosi and then you have Boehner...I'd take Boehner any day! Nancy is out of touch with America...I'm surprised she wasn't tarred and feathered when she left as #3....I find no weakness when someone shows emotions...I find weakness when someone is always apologizing for things he has no business apologizing for..jmtcw

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21 Feb 2011 21:43 #18 by archer

major bean wrote: pineinthegrass, a slip is whenever you unintentionally tell the truth. A slip is not a statement of the wrong facts, but rather a statement of the correct facts in an unguarded moment. (Duh!).

Where did you ever get that idea? A slip is a slip, often times when a word (in this case the word "muslim") is used several times, and then it is your turn to speak that word, now in the forefront of your subconscious, will come out when not intended. I don't think, however, that is even what happened...he meant to say, quite clearly, that McCain had never referred to his Muslim faith because he, McCain, knows that Obama is not a Muslim.

But hey, you enjoy your little theory that Obama is a muslim and he said so himself, you....and maybe 10 others (6 of them probably on this message board) are the only ones who would believe that wild tale.

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21 Feb 2011 21:46 #19 by archer

outdoor338 wrote: pine, your joking, right? 3rd in line??? You had pelosi and then you have Boehner...I'd take Boehner any day! Nancy is out of touch with America...I'm surprised she wasn't tarred and feathered when she left as #3....I find no weakness when someone shows emotions...I find weakness when someone is always apologizing for things he has no business apologizing for..jmtcw

Then you should absolutely hate Boehner...he is mr I'm sorry....didn't mean to be so emotional....oops, sorry, didn't mean to cry over that......oh say, look at me crying again, sorry.

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21 Feb 2011 22:46 #20 by pineinthegrass

major bean wrote: pineinthegrass, a slip is whenever you unintentionally tell the truth. A slip is not a statement of the wrong facts, but rather a statement of the correct facts in an unguarded moment. (Duh!)

It may have been debunked to your satisfaction, but your standards might be set much to low.

pineinthegrass, is your last post what might be called deflection? It shows that you are closeminded and will not entertain the truth about the subject of this post but want to look at something else which might reinforce your preconcieved notions.

So a slip is a statement of the correct facts? That's what you said and it's laughable, unguarded moment or not. I could post slip after slip... and I at least have the honesty to admit they are slips, unlike you...



OK, to further entertain and be fair, a Bill Clinton slip too...


Again, these are all slips of the tongue, just like the video you posted (which has been posted before).

major bean wrote: It is called bigotry

Amazing. The first time I ever have any direct conversation with you, you say I'm a bigot. Great retort! Again, you make no sense. All you can do it bring up the bigot card? That's all you got? Go ahead and defend your dumb video taken entirely out of context. But no, you just call me a bigot. And BTW, no conservative has yet directly supported your video, other than attack me and others. Like I said, it's already been discussed months ago.

outdoor338 wrote: pine, your joking, right? 3rd in line??? You had pelosi and then you have Boehner...I'd take Boehner any day! Nancy is out of touch with America...I'm surprised she wasn't tarred and feathered when she left as #3....I find no weakness when someone shows emotions...I find weakness when someone is always apologizing for things he has no business apologizing for..jmtcw
pine, your joking, right? 3rd in line??? You had pelosi and then you have Boehner...I'd take Boehner any day! Nancy is out of touch with America...I'm surprised she wasn't tarred and feathered when she left as #3....I find no weakness when someone shows emotions...I find weakness when someone is always apologizing for things he has no business apologizing for..jmtcw

I don't know why I even bother to reply to you because your post about Pelosi has nothing to do with what I said. Pelosi isn't in charge anymore, and no, I wouldn't want to see her as president either, nor Biden (as I already said). And so far as crying goes, if Obama cries in public even once, unless it's about a death of someone close or something similar, will you give your word you won't attack him for it? To be honest, you know the right wing would attack him if he cried, don't you? Come to think of it, even if Obama showed any tears, even at a funeral, I'm convinced it would be posted here.

But I already know you won't admit anything. Just keep cut and pasting. You are better at that than posting any original thought. And at least the cut and pasting does create topics here... :faint:

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