Well I think you may have been asking someone else the questions about Obama lying...I never said he lied about anything. Just ask me one question and I'll answer it honestly.
Here's a simple one for you....When Japan attcked Pearl Harbor, was that an act of war? There were no boots on the ground unless you want to count those of the Kamakazis. So I guess launching a nuke would not be considered getting into a war either since no troops would be deployed in the blast area.
neptunechimney wrote: There were no Kamikazes at Pearl. That was a desperation tactic that came much later in the war.
I thought there were a few...guess I've watched too many war movies Thanks for the info :thumbsup: Still there were no ground troops, just a hit and run like we are doing in Libya.
LadyJazzer wrote: (Still waiting for the pictures or proof of the WMD's.....)
As you are well aware, you are blocked, but I can see your quotes and I MUST ask, Aren't you NOW Glad that G.W. SCARED Gadhaffi to the point that he GAVE up his WMD's?
Because he would use them Let's all PRAY that he doesn't have some stashed the he got from Iran & Iraq?
BTW They're are written statements from saddam's scientist about the DEVELOPMENT of WMDs, and after all if ya can bury a Jet fighter in the desert, why couldn't ya bury much smaller items?
“Some critics of the Bush administration have claimed that the inability of U.S. forces to uncover weapons of mass destruction is proof that the president misled the nation into the war with Iraq.
However, in recent days the critics have fallen silent as word quietly leaked from Iraq that major discoveries have already been made and are now being documented completely. Bush administration officials are keeping any such discoveries secret for the moment.”
You will not agree, Sorry, but these are a few of MY HEROES
CriticalBill wrote: LJ doesn't answer direct questions TTP, she just jumps in and spews her broken record about Bush, Cheney, Beck, and Fox.
Yeah, kind of like the neo-cons just jump in and spew the broken record about Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Olbermann, MSNBC, and Huffington Post... Think of it as a "fair and balanced" response to the usual Rightie bullcrap.
I'm giving you the opportunity to ask me a question and I hope in return you will answer mine. Forget the past, lets just start fresh shall we? Is it possible or not?