ACUPUNCTURE is the insertion of small, sterile needles into the body at specific points on the body to cause a desired healing effect primarily through stimulation of the central nervous system. This technique has been used in human medicine and veterinary practice for at least 3,000 years to treat many ailments. Acupuncture is used as a preventative treatment against various acute and chronic conditions in animals. The American Veterinary Medical Association considers veterinary acupuncture a valid modality within the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery. Used either by itself or in conjunction with Western medicine, veterinary acupuncture can assist the body to heal itself by affecting certain physiological changes.
A healthy body is said to be in “homeostasis” or “balance”. Illness and/or injury cause the body to become unbalanced. Acupuncture is a key therapy used to bring the body back into its proper homeostatic state and is known to affect all major physiologic systems. It works primarily through the central nervous system affecting the Musculoskeletal, hormonal, and cardiovascular systems. It does more than relieve pain. How it works depends on what condition one is treating and which points are utilized. Acupuncture increases circulation, causes a release of many neurochemicals, some of which are endorphins, the body’s “natural pain-killing” hormones, relieves muscle spasms, stimulates nerves, stimulates the body’s defense systems, as well as numerous other beneficial effects.
Acupuncture is mainly indicated for functional problems such as those that involve pain, inflammation, muscle spasms, arthritis, and paralysis. For small animals, the following are some conditions which may be treated with acupuncture:
1. Musculoskeletal and neurological problems
• Arthritis and hip dysplasia
• Intervertebral disk disease
Nerve injuries, paralysis
2. Skin Problems
• Lick granulomas/hot spots
• Allergies
3. Gastrointestinal problems
• Diarrhea, vomiting
4. Miscellaneous
• Feline asthma
• Urination issues
• Eye disorders
For horses, acupuncture is again commonly used for functional problems. Examples include:
1. Musculoskeletal problems
• Back pain
• Shortened stride, cross-firing
• Inability to take a lead
• Sacroiliac disorders
• Founder
• Tendon injuries
2. Gastrointestinal problems
• Non-surgical and/or recurrent colic
• Diarrhea
3. Respiratory disorders
• Heaves
• Nose Bleeds
4. Reproductive problems
• Infertility
5. Eye disorders
• Ulcers
• Dry eye
Nerves integrate every organ and acupuncture stimulates nerves! Acupuncture may decrease the dosage of a medication; alter the body’s reactions, as with allergies; and just help the body heal itself. There are so many ways acupuncture can help & heal even when other treatments have failed.
15% off Acupuncture services with mention of this article and 285 .com thru September
Leticia German, DVM, MS, CVA
Leticia German grew up in Montana around a vast array of animals. She came to Colorado in 1997 to pursue an education in veterinary medicine. Leticia attended CSU for Veterinary Medicine and holds a Bachelor degree in Animal Science and a Masters in Animal Nutrition. After receiving her DVM, Leticia worked for a time in California before returning home to Colorado. Leticia worked in the area for the last 3 years at a local clinic before venturing out on her own, with her business Front Range Equine & Livestock. She recently completed an extensive training course and is a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist.
Dr. Leticia treats a wide variety of large and small animal species and her practice offers comprehensive, integrative care including acupuncture, soft tissue and trigger point therapy, rehabilitation plans, and nutrition consulting. She also provides general health services including vaccines, dental care, blood work, and preventative health care and makes house and farm calls for your convenience.
In addition to her passion for animal health, Leticia is a gourmet food hobbyist, and enjoys travel and fiber arts such as spinning, knitting and crochet. Leticia’s personal pet family consists of two cats, a dog and a Morgan mare that is her great joy. Leticia has spent many years training and bonding with her mare from the beginning stages and understands the great human animal bond regardless of species.