Here are details from LouAnn regarding the missing cats from the fire. Thank you for keeping a look out for them!!
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These are the missing cats since Sunday AM fire on Holmes Gulch Rd in Hi Meadow at CR 72 about five miles.
No photo of the blue russian, but about 7 years old, small...maybe 8 pounds. Widget is her name. She had a blue collar with the name squeeze box and a bell...she is a special needs
any sightings, call 303.910.2434, LuAnn
young looking 12 year old medium haired gray with light black and white markings and huge green eyes. Name is Precious...skiddish but loves wet food. looks much younger than 12...about 8 pounds. another visitor, no special needs
SPECIAL NEEDS!! Sammie, 2 or 3 year old brown, black and red torbie; tortoise on bottom and tabby on top. no tail...manx syndrome and needs special medical care asap. maybe 8 or 9 pounds, solid and compact....very skiddish