This morning one of our dogs was almost caught by a coyote so please be on the lookout.
Our dogs are not allowed to be outside without one of us and this morning after they ate we let them out as usual.
After being out for several minutes a lone coyote appeared and started to chase one of the dogs. My husband ran toward the coyote screaming and it did not back down. Our dog had the invisible fence on one side of him and the coyote on the other. Just then another coyote appeared and took aim at our dog which left him no other option but to flee over the invisible fence with the coyote close behind.
The one that my husband was in a standoff with soon took chase and then a third. Our little guy was going as fast as he could and soon they were out of sight of my husband who was trailing them.
After both of us searched for our baby for two hours he made his way back home unharmed but shaking horribly.
Please watch you fuzzy kids and your regular kids, we have never seen a coyote not back down or run off when we have approached them. This is their country but if they come again and try to attack there will be one less coyote in this world.
Hmm, no aggresive coyotes? I have never heard of one eating a salad. They are carnivores and they like to eat.... I believe they are generally not aggressive toward humans.
MTN Dollar glad you dog was fast, and smart, extra cookies tonight.