if so, and if you are/were a gardener, what would you call or what do you know about "Mischkultur"? I used to garden that way very successfully many years ago but can't find any books regarding the subject in english and of course I forgot most of it. It would be fun to re-discover. let me know.
Sophia S Paul, Broker Associate Home Real Estate Bailey, CO
Mixed Culture gardening seems very similar to the Square Foot Gardening concept -- that is putting mixed plants in close proximity. Watch this and see if you agree.
its pretty interesting but not quite what i am looking for. From what I remember you plant certain plants together (and others are to avoid each other) to enhance flavor, growth and repel pests etc. I just can't remember which ones and I dont' seem to find a book that explains it. But thanks for sharing Wayne. That is kind of what I am doing right now (the greenhouse is exploding and I need more room to thin out and replant)
Sophia S Paul, Broker Associate Home Real Estate Bailey, CO
You do that in square foot gardening, too. You can put different plants in adjoining squares that affect each other. What the video didn't explain is that in each square you can put up to six plants. It less labor intensive than row gardening.
Rockdoc Franz wrote: Ja aber Ich habe keine Ahnung, über die Gartenarbeit Sie ungefähr fragten.
Ich kenne nichts um Gartenbau entweder aber es macht Spab, in einer anderen Sprache und Ausführungsleute denken, dass ich klüger bin, zu reden, als ich bin wirklich.