Restoring grasslands by managing encroaching trees, shrubs and weeds is the main theme in a list of 2011 grants for Colorado from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
Along with improving wildlife foraging areas, RMEF funding also will help Colorado with a new research project to map elk and deer movements and habitat use. Data will help biologists maximize hunting as a management tool in Delores, Montezuma and San Miguel counties.
All together, the new RMEF grants total $144,150 and affect 12 counties: Dolores, Eagle, Fremont, Grand, Gunnison, La Plata, Mesa, Mineral, Montezuma, Park, Saguache and San Miguel.
Park County–Improve meadows and aspen stands used by elk and deer in winter months by removing conifer with a hydro axe and prescribe burning 2,167 acres in the Reinecker Ridge area of James Mark Jones State Wildlife Area.