Well, I almost need to retract what I said about this new Mad Max from the EVIL DEAD thread. It seems this may follow the story more closely than I thought....interesting. Deffinitely will have to see what the trailer looks like and possibly give this one a go in the theater as well, if and when it gets released....
FredHayek wrote: Finally! It seems like I have been reading about this film for two years.
I know, it's been killin' me too. After all the rumors, it looks to be pretty in line with the trilogy. One can only hope, but for starters, Max Rockatansky is BACK! It ain't Mel, but the guy stepping in (Tom Hardy) has had great reviews as an actor. If you've seen the movie Lawless, with Shilo LaDouche (hehehe) Tom Hardy is Shilo's brother Forest, the one that lives through everything and then...well, I won't spoil it for those that haven't seen it . However, everyone has seen the new Batman, and Hardy played BAIN....and I've seen him in plenty of others, the list is vast. Band of Brothers would have to be one of my favorites.
Back to biznass:
MAX is set for release in 2014 though Fred, so it looks like we still have some serious waiting to do. lol