Restaurants, customers return for dine-in service

05 Jun 2020 16:35 #1 by ClearCreekCourant
Idaho Springs’ Miner Street looked about as busy this weekend as it did pre-pandemic now that Colorado restaurants are reopening for dine-in service.

The sounds and smells of a busy restaurant and the hustle and bustle of a dine-in experience returned. But, with it came a new normal: Servers wore masks and used digital devices for customers to pay their bills, tables were more than six feet away from each other, and customers were social-distancing — even in the restrooms.

“I’ve missed it, personally,” customer Emily Meggison of Littleton said of the dine-in experience. “If you’re not comfortable yet, it’s there when you want it.”

Westbound reopened for dine-in Friday, and Templet described how several locals returned for their usual Friday night beers.

“I almost teared up,” he said of the experience. “Everyone’s had a lot of emotions every day about this thing.”

Read more here:
By Corinne Westeman
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

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06 Jun 2020 10:27 #2 by FredHayek
Good luck restaurant owners and workers. We have dined out a few times in the past two weeks. It has actually been pretty nice so far. The restaurants aren't packed, they are more quiet. People aren't sitting on top of each other. We are trying to spend more than we usually do to help out the businesses and tip more than normal.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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