After a devastating fire damaged the historic building, Lucha Cantina owners loo

12 Jun 2020 17:49 #1 by ClearCreekCourant
Walking through the rathskeller beneath the main floor of Georgetown’s Lucha Cantina is like seeing a moment frozen in time — a moment before the pandemic and before the fire.

Condiments, napkins and small promotional flyers rest on each table, billiard balls sit as if they’d just been played, and — miraculously — the famous initials remain intact on the ceiling.

On May 15, the building that once housed local landmark Red Ram Restaurant & Saloon and current home of Lucha Cantina caught fire. While the official cause is undetermined for now, restaurant owners suspect it was an electrical issue.

Read more here:
By Corinne Westeman
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

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