24 Sep 2014 14:30 #11 by MyMountainTown
Replied by MyMountainTown on topic SAVE McARTHUR GULCH!
Video of last night's meeting is now up on our YouTube Channel. We'll upload the packet that was handed out as soon as we can scan all the pages, or receive an electronic copy to upload.

This was very well attended, including Sheriff Fred Wegener, Platte Canyon Chamber of Commerce President Jim Myers, County Commissioner Mike Brazell, many citizens, as well as the CEO of Human Movement Management, Jeff Suffolk. It was heated at times, but much information was presented and we look forward to learning more as this process continues. HMM is planning on hosting a community meeting sometime in the future, as soon as we know the date for that, we will share it here.

McArthur Gulch Commercial Development Community Opposition Meeting
63 in attendance
Ross Bruno & Pam Jacobus speaking

Informational meeting for community

Information comes from August 8 Land Board Meeting & CORA requests made to state since that time.

1. Welcome
a. Informational Meeting Structure - walk through informational packet provided

2. Exploring Your Packet
Cover Page
Outline of problems with proposed lease
Next 9 pages State Land Board Recommendation
Letters of Concern presented to State Land Board including BOCC, PCFPD, PCSO, PCSD BOD, CO Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Article by Douglas Stephens in The Flume
Letter to CO State Board of Land Commissioners signed by residents

3. Overview of Proposed Project
a. August 8, 2014 Final Action Document

4. Review of Community Concerns

5. What is the best way to help?

Jeff Suffolk, CEO of Human Movement Management
Answered questions from audience


For more information, please go to:

Video recorded by, and property of, My Mountain Town.
All Rights Reserved.

Proudly serving mountain Jeffco, Clear Creek & Park County!
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29 Sep 2014 06:10 - 29 Sep 2014 06:10 #12 by Reverend Revelant
There are two new articles at The Flume this week about this issue.

One is free-content specifically about the 9-23 meeting in Shawnee.

"Citizens Determined to Save McArthur Gulch held its first meeting at the Platte Canyon Community Center in Shawnee Sept. 9, to oppose Human Movement Management’s proposal to build a not-for-profit recreational facility for underprivileged K-12 children on the McArthur Gulch state land trust property in the Shawnee area."

And this one is behind the pay wall. If you have a subscription, you'll be able to read it. It's a feature-length article with more recent information from the state, HMM, Platte Canyon school board and concerned citizens.

"As lease negotiations proceed between the state land board and Human Movement Management over the McArthur Gulch property, there have been claims and counterclaims about the project and questions about the accuracy of information being supplied to the public."

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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29 Sep 2014 13:13 #13 by concernedcitizen
Human Movement Management CEO Suffolk Waffles on Park County Land Lease Proposal; Louisville Candidacy

Shawnee, Colorado: September 26, 2014 - Louisville resident and events coordinator Jeff Suffolk announced Tuesday that his race production company Human Movement Management (HMM) has held events "... in every county in North America," at a meeting of concerned Shawnee-area citizens.

“Jeff clarified he meant every county in the United States. I guess that excludes Canada and Greenland,” said meeting organizer Shawnee resident Ross Bruno. “I know Jeff’s company had to move a Dirty Girl [race] they’d been promoting that was supposed to be held here in Park County last weekend.”

During the Shawnee-Bailey citizens meeting held at the Shawnee Community Center, Suffolk also said he is running for Mayor of Louisville.

Suffolk was in Shawnee to respond to citizen concerns about a land lease HMM has been pursuing for almost a year with the aid of State Land Board (SLB) staff.

HMM’s written proposal, on which SLB members instructed SLB staff to begin finalization efforts at their August 8th meeting in Breckenridge, calls for hosting 100-10,000 participant “Dirty Girl” and adventure race events and a youth camp on a parcel of 480 pristine acres between Bailey and Shawnee called McArthur Gulch.

“Frankly there’s a credibility issue. HMM’s written proposal says one thing, the CEO stands up and says another,” said Bruno. “The very funding mechanism hatched by SLB staff with HMM and set forth within the unprecedented 30-year lease proposal calls for race events of up to 10,000 participants.”

According to the State Land Board documentation dated August 8, 2014 regarding HMM’s proposal in the Bailey/Shawnee area, the for-profit races are to be used to finance a multi-use development that calls for more than 20 cabins, trails, event buildings and vast parking grounds.

At Tuesday’s meeting, Suffolk admitted that though his proposal calls for the creation of the camp serving underprivileged youth, no one in his organization has experience running youth camps; and though the project has been in the works for “five years” he has not taken the steps to start the not-for-profit organization.

According to Suffolk, no one in his organization has been in contact with those currently working to serve underprivileged youth in the municipality (Denver) from that which he intends to serve.

Some attendees in the audience took issue with the language used in Suffolk's company mission statement [“…to make your weekends ‘effing awesome…”] as being at odds with the values of the Bailey/Shawnee community as well as being inconsistent with those looking to work with youth.

HMM has been brokering the a lease deal with SLB staff members for nearly a year without gaining input from local residents (aka “local headache,” according to Suffolk email acquired through Colorado Open Records Act, May 2014) and/or relevant local service providers such as the Park County Planning Department or local emergency services.

Suffolk was called out by Park County residents for attempting to position himself as a future member of the Shawnee-Bailey community while at the same time seeking office in his present hometown of Louisville.

Following the meeting, Suffolk clarified his candidacy status. Though currently running for Louisville City Council, "… in four years I will be Mayor of Louisville," he said.

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29 Sep 2014 13:34 #14 by homeagain
Replied by homeagain on topic SAVE McARTHUR GULCH!
Had an extended conversation with Barb(Knotty Pine Owner)sawthe handout from the meeting.....some
pretty Pissed people were in attendance at that meeting....the BOTTOM LINE....this "promoter" is NOT
credible. Have seen this "Pie in the Sky" approach to a project before.....Crow Hill Bible Church who
purchased property across from Bailey Library.

Project was LARGE and extensive...short on details, had visions of day care center, gym,basket ball
courts AND sunday school, church activities..laid out a bunch of CASH (SANS membership approval)
had to implement traffic studies,boatloads of paper work,issues to NEVER got of the ground
after the permit was issued....THIS "promoter" is a piece of work....JMO

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01 Oct 2014 12:17 - 01 Oct 2014 12:19 #15 by concernedcitizen
For Immediate Release
October 1, 2014
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Citizens Group Questions State Land Board’s Allegiance; Performance of Fiduciary Responsibility

Park County, Colorado, October 1, 2014: Citizens Determined to Save McArthur Gulch, representing a growing number of Coloradans residing along the front-range, is calling into question the Colorado Land Trust Board’s allegiance in carrying out its fiduciary responsibility under Article IX of the Colorado Constitution which mandates:

“… the economic productivity of all lands held in pubic trust is dependent on sound stewardship, including protecting and enhancing the beauty, natural values, open space and wildlife thereof for this and future generation use.”

The State Land Board’s August 8th Breckenridge meeting directive to SLB staff to proceed with negotiations of a commercial lease with the Dirty Girl Race production company Human Movement Management (HMM) is drawing fire because the lease appears to have been proctored behind closed doors for several months without proper vetting and it is to the benefit of a commercial race vendor.

Suffolk told a roomful of citizens concerned about the lease arrangement that SLB personnel approached him at a social gathering “… a birthday party” to procure the site.

Suffolk’s intentions, as articulated in the lease proposal, to host 100-10,000 participant race events, without consideration from the immediate community, has drawn sharp criticism from local officials including Park County’s Board of County Commissioners, Platte Canyon School District, the Sheriff’s Department and Platte Canyon Fire Department.

The proposed lease has been quietly in the works for nearly a year and is part of a four-way coup between Suffolk, his company HMM, a private landowner and the State Land Board. Unusually, the lease property was marketed in tandem with the sale of an adjacent 40-acre privately held parcel. [Exhibit 1: CORA SOURCE]

Just 3 days following the August 8 directive of the SLB to its staff to finalize negotiations, yet prior to completion the proposed lease, HMM staff began seeking special privileges outside the prevue of the lease --- to camp and shoot guns --- on the property [Exhibit 2: CORA SOURCE]

The proposed lease, and the nature by which was created, have caused unrest in the local and extended community along the Highway 285 corridor.
“Communication between HMM staff and SLB staff regarding the use of the property for very personal reasons even before the lease has been finalized is very telling,” said Pam Jacobus of Citizens Determined to Save McArthur Gulch.

Originally fashioned as a quasi-for-profit commercial lease opportunity, the proposal was crafted in two-parts. It specifies HMM will produce Dirty Girl and adventure race events numbering 100-10,000 participants on the 480-acres of pristine State Trust Land.

The races are to be held by the for-profit HMM under the auspices of generating a per/head plus base revenue stream lease agreement for SLB coffers as well as creating a development on the property to include at least 20 cabins, racing trails and several multi-purpose buildings to serve underprivileged youth.

At the citizens meeting last week, Suffolk said this plan has been in the works [at HMM] for 5 years though admitted no one in his organization has had any experience with youth camps nor has he or any one from his staff been in contact with those serving the “Denver” youth he said he plans to help.

According to HMM’s website, the company relates: “Our mission is to make your weekend’s ‘effing awesome.” Human Movement Management® (HMM) is an active entertainment company based in Louisville, Colorado that for the last decade has been producing the world’s largest running races, beer festivals, triathlons, obstacle races and outdoor events in North America. Yet, we still find time for happy hour at our office lounge, “The Carni-Cabin”.


[Exhibit 1: CORA SOURCE]

[Exhibit 2: CORA SOURCE]

The HMM Development of McArthur Gulch is a threat to our community, environment and wildlife, our safety and our wallets.

For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The State Board of Land Commissioners is a five-person citizen group representing education, agriculture, local government and natural resources, plus one citizen-at-large commissioner. Appointed by the Governor and approved by the Colorado Senate, board members serve four-year terms, with no more than three members from one political party.
Members include: Buck Blessing, President, Michele "Mike" Bloom, Board Vice Chair; Gary Butterworth; Tom Gray, Robert Bledsoe

The board is scheduled to meet tomorrow, October 2; 1127 Sherman Street, Denver, CO, 2nd Floor. Workshop 8-10 a.m.; Executive Session 10 a.m.-12 p.m. regarding the McArthur Gulch Lease Proposal. Public Comment is at 12 Noon.

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04 Oct 2014 08:49 - 04 Oct 2014 08:49 #16 by Reverend Revelant
A new article about the state land board, Haman Movement Management and the Park County Board of County Commissioners. It's behind The Flume paywall, so you need a subscription to read.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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10 Oct 2014 16:06 #17 by concernedcitizen
Citizens Call on Park County Commissioners to Rescind Invitation
Dirty Girl Commercial Race Organizer Tapped by County Administrator to Sit on Permitting Committee

Park County, Colorado, October 10, 2014: In a letter addressed to Park County Commissioners and County Administrative Officer Tom Eisenman, Park County resident Ross Bruno called on the Board to “ … immediately consider withdrawal of your invitation of Jeff Suffolk for your committee activities pertaining to Outdoor Event practices and policies in Park County.” [EXHIBIT 1]

Bruno, an outspoken member of Citizens Determined to Save McArthur Gulch, represents a growing number of Coloradans residing along the front-range seeking to block the proposed recreational lease of the 480-acre McArthur Gulch property located between Bailey and Shawnee, to Human Movement Management (HMM) CEO Jeff Suffolk.

As set forth in Suffolk’s commercial recreational lease proposal currently before the State Land Board, HMM intends to host 100-10,000 participant race events on the site as part of a per/head funding mechanism for the lease. If Suffolk’s agreement is accepted, an agricultural lease and a Colorado Parks & Wildlife lease will be nullified.

Bruno’s argument against the Board seating Suffolk on what is essentially the County’s events permitting committee is two-fold.

Referencing Suffolk’s pattern of community involvement in both Tempe, Arizona and Louisville, Colorado for intentions beneficial to the procurement of permits in those communities, Bruno stated: “I argue that there are additional industry representatives out there that do not represent a clear conflict of interest.”

“There are several potential panel participants that can provide knowledge of the trade and arguably present better credentials to create lasting community and economic benefit to the County.”

Bruno’s letter was hand delivered by Bailey resident Kent Collins and presented in open session during the regularly scheduled BOCC meeting. Collins also argued that Suffolk, who does not live in Park County and has met with tremendous community opposition respective of HMM’s proposal to develop McArthur Gulch, should not be seated on County Committees.

Commissioners were respectful in listening to Collins’ remarks and stated they had no prior knowledge of the formation of the committee. Some lamented had they known about the committee, they would have made recommendations for membership. Park County Administrator Tom Eisenman indicated the committee is already full, with 18 members.

Bruno’s letter outlined Suffolk’s mode of operation when moving into and attempting to set-up HMM business in the communities in which he lives or has an interest. The HMM CEO has a history of extending board positions and even employment opportunities in order to gain favor with those of influence. Bruno cited historical references attesting to such activity.


[Exhibit 1: Bruno Letter to BOCC]

Park County Board of County Commissioners
Park County County Administrative Officer
P.O. Box 1373
Fairplay, CO 80440

October 8, 2014

RE: Outdoor Events Committee

Respected County Commissioners and Mr. Eisenman:

Please immediately consider withdrawal of your invitation of Jeff Suffolk for your committee activities pertaining to Outdoor Event practices and policies in Park County.

While you are likely aware that I am in opposition of the McArthur Gulch project, the request being made is not based on this objection. Please read on so that I can explain how this request extends well beyond McArthur Gulch fence lines.

I can respect that you extended this invitation in good faith and in a manner of due diligence to compile a panel of individuals that represent both our community and the industry. However, I argue that there are additional industry representatives out there that do not represent a clear conflict of interest.

There are several potential panel participants that can provide knowledge of the trade and arguably present better credentials to create lasting community and economic benefit to the County.

The Leadville Trail 100 Run is part of the Leadville Race Series and presents Summit County with iconic and reoccurring outdoor events that provide annual economic drivers to the County. I suggest exploring the opportunity of inviting Ken Chlouber the race founder and 14-time finisher to join your committee. In the event he does not join your ranks, additional options may be Josh Colley (Leadville 100 Race Director) or Paul Anderson (Logistics and Operations Manager). Other options may include past committee members from Golden Colorado who brought the US Pro Cycling stage through their community, or organizers of Golden’s Fine Arts Festival (2-day outdoor event).

I will not continue to take your time by listing out the expansive options available to Park County. My intent is only to illustrate that Park County has several opportunities to seek qualified individuals from our neighboring communities.

With that, I will return to my reasoning for the request to remove Jeff Suffolk from your Outdoor Events Committee.

First of all, I love this community. I would hate to see it infiltrated with self-interests and gain the reputation of being “for sale” from a Park County government level. Mr. Suffolk has a history of creating such reputations in communities.

“After attempting to swim in Tempe Town Lake and getting issued a citation for trespassing, Suffolk set up a meeting with the parks and recreation director of Tempe” (Source: Western Michigan University; ). This led to Suffolk hosting events in the same park. Today, Suffolk employs Travis Dray as Human Movement Management’s Managing partner, and formerly the Deputy Director in Tempe.

On March 4, 2014, attending the Louisville City Council meeting, Suffolk stated that he felt the outdoor event process had not evolved in Louisville and he has given up on doing events in Louisville (Source: City of Louisville, Colorado, March 4, 2014 City Council Minutes). Soon after this, he began campaigning for a City Council position.

Today, he is standing up in front of our Park County communities trying to win favor in advance of applying for outdoor event permits, special event permits, conditional use permits and building permits to support events of up to 10,000 people within residential areas (Source: Colorado State Land Board, August 8, 2014 Final Action document).

It is my opinion that Mr. Suffolk represents a person that has made a career of entering communities to “volunteer” his time and knowledge to directly influence policy in such a manner that benefits his objectives.

Park County is above that; and I would hate for us to gain such a reputation or be victim of the outcomes of self-serving policy creation. Please consider rescinding Mr. Suffolk’s invitation and replacing his seat with an event organizer from one of our neighboring communities, or a member of your very own Advisory Board on Environment.


Ross Bruno
Shawnee, Colorado


The HMM Development of McArthur Gulch is a threat to our community, environment and wildlife, our safety and our wallets.

HUMAN MOVEMENT MANAGEMENT: According to HMM’s website, the company relates: “Our mission is to make your weekend’s ‘effing awesome.”
Human Movement Management® (HMM) is an active entertainment company based in Louisville, Colorado that for the last decade has been producing the world’s largest running races, beer festivals, triathlons, obstacle races and outdoor events in North America. Yet, we still find time for happy hour at our office lounge, “The Carni-Cabin”.

For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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11 Oct 2014 20:18 #18 by concernedcitizen
Human Movement Management (HMM) Morgan Sanko Director of 105° West Director the HMM Nonprofit Dramatizes Blatant Disrespect and Arrogance toward the State of Colorado Land Board Commissioners, Stitt’s Attorney and Local Community

“Then Jeff (CEO, HMM) and Morgan (Director of 105° West Human Movement Management nonprofit) ran naked through the fields of the newly acquired land.” (Morgan Sanko, Social Media Post)

HMM’s Mission Statement “Our Mission is to make your weekend’s ‘effing awesome.”
( )

Human Movement Management’s McArthur Gulch Commercial Development Threatens

• Our Community

• Our Environment

• Our Safety

• Our Wallets

File Attachment:

File Name: HMMNonprof...pect.pdf
File Size:476 KB

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11 Oct 2014 22:26 #19 by jf1acai
Replied by jf1acai on topic SAVE McARTHUR GULCH!
WHOA! A respectful, coherent presentation I will listen to, but this is not that!

I have no dog in this fight, but this approach is a total turnoff to me.

Is it just me?

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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14 Oct 2014 11:40 #20 by concernedcitizen
October 14, 2014
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

State Land Board mocked by HMM’s “Nonprofit Director”

Dirty Girl Commercial Race Organizer’s “Sidekick” Morgan Sanko’s dramatic rant underscores need to better vet State Land Lease candidates

Park County, Colorado, October 14, 2014: Intense scrutiny is mounting regarding a ruling by the Governor-appointed Colorado State Land Board’s (SLB) directive to its staff to proceed with negotiations to lease a 480-acre pristine parcel of state land between Bailey and Shawnee to Human Movement Management (HMM) CEO, Louisville resident Jeff Suffolk.

If finalized, Suffolk’s proposal will allow for HMM to host 100-10,000 person Dirty Girl and other adventure races at the McArthur Gulch site, as well as develop the area to include several multi-use buildings and cabins. Suffolk has told citizens the proposal states the development will also be created to serve underprivileged Denver youth.

Residents near Bailey and Shawnee have formed a coalition opposing the HMM commercial lease agreement. Armed with extensive research, the group has called into question the true intentions of Suffolk with respect to his drive to acquire the property and give the boot to long-time lessees including Colorado Parks & Wildlife.

“Our community is doing its homework --- and quite frankly, Jeff Suffolk’s true intentions are becoming more obvious,” said Citizens Determined to Save McArthur Gulch (CDSMG) member and life-long Park County resident Katie Spodyak.

Spodyak referenced recently acquired information including social media posts by Morgan Sanko, who has been tapped by Suffolk to head-up the yet-to-be formed non-profit to create and run the youth camp. [Exhibit A]

“Sanko’s lengthy and dramatic status update following the SLB’s August directive is arrogant, disrespectful and telling,” said Spodyak, also a member of the Platte Canyon School District Board.

“What stands out to me is Sanko’s aggrandizement of Jeff Suffolk as ‘the seasoned vet’ combined with the smug mocking of the commissioners --- sniping about their attire, calling them ‘monotoned’ and his statement of awe of when Jeff ‘…dismantled each question with such grace and finesse that each commissioner had to follow Tonto’s [Sanko’s] lead in a quiet nod,’” said Spodyak.

“Certainly we’re all questioning just how serious Jeff Suffolk is about actually creating the youth camp when he’s willing to entrust the operation of such to a man with no experience helping underprivileged youth or running a nonprofit for youth that posted publicly ‘…Then Jeff and Morgan ran naked through the fields of newly acquired land,’ said Spodyak.

Referencing the proposed lease of the McArthur Gulch Sanko also posted #iwannabuildstuff #dirtbikes #cabins #mountians [sp].

“I think most people see through Sanko being presented as a solid candidate to direct a nonprofit camp for kids. As a mom, I would not trust him around my children. He’s not a role model. I can’t imagine the leaders of ID-RA-HA-JE or Windy Peaks putting someone with Morgan Sanko’s credentials in charge,” said Spodyak.

“According to HMM’s promotional materials, Jeff and Morgan promise ‘… to make your weekend’s ‘effing awesome.’ Educators and parents I know would take issue with these guys running an organization for at-risk youth. ” said Spodyak. [Exhibit B]

Flyers circulated throughout the Park County community this past weekend called Sanko’s post referencing running naked through McArthur Gulch with Suffolk a premature celebration.

Members of the growing CDSMG are hopeful that the State Land Board Commissioners will heed its obligation to carry out its fiduciary responsibility under Article IX of the Colorado Constitution mandating:

“… the economic productivity of all lands held in pubic trust is dependent on sound stewardship, including protecting and enhancing the beauty, natural values, open space and wildlife thereof for this and future generation use.”


[Exhibit A]

File Attachment:

File Name: MorganHighlighted.pdf
File Size:143 KB

[Exhibit B]
HUMAN MOVEMENT MANAGEMENT: According to HMM’s website, the company relates: “Our mission is to make your weekend’s ‘effing awesome.”
Human Movement Management® (HMM) is an active entertainment company based in Louisville, Colorado that for the last decade has been producing the world’s largest running races, beer festivals, triathlons, obstacle races and outdoor events in North America. Yet, we still find time for happy hour at our office lounge, “The Carni-Cabin”.

The HMM Development of McArthur Gulch is a threat to our community, environment and wildlife, our safety and our wallets.

For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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