Re-Zoning Proposal for 12753 Upper Ridge Rd, Community Meeting Feb 4

31 Jan 2016 15:44 #1 by Mountain-News-Events
Re-zoning documents on file with Jeffco Planning & Zoning

Dana Beardshear

January 8, 2016
Alan Tiefenbach, Planner
Jefferson County Planning and Zoning
100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 3550
Golden, CO 80419

Re: 12753 Upper Ridge Road, Conifer, CO 80433

Dear Alan,
I am submitting a revised business proposal for re-zoning as well as a revised site plan. Please note that due to a few responses from neighbors it has come to our attention that perhaps we did not adequately communicate the true nature of our business proposal. It appears that the emphasis was expressed as “camping” when in fact that is not the case. I have also omitted the 2nd aspect that was in the original plan we submitted prior to purchasing the property. Please add these documents to the existing records.

I will look forward to meeting you in person on February 4, 2016 at the Community Meeting.

Thank you again for your kind and helpful assistance.


Revised Business Proposal Summary :

Business Summary
The proposed business concepts would consist of the following two aspects:
A seasonally based experiential adventure venue, including accommodations in wall tents furnished with beds and other accommodation furnishings. Accommodations will be comparable to five star resort standards.

Teams will compete with other teams in an outdoor nature based challenges, creating healthy and fun competition among the teams. The site will consist of fifteen (15) temporary canvas tents set up on platforms to accommodate up to thirty (30) people (2 per tent) for three (3) full days and two (2) half days a week, from approximately noon on Wednesday thru Sunday morning. A maximum of sixteen (16) weeks during the late spring, summer, early fall months). Guests would be fed during their stay-three (3) meals per day. Guests will spend the majority of the day off the property, competing in various challenges at nearby nature parks and outdoor activities. A smaller portion of the day (mornings and evenings) will be spent on the property. Guests would be scheduled and supervised by the owners of PlayKtions,while both on and off the property. Advance reservations for each group would be required. Prior acceptance for guests to attend requires review of an application completed by each guest. The application process and price point of the experiential event serves to both enhance the quality of the guest’s experience while greatly minimizing the probability of hosting less than desirable guest behaviors thereby allowing PlayKtions to maintain an upscale and small guest experience.

Letter from Elk Creek Fire Marshall regarding re-zoning

Citizen Letters

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31 Jan 2016 16:44 #2 by Jukerado
PLEASE ATTEND THIS MEETING AND STAND AGAINST THIS. It will affect everyone from Deer Creek Canyon up through the High Grade, across Pleasant Park, and into Conifer. The oppositions stated in the "Citizen Letters" link spell it out perfectly. We do not need resort destinations, campgrounds, playgrounds, getaways, vacation cabins, or anything of the type in this area. Despite what Jefferson County officials refuse to acknowledge, this area is not part of the parks/rec/camping structure of Colorado.

We will be there. If there is a class action suit filed to oppose this, we will join it.

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31 Jan 2016 20:13 - 04 Feb 2016 14:23 #3 by shortstop

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02 Feb 2016 11:40 - 02 Feb 2016 11:51 #4 by LNFFInfo
The Kuehster Road Homeowners will be there in full force. We have also alerted some of our media contacts who coverd the Lower North ForK Fire so well.

This cannot happen...

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04 Feb 2016 15:52 #5 by Jukerado
Reminder to all right-headed folks that this meeting starts in 2 hours (6:00 pm).

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05 Feb 2016 09:48 #6 by manderson
Recap from yesterday community meeting:
Basically the owners of the 40 ac parcel on Upper Ridge Rd, would like to set up a Camp ground. The impact this would have for those of us living nearby is 1. fire danger. 2. Water (they plan on buying water rights, other neighbors are concern that this would dry up existing wells). 3. Noise levels during the summer months. 4. More traffic on Ridge Road. 5. Wildlife migration will be impacted. 6. Future development of commercial use in a residential area.

Almost all the Ridge neighbors are fighting this, but it all comes down to the three county commissioners to approve, or the owner of the lot to back out knowing now what an impact their camp ground idea has on the community. We are all hoping that he back out of the whole thing.

For now please write to the elected county commissioners, and express your concern.
Libby Szabo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Casey Tighe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Donald Rosier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Planning and Zoning Div This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Also contact
Heather Gutherless – her name was mention last night, I don’t have her email address, I’m unable to get through to Planning and Zoning. If someone happens to have her email address please share.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ScienceChic, Jukerado

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05 Feb 2016 10:20 - 05 Feb 2016 10:22 #7 by Jukerado
At one point a man called for a hand vote of all who supported this idea. I estimate a crowd of 200, and not a single hand was raised. Not one.

Alan Tiefenbach, county planner, hosted the meeting. A sign-up sheet was passed around, and he admitted during the meeting that it was impossible for him to input the email addresses and keep everyone informed.

He asked everyone to email him so a computer program could put us on his email/situation update list. His email is:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I was thoroughly impressed by the way the local property owners had solicited input and surveyed all of the local land owners, and got them to attend. Every single argument against this rezoning was sound and true and impassioned.

All should know this -- Alan Tiefenbach informed the crowd of county policy. When a rezoning or property issue is underway, a notice is put in the paper. If you don't take a paper or read the public notices, you won't see it. The second step is posting signs in the area. If you don't stop and pull over and read the sign, you won't see it. Third is informing all property owners within a quarter mile (1,320 feet). If you own adjoining property amongst large parcels, you won't be notified if you're more than 1,320 feet away. The fourth step is informing all HOAs within a two-mile area, if such HOAs are registered with the county. I'm delighted to live in an area without a HOA, so unless you have one, you won't hear about it through those channels.

Talk to your neighbors. Follow the Jeffco website. If you don't, you may be facing a situation when it's too late.

I truly felt for those who own properties adjoining this proposed adventure camp, which struck me as a sort of "Amazing Race" deal.

An engineer engaged to the task stated that 70% (I believe this is correct) of the trees would have to be removed for fire mitigation.

Coming soon to land near you, through the proposed "destination resort" section of Jeffco's 285 Corridor Plan. We've all been to campgrounds where loud music, raucous behavior, ATVs, motorcycles, etc. are the norm. No matter who's running the campground or what the "rules" are, those on vacation will not be told how to behave. 35+ acres is nothing with the way sound travels in our mountains and canyons, so unless you stay informed, your entire life is going to be impacted.

This is a bad situation we're being put in, because wonderful Conifer has no mayor or city council, and we are pretty much subject to the whims of the county officials, and as we know, the majority of Jeffco's population is down in the flatlands and they represent them as well. We're the minority, and it's about to be "our turn" for progress.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ScienceChic, manderson

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05 Feb 2016 10:55 #8 by manderson
Heather Gutherless contact info:
Jefferson County Planning & Zoning
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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05 Feb 2016 11:12 - 05 Feb 2016 11:27 #9 by LNFFInfo
Thanks for the recaps of the meeting, very helpful. Many of the victims of the LNNF were in attendance as well because those us who are living here have no faith that fire dangers are being taken seriously.

Another pressure point is the new Elk Creek Fire Marshall, Shelly Hunter. In her initial reply she stated that the road was not up to code for various reasons. Then, after communication with Dana Brashear (new property owner) she wrote a second letter with what appeared to many to be a change of heart.

Quote: “I understand the complications in attempting to upgrade the access road from S. Ridge Rd to your property line. I believe we can work around that as long as the driveway on your property meets the county design standards.”

I found the communication between the Elk Creek Fire Marshall, Shelly Hunter, and Dana Brashear’s. Quite friendly and chatty in tone.

Contrast that to the combative and defensive tone of her response to the many letters of concern she received from homeowners including InterCanyon Fire – Randy Rudloff:

From: Shelley Hunter
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: Fwd: Rresponse Fire marshall Letter
Date: Monday, February 01, 2016 9:29:11 AM
The email that everyone is responding to is only part of the conversation.
The original letter is the official response and currently STILL required as
part of the Fire Dept response. My duty is to determine the International
Fire Code requirements on water supply and access, not to support or
deny support for the project.

It appears the "work around" statement is being taken completely out of
context. The county roadway standards state the pull-outs are required
for fire department access but there is leeway allowed in the distance
because of geographical considerations. Currently there is an
approximately 1500' of private roadway that has one pullout approximately
in the middle of the ~1500'. If these geographical issues were not
allowed to be flexible where the turnouts are placed none of your homes
would have been allowed to be built in the first place as "work arounds"
were also considered further up the road past the subject property. These
requirements for the road are the same regardless of whether a property
is being rezoned or you personally are requesting a building permit for
your property.

Shelly Hunter is clearly a problem. I would suggest we shine a light on that.

(Please feel free to x-post this on the other local forum.)

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06 Feb 2016 09:26 #10 by manderson
Rezoning of Upper Ridge Road

Commissioner Rosier is holding a forum in Conifer this Monday the 8th of February 9-11 am, at Conifer Community Bank, 25907 Conifer Road.

I know that for most this is inconvenient time but please if you can make it, come we need people to show up and voice our concerns. If you can't stay the whole 2 hours, at least show your face and sign in.

Thank you

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