Science Odds and Ends

22 Mar 2011 11:31 #151 by TPP
Replied by TPP on topic Science Odds and Ends
I can believe that, we have 3 2 indoor and 1 out door mouser (Timber), and she will always share with us, part of a bird, and just yesterday, she shared a mouse with us... Thing that bothers me is why does she always share the a$$ end, is she really sharing or telling us something?

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23 Mar 2011 06:53 #152 by TPP
Replied by TPP on topic Science Odds and Ends
This is older news but happens the day after the 9.0 off of Japan.

Volcano Eruption
Event date: 12.03.2011 03:54:44
Country: Russia
State: Kamchatka Peninsula
Location:- [Two undefinied volcanoes]

In the Russian Far East, there has been a strong volcanic eruption. The air got a great cloud of volcanic dust, which can pose a threat to air traffic in the region. Local experts warn that, dust can rise up to a height of seven kilometers. Explosions were accompanied by minor earthquakes. Russian service monitoring the activity of cones, however, ensure that the implemented measures guarantee the safety of residents of neighboring towns. According to Russian media reports, the first cloud of dust covered the city of Ust-Kamczatsk. Over five thousand people are forced to stay at home. The authorities have recommended the strict ban on opening windows. The population, however, was not evacuated, and experts say that the dust does not constitute a great danger. Despite this, from Thursday, all offices of state institutions and organizations have suspended work – except in cases of emergency. For some time, also closed roads in the region. While this eruption does not seem to be a significant threat to the people in Russia, the fact that an earthquake in Japan could have triggered a volcano eruption in Russia does have some significance. [Photoes and video uploaded.]

Country: Peru
Location: Pacaynioc
Date: 2011-03-23 : 10:55:10
Magnitude: 4.6
Depth: 60 km

Check out all the mini-quakes

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23 Mar 2011 22:18 #153 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Science Odds and Ends

TPP wrote: Guess What’s Building On Mount Kilimanjaro?
William Teach

Standing as the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro is slowly regaining its snow after several years of drought in East Africa and the effects of climate change in African continent.
Sigh. They should have stopped after "drought." And let's not forget that the major cause of the loss of Kilimanjaro's snow was due to the loss of the forests around the Mount, which, yes, was man caused, but was a local condition, much like NYC is much hotter than the surrounding country side. Anyhow
The snow is slowly mounting on the top point of the mountain, giving new hopes to Mount Kilimanjaro environmental watchdogs and tourists that the mountain may not lose its beautiful ice cap as scientists predicted.

Covered in mist most of the day, Mount Kilimanjaro is the most tourist attractive site in Tanzania, pulling in tens of thousands of tourists each year. The snow, which once disappeared in some parts of the mountain is mounting slowly, giving a beautiful view of the Kibo peak.
But, of course
Environmentalists warn that this highest peak in Africa could lose its ice cover and glaciers between 2018 and 2020 unless global campaigns to save the mountain’s ecology are taken.
So, their bat guano theory wasn't working out, so, they have to make a prediction 7-9 years away. They just won't give up on insanity. I'm sure they will figure out a way to link the increased snow cover to globull warming, though.

algore please explain, or will you admit that man-made global warming is bullsh*t?

TPP, thanks for the opportunity to address this specific topic!

First, a quick Google search for "snow Mount Kilimanjaro" yields many news stories, but all from 2008 except for this one, which came from Right Wing News (but is no longer available to open and read in its entirety), and this one from a tourism site: ... ilimanjaro It's possible that they are presenting older news (they don't cite any scientific studies from which they based their article) in a rose-colored glasses light in order to protect their livelihood; if you read the article, they definitely have a tourism bias (and snow-capped mountains are a draw to be protected).

Regardless, here's what the science has to say: ... ex-update/
A global glacier index update
Filed under: Climate Science Instrumental Record — group @ 31 January 2009 - () ()
Guest commentary by Mauri Pelto

For global temperature time series we have GISTEMP, NCDC and HadCRUT. Each has worked hard to assimilate global temperature data into reliable and accurate indices of global temperature. The equivalent for alpine glaciers is the World Glacier Monitoring Service’s (WGMS) record of mass balance and terminus behavior. The health of an alpine glacier is typically determined by monitoring the behavior of the terminus and/or its mass balance. Glacier mass balance is the difference between accumulation and ablation (melting and sublimation) and can be altered by climate change caused variations in temperature and snowfall.

The figure [on the right] is the annual glacier mass balance index from the WGMS

In 2005 there were 442 glaciers examined, 26 advancing, 18 stationary and 398 retreating – implying that “only” 90% are retreating.

(My emphasis added)

Global warming occurs on a global scale. While this one mountain may be gaining back some of its snow mass, it in no way negates AGW as a whole. Regional variations are natural and expected; some regions will have more snowfall, colder temps, glacier growth, etc, but on the whole, temps are rising and glaciers are melting.

As for making predictions 7-9 years away, of course they are, and even further out - climate change isn't fast-acting. Those predictions were made before any snow accumulation was seen in 2008, and does not mean that they aren't still relevant - all of the predictions come with varying degrees of confidence (and they are spelled out in the IPCC report so you see which are more likely/have more data backing them up than others). Yes, the IPCC had issues with its reporting of projected Himalayan glacier melt, which does not impact Mt Kilimanjaro, but here's the explanation of that anyway: ... -and-spin/

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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24 Mar 2011 06:50 #154 by TPP
Replied by TPP on topic Science Odds and Ends
Thank you, but can we agree that warming/cooling is a NATURAL cyclical occasion, and NOT man-made?
"As for making predictions 7-9 years away, of course they are, and even further out - climate change isn't fast-acting."
That's science for ya, NOTHING is for sure is it?
Don't get me wrong, the more research we do the better off WE are, but I was taught that dinosuars evolved from reptiles, now the science comes out that says Opps! The dinosuars evolved from birds. IMO, we still don't know, because we have just gone with what the first folks finding the fossils put them together as best they knew at the time, we have no idea if some of these animals are a mixture of 2 types of animals 4 types or one type.
And What the HELL (no pun) Pluto is getting kicked out of the underworld, who's ruling the dead?
So, nobody, is the underworld now in a state of flux, chaso? Is there no longer Hades?
Pluto will ALWAYS be a dwarf planet, in my eyes!
What next Saturn's just a BIG ROCK?, and Mercury is not as HOT as we tought?
Just say'in...

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24 Mar 2011 09:34 #155 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Science Odds and Ends
Climate change certainly always has natural forces at work, even now, but that's not the issue with the current warming trend being seen - no natural forcings can explain the amount of warming, or the acidification of the oceans, or the migration of plants and animals to different habitation zones, or the earlier flowering and mating cycles of plants and animals, that's been seen within the last 150 years without plugging in the huge land reconstruction and alarming rate of addition of greenhouse gases that can be traced directly to massive fossil fuel use by us.

In science, no nothing is for absolute sure, but varying levels of confidence can always be assigned. When 97% of the world's climate scientists say that global warming is real (and we're talking thousands of scientists, not the few that are seen on petitions and in the news - most of the people on those things are not climatologists), and man-made, and have over 40 years of active research backing up that position, you can bet your arse that they are worth listening to.

Dinosaurs didn't evolve from birds - birds evolved from dinosaurs. Dinosaurs ancestors were reptiles. As more data is discovered, we refine our knowledge - that's what's awesome about science (you have to keep an open mind). Before you apply this to global warming and say that we don't know enough and could easily discover something that explains all the change we've seen as naturally caused, I will say that it is a possibility, but an extremely remote one. Start reading the scientists reports firsthand and you'll discover this for yourself. TPP, it's good to read the skeptics side too, but don't limit yourself to only that side or you'll get a biased viewpoint - don't let them do your thinking for you (or even me, trust me, you don't want my brain, it's seriously messed up in some ways!).

I'm ruling the dead now. You should start to kissing my butt to get special favors! rofllol

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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24 Mar 2011 09:43 #156 by daisypusher
Replied by daisypusher on topic Science Odds and Ends

Science Chic wrote: <snip>

In science, no nothing is for absolute sure, but varying levels of confidence can always be assigned. When 97% of the world's climate scientists say that global warming is real (and we're talking thousands of scientists, not the few that are seen on petitions and in the news - most of the people on those things are not climatologists), and man-made, and have over 40 years of active research backing up that position, you can bet your arse that they are worth listening to.


The statement above is very misleading. Confidence levels are a statistical analysis applied to data sets and are not determined by the number of people, whether they be climate scientists or not, who agree with the data.

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24 Mar 2011 10:06 #157 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Science Odds and Ends
You're right dp, sorry for not being more clear.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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24 Mar 2011 12:07 #158 by TPP
Replied by TPP on topic Science Odds and Ends
Can't agree, But so be it...
How can, the suface temp. decrease when the "greenhouse gases" increase?
What happen in the 1960's to cause such an increase? all the flag burning? roits?

I'LL go with sun spots/flares & such...
As you admit "In science, no nothing is for absolute sure" Next they'll be blaming farts for global warming, o they have already. And that humans are the cause of CO2 pollution. O they have already, EVERYBODY STOP BREATHING!
So, tomorrow, they find out that it's the oceans, or birds, or whales, or a passing rock, or... or... or... that cause global warming? And then they'll all say "Opps! we were wrong, sorry! Sorry for all the new regulations, taxes, & politics!", and of course the regulations, taxes, & politics will stay in place.
How can so many be so wrong/or right at the same time?
Plant a tree, they USE the EVIL CO2 to live and release O2. Wait if we get rid of the CO2, then all the trees will die, what a shame, O-well less fires that produce pollution.

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24 Mar 2011 12:24 #159 by deltamrey
Replied by deltamrey on topic Science Odds and Ends
Here is a great www site with many links addressing current topics:

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24 Mar 2011 14:05 #160 by TPP
Replied by TPP on topic Science Odds and Ends

Science Chic wrote: I'm ruling the dead now. You should start to kissing my butt to get special favors! rofllol

OK, I only kiss one butt, and it's not for special favors, well maybe.
Second, (with a heavy heart) I have the real reason for global warming. Can't fight the facts...
1960 – South Vietnam’s President Ngo Dinh Diem regains power November 12. Dissident groups collectively called the Vietcong (Vietnamese Communists), meet secretly December 20 and organize the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam.
Around 2,000 electronic computers are delivered to U.S. business offices, universities, laboratories, and other buyers. The figure will more than double in the next 4 years and debate will rage as to whether computers wipe out jobs or create new ones.

1961 – On May 5 Alan Shepard became the first America in space. The Freedom 7 spacecraft leaves the earth's atmosphere.
August 18 - August 20 The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Environmental Sciences Service Administration initiate Project Stormfury, an attempt to modify hurricanes through seeding, by heavily seeding Hurricane Debbie with silver iodide. Wind speeds drop
In an October speech about the state of U.S. civil defenses, President John F. Kennedy urges U.S. families to build atomic fallout shelters. The U.S. Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization publishes The Family Fallout Shelter, showing Americans how to build a fallout shelter in care of a nuclear war.
November 6 - November 9 a fire sweeps through Bel Air in Los Angeles, California, destroying more than 400 homes.
The World Wildlife Fundis established to promote conservation.
The northwest United States experiences the worst drought in U.S. history.

1962 American astronaut, John Glenn, becomes the first American to orbit the earth, on February 20. He makes three orbits in Mercury capsule Friendship 7.
U.S. spacecraft, Ranger 4 becomes the first spaceship to touch the moon on April 26
On October 22, the Cuban Missile Crisis begins. President John F. Kennedy declares that the USSR has put missile bases in Cuba, and calls for a blockade of the island
32-year-old Cesar Chavez forms the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA, now UFW--United Farm Workers), to represent stoop-labor in the Coachella, Imperial, and San Joaquin Valleys in California.
Philip Morris introduced a new PR ploy called "Marlboro Country," pushing Marlboro to be the leading cigarette brand worldwide.

1963- On June 16 Russian cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to orbit the earth.
A nuclear reactor installed by Jersey Central Power and Light is the first commercial reactor and the first nuclear power plant large enough to compete with coal and oil fuel.
The Beatles have their first big success with a recording of "I Want to Hold Your Hand." Their long hair and music is very popular.
1964-The Beatles arrive on their first visit to the USA on February 7. They appear on the Ed Sullivan Show.
The worst earthquake felt anywhere in the world since 1960 rocks Alaska March 28. The quake measures 9.2 on the Richter scale , it creates a seismic "tidal" wave (tsunami) in the southwest part of the state, and the 220-foot high wave is the largest such wave ever recorded.
The U.S. spacecraft Ranger 7, is launched from Cape Kennedy on July 28.
The first Nimbus 1 satellite is launched into a polar orbit on August 28. It replaces the U.S. TIROS satellites
The United States launches Mariner 4.
Lucky Charms breakfast food is introduced by General Mills, it is 50.4 percent sugar.
China tests its first atomic bomb.

1965 - The Operation Rolling Thunder, designed to break the will of the North Vietnamese, begins on February 8

1966 - On March 7, “Bloody Sunday” needs to be broken up by police with violent means.
On April 11, tornadoes destroy parts of Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio with 271 people dead, 5,000 injured, and $300 million worth of property is ruined.
The B-52 bomber is used for the first time in Vietnam in early June.
From June 3 – June 7, NASA sends astronaut Edward White who is the first U.S. person to walk in space on the Gemini 4.
President Johnson increases the number of troops in Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000 in July.
On August 11 violence erupts in what is later called the Watts Riots. Thousands join in as blacks burn and destroy and approximate area of 500 square blocks of downtown Los Angeles. 40 million dollars worth of property is destroyed. Many people are killed, the majority of them are black, the national guards show up and many thousands arrest are made, many businesses are also destroyed.
The longest space flight is taken by the Gemini 5. It does 120 orbits in 8 days, from August 21 - August 29.
Hurricane Betsy is one of the worst hurricanes on September 4, 1965 hitting Florida and many other states leaving twenty-three dead in fifteen days.
There is a 13 hour blackout in the northwest U.S. and Canada on November 9. 30 million people were affected.
On December 16, Pioneer 6 is launched. It's mission is to learn information about solar winds and cosmic rays.

1966- On January 8, a U.S. military offensive opens in the Vietcong-dominated Mekong Delta region of South Vietnam
On March 1, Soviet probe Venera 3 (launched November 16, 1965) crash-lands on Venus, the first artificial object to land on another planet.
India is hit by the worst famine in 20 years and has to import 8 million tons of wheat from the United States.

1967- On June 2, the Beatles Album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, which is thought to be the most influential and original rock album of all time, makes it debut today
Israel's population toped 3.5 million with some 2.4 million Jews and more than 1 million Arabs as the Six Day War (June 5-10) expanded Israeli territory.
The Public Broadcasting Act is signed into law by President Johnson November 7 creates a Corporation for Public Broadcasting to broaden the scope of noncommercial radio and TV beyond its educational role
The first compact microwave oven for U.S. home use is introduced by “Amana” Refrigeration.
U.S. bombers pound targets around Hanoi.
Smoking-withdrawal clinics show up across the country but Americans buy 572.6 billion cigarettes, 210 packs per adult.

1968- On January 23 the USS Pueblo accidentally strays into North Korean waters. The USS Pueblo is seized by the North Koreans and 83 U.S. crewmen are captured and held until December 23.
Tet Offensive is initiated in South Vietnamese cities by the Vietcong from January 30 to February 29.
Under the direction of Lt. William Calley, U.S. soldiers brutally destroy the South Vietnamese village of My Lai on March 16. It would come to be know as the Mai Lai Massacre and causes many Americans to go against the war.
Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights activist, is assassinated on April 4, in Memphis, Tennessee. MLK is assassinated as he steps onto his balcony at a Memphis, Tennessee motel room. As a result of his death race riots are erupting in several cities around the world. After his assassination, Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley instructs city police force to shoot to kill after looting stirs up in the city.
Soviets invade Czechoslovakia on August 20 & 21.
On September 14 to September 21, the Soviet spacecraft Zond 5 is the first spacecraft to fly around the moon and it returns to Earth.
Apollo VII is launched from Florida on an 11-day journey on October 11. It orbits the Earth 163 times.
The first live transmission from Space is made on October 13. Apollo 7 is the first U.S. Apollo space mission with a crew that flies to the moon that does 163 orbits of the Earth between October 11 to October 22.
On December 21, The U.S. launches Apollo 8. It orbits the moon 10 times. The crew makes a live broadcasting Christmas day and is many steps closer to landing on the moon.

1969- On February 24, the United States launched space probe Mariner 6. The mission is to photograph the planet Mars.
On March 27, Mariner 7 is launched with the same mission. (waste of $$$$)
July 16 – July 24 Apollo 11 takes place. On July 20 astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon, famously saying “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Over 700 million people worldwide watch as Apollo 11 touches down on the moon.
On August 17, the Mississippi Gulf coast and southern U.S. states are hit by Hurricane Camille. This hurricane was the most severe hurricane in nearly 35 years; it kills 248 people, leaves 200,000 homeless, and causes $1.5 billion in property damage.
The Beatles,make their last ever public appearance in London, England. It is recorded as part of their film Let It Be.
The Beatles release the album Abbey Road and the single “Something” by George Harrison, the first Beatle hit not to have been written by John Lennon or Paul McCartney.
Sesame Street first appears on television. The show is created by Jim Henson and introduces Big Bird, Bert and Ernie to preschoolers across the nation.

• Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961
•John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963
• Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969

After my massive research the results are as follows:
AS I suspected the democrats were in control during the 60’s, but that was NOTTHE MAIN CAUSE of global warming (so calm down),
Computers, WWF, UNIONS, Smokers helped keep the balance/Non-smokers messed up the established balance, Lucky charms cause more kids to fart, PBS & Sesame street Started thus filling the airwaves with pollution, MIRCOwaves going everywhere, but that was just part of global warming.
The Beatles run lasted thru the 60’s, Connection Me thinks there is… But still not the main reason for global warming.
WARS & Threats of WARS, IMO a big REASON, death & destruction, can’t be good for the earth’s atmosphere, but still NOT THE MAIN REASON!

I must admit that SC is correct global warnings MAIN reason for global warming is MAN-MADE!

The world kept shooting holes in the atmosphere with all the rocket and space missions, so that more radition from the sun and space in general, thus causing global warming, can’t fight the facts.

How global warming was strted is solved, let's move on.... :biggrin:

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