COVID-19 Corona Virus - How You Can Prepare

13 Feb 2021 22:36 #121 by Mountain-News-Events
From Penny:
Here are the updated stats for today.
Everyone stay warm.

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15 Feb 2021 22:20 #122 by Mountain-News-Events

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16 Feb 2021 10:53 #123 by Mountain-News-Events
Rocky Mountain Rural Health in Fairplay has 12 openings for COVID-19 vaccinations tomorrow, February 17th. Please call 719-836-2169 to schedule an appointment; you do not have to be a resident of Park County, but you must be eligible in the current vaccination group.

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16 Feb 2021 18:38 #124 by MountainTownAlerts
From Penny:
Here's today stats.
Again stay warm. Hope you all saw the post about the 12 available vaccines tomorrow in Fairplay. Check out the post on MMT main page.

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17 Feb 2021 23:28 #125 by Mountain-News-Events
From Penny:
Here's today's stats. Hope everyone is staying warm and off the roads.

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21 Feb 2021 21:27 #126 by MountainTownAlerts
Recent updates from Penny (thumbnail photos below post):
Hi All, Hope some of you have been able to get your covid vaccine.
How is everyone hanging? I hope you all are doing good.
Sending light and love your way.

State adds county-level data to vaccine dashboard for increased transparency for Colorado

REMOTE, (Feb. 19, 2021): Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced that as of 4 p.m. today the vaccine data dashboard includes county-level vaccine administration data in beta.

The goal of the expanded data dashboard is part of the state's commitment to prioritize data transparency throughout the COVID-19 response, to inform an equitable vaccine distribution process, and ensure accountability.

The new beta version of the county-level vaccine administration includes:
  • “Number of doses administered”

  • Doses administered shows the total number of doses administered to individuals who reside in each county.

    The county that a person is assigned to is based on their home address information recorded in the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS).

    This counts doses and not people fully vaccinated, so some of the doses counted are second doses.

    When you click on a county, you will see that county’s demographic information like age, sex, and race/ethnicity. To prevent the release of potentially identifying information, demographic information is given for counties or regions with populations of at least 100,000. In other words, counties with a population less than 100,000 are grouped together in regions whose total population sums to 100,000 or more people.

  • “Number of doses administered per 100,000 population”

  • Doses Administered per 100,000 shows the rate of doses administered per 100,000 to individuals who reside in each county.

    Doses administered per 100,000 does not equate to actual doses administered. It is a rate that adjusts the number of administered doses by each county’s population. The numerator is the actual doses administered multiplied by 100,000. The denominator is the county’s population. The purpose of this section of data is to show a comparable statistic for every county. The number of doses administered per county is based on what has been reported to the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS).

  • “Doses distributed”

  • Doses distributed shows the total number of doses that have been shipped to providers in each county. Occasionally, doses shipped to a provider in one county are redistributed to a provider in a different county. Those redistributions are not accounted for in these numbers.

    Doses distributed does not currently include the sixth dose for Pfizer vials, and we are counting 10 doses for Moderna vials. Because providers are able to get a sixth dose out of Pfizer vials and an 11th dose out of Moderna vials, the number of doses available in each county is likely larger than the doses distributed number.

    Doses distributed only includes doses ordered by Colorado and does not include federal programs like the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program for COVID-19 Vaccination.

  • “Doses distributed per 100,000 people”

  • Doses distributed per 100,000 shows the rate number of doses per 100,000 that have been shipped to providers in each county.

    Doses distributed per 100,000 people does not equate to actual doses administered. It is a rate that adjusts the number of distributed doses by each county’s population.

  • “Difference between percent of doses distributed and percent of state population”
    This shows how many doses are distributed to a county compared to that county’s population. In most cases, the percent distributed and percent of state population align. The outliers occur because sometimes doses are distributed to a large provider in one county that then distributes them to other providers or hosts large mass vaccination clinics that serve people from many counties.

The public, local public health agencies, local elected officials, and the media have all requested this data. Today CDPHE is launching the dashboard in beta so that these audiences can offer feedback to make sure our data transparency is meeting their needs.

The state has been able to distribute vaccines as quickly as the federal supply chain allows and is working hard to make sure a vaccine will eventually be available to everyone who wants one.

Until the COVID-vaccine is widely available and community immunity is achieved-- we need everyone to keep following public health protocols to mitigate this virus: wear a mask, physically distance, avoid gatherings, stay home when you’re sick, and wash your hands.

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El estado agrega datos de acuerdo al nivel del condado al tablero de la vacuna para una mayor transparencia en Colorado

REMOTO, (19 de febrero de 2021): El Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente de Colorado (CDPHE) anunció que, a partir del día de hoy a las 4 p.m., el tablero de datos de la vacuna incluye información sobre la administración de vacunas al nivel del condado en versión beta.

El propósito de expandir el tablero de datos es parte del compromiso del estado para dar prioridad a la transparencia de datos durante la respuesta ante el COVID-19, informar un proceso equitativo de la distribución de vacunas y garantizar la responsabilidad.

La nueva versión beta de la administración de vacunas de acuerdo al nivel del condado incluye:
  • "Número de dosis administradas"

  • Las dosis administradas muestran el número total de dosis administradas a personas que residen en cada condado.

    A una persona se le asigna un condado en base a la información de su domicilio registrada en el Sistema de Información de Inmunización de Colorado (CIIS, por sus siglas en inglés).

    Se cuenta las dosis y no las personas totalmente vacunadas. Por lo tanto, algunas de las dosis contadas son segundas dosis.

    Cuando haga clic en un condado, verá información demográfica de ese condado, como la edad, el género y la raza/etnia. Para prevenir divulgar información que potencialmente pueda servir como identificación, se comparte información demográfica para condados o regiones con poblaciones de por lo menos 100,000 habitantes. En otras palabras, los condados con una población de menos de 100,000 habitantes se agrupan en regiones cuya población total suma 100,000 o más personas.

  • "Número de dosis administradas en una población de 100,000 personas"

  • Las dosis administradas por cada 100,000 muestran la tasa de dosis administradas por cada 100,000 a personas que residen en cada condado.

    Las dosis administradas por cada 100,000 no se equiparan con las dosis actualmente administradas. Es una tasa que ajusta el número de dosis administradas por la población de cada condado. El numerador representa las dosis actualmente administradas multiplicadas por 100,000. El denominador es la población del condado. El propósito de esta sección de datos es mostrar una estadística comparable para cada condado. El número de dosis administradas por condado se basa en lo que se ha reportado al Sistema de Información de Inmunización de Colorado (CIIS).

  • "Dosis distribuidas"

  • Las dosis distribuidas muestran el número total de dosis que han sido enviadas a los proveedores de cada condado. Ocasionalmente, las dosis enviadas a un proveedor en un condado son redistribuidas a un proveedor en un condado diferente. Esas redistribuciones no se cuentan en estos números.

    Actualmente, las dosis distribuidas no incluyen la sexta dosis para las ampollas de Pfizer, y estamos contando 10 dosis para ampollas de Moderna. Ya que los proveedores pueden obtener una sexta dosis de las ampollas de Pfizer y una 11ª dosis de las ampollas de Moderna, el número de dosis disponibles en cada condado es probablemente mayor que el número distribuido de dosis.

    Las dosis distribuidas sólo incluyen dosis solicitadas por Colorado y no incluyen programas federales como el Programa Federal de Farmacias Minoristas para la Vacunación contra el COVID-19.

  • "Dosis distribuidas por cada 100,000 personas"

  • Las dosis distribuidas por cada 100,000 muestra el número de dosis por cada 100,000 que se han enviado a los proveedores de cada condado.

    Las dosis distribuidas por cada 100,000 personas no se equipara con las dosis actualmente administradas. Es una tasa que ajusta el número de dosis distribuidas por la población de cada condado.

  • "Diferencia entre el porcentaje de dosis distribuidas y el porcentaje de la población del estado".

  • Esto muestra cuántas dosis son distribuidas en un condado en comparación con la población de ese condado. En la mayoría de los casos, el porcentaje distribuido y el porcentaje de la población del estado se alinean. Las excepciones ocurren porque a veces las dosis son distribuidas a un proveedor más grande en un condado que después las distribuye a otros proveedores, u organizan grandes clínicas de vacunación masiva que reciben a personas de muchos condados.[/li]

El público, las agencias locales de salud pública, los funcionarios locales electos y los medios de comunicación han solicitado estos datos. Hoy el CDPHE está lanzando el tablero de datos en versión beta para que estas audiencias puedan compartir sus comentarios para asegurarse de que nuestra transparencia de datos está satisfaciendo sus necesidades.

El estado ha podido distribuir vacunas tan rápido como la cadena de suministro federal lo permite, y está trabajando duro para asegurarse de que las vacunas eventualmente estén disponibles para todos los que quieran una.

Hasta que la vacuna contra el COVID no esté ampliamente disponible y se alcance una inmunidad en la comunidad, necesitamos que todos sigan los protocolos de salud pública para mitigar este virus: use un tapabocas, mantenga distancia física de los demás, evite reuniones, quédese en casa cuando esté enfermo y lávese las manos.

Continúe manteniéndose informado visitando


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22 Feb 2021 13:36 #127 by Mountain-News-Events
Rocky Mountain Rural Health
4hr ago

Vaccine Update: If you are 65 or older, to sign up for your covid vaccine, click below or go to and if you need help or to talk with someone, call Emma at Public Health at 719-836-4162. She can register you. The vaccines will still be given at the Rocky Mountain Rural Health building (the clinic) at 525 Hathaway Street in Fairplay.

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25 Feb 2021 14:49 #128 by Mountain-News-Events

Ashley Sever
Public Affairs Manager
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Nikki Work
Sr. Public Affairs Coordinator, Media Lead
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Jefferson County Moves to Level Blue on Dial 2.0

Jefferson County, Colo. – Effective Feb. 26 at 6 a.m., Jefferson County will move to Level Blue: Caution on the state’s Dial 2.0. Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) was notified about the move by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

The shift to Level Blue comes after the county’s one-week incidence and test positivity rates for COVID-19 have fallen into the designated metrics for this lower level of restrictions, and this trend has been sustained for a full week. In Jeffco, from Feb.17-23, we had a total of 531 cases of COVID-19, or 91.1 per 100,000 residents. Our test positivity rate has hovered at around 3%. We have also seen decreased and stabilized hospitalizations due to COVID-19 during this time.

Under Level Blue, restrictions will ease further, with higher capacity limits on restaurants, gyms, group sports, indoor and outdoor events, manufacturing and more. To see the full list of changes from Level Yellow to Level Blue, please visit .

In light of these changes, Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) reminds all in the Jeffco community, from individuals to businesses, to continue to follow guidance on disease prevention steps, like wearing a mask, staying home when possible, keeping a 6-foot distance, washing hands often, avoiding large gatherings, getting tested for COVID if you experience symptoms, and getting the vaccine when eligible.

“Working hard to stay safe and continuing to follow precautions is how we have come this far. While the move to Level Blue is a positive step, and one we can all feel hopeful about, if we don’t continue to operate cautiously we could quickly lose the ground we have gained,” said Dr. Dawn Comstock, Executive Director of JCPH. “The virus is still out there and we still need to take steps to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community. We should look at Level Blue not as a ‘free for all,’ but rather a step in the right direction.”

Once under Level Blue, all Jefferson County businesses can operate under those requirements. Those who are certified under the Five-Star Certification Program will also be operating at Level Blue. Some Five-Star certified businesses have decided to opt-in to the program and take the required extra steps to increase confidence that they are going above and beyond to keep their customers and employees safe. Jefferson County will continue to work with businesses that would like to participate in the Five-Star Certification Program and continually monitor and update information as it changes.

“JCPH applauds those businesses that have become Five-Star certified by demonstrating their commitment to COVID prevention,” Dr. Comstock said. “These businesses have shown they are dedicated to the safety of their customers. I appreciate their efforts and hope our Jeffco community will join me in thanking them.”

To learn more about Level Blue and the COVID-19 Dial 2.0, please visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s webpage. More information about Jeffco’s place on the dial is available on JCPH’s Dial webpage.

About Jefferson County Public Health

Public health is what we as a society do collectively to prevent illness and premature death and promote health in our neighborhoods and communities. Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) is a nationally accredited health department committed to promoting and protecting health across the lifespan for all people through prevention, education and partnerships. To learn more about JCPH visit . You can also follow JCPH on Twitter @JeffcoPH, Instagram @JeffcoPH and Facebook @jeffcopublichealth.


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25 Feb 2021 15:20 #129 by Mountain-News-Events
Clear Creek County is also moving to Level Blue tomorrow.


Effective Friday, February 26 at 6:00am, based on our lower COVID-19 incidence rate for the past three weeks, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) will move Clear Creek County to the less restrictive Dial Level: Blue – Cautious.
For more information on the new Dial 2.0, including detailed restriction changes and guidelines for all business sectors, please visit: .

Level Blue restrictions include:
• Restaurants may operate at 50% indoor capacity or 175 people (or up to 225 using capacity calculator).
• Last call for on-premise alcohol is moved from 11pm to 12am. Bars remain closed.
• Gyms and Personal Services may operate at 50% capacity or up to 175 people indoors.
• Indoor events are permitted with a capacity of 50% or 175 people with 6-foot distancing.
• Outdoor events are permitted with a capacity of 50% or 250 people with 6-foot distancing.
• Offices may operate at 50% capacity with remote work strongly encouraged.

We appreciate the efforts that members of our community have taken to help slow the spread of COVID-19. As Clear Creek County continues to stay the course, please continue to avoid social gatherings with those not in your immediate household; and when in public, wear a mask, maintain 6 feet of physical distancing, and practice good hygiene.

For questions and additional information, contact:
Rebecca Abrahamson
Public Health Consumer Protection Specialist
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For the related Media Release and Update to Clear Creek County Businesses Letter, along with current Clear Creek County COVID-19 testing, vaccination and other information, please visit:


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26 Feb 2021 14:47 #130 by Mountain-News-Events

During Governor Polis' COVID-19 update today he announced that starting on March 5th, people age 60 and up will be able to obtain COVID-19 vaccinations, and around March 21st (give or take depending upon supply received), ages 50 and up will be able to receive theirs. Everyone 65 and up is currently eligible. To date, Colorado has administered 882,703 first doses and 423,237 second doses. Phase 1A is essentially complete (90% rate) - healthcare workers and first-responders. Vaccinations of long-term care residents across the state will be complete in about 10 days. 67% of Coloradans over the age of 70 have been vaccinated*, more data will be coming Tuesday. Regarding the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, they expect to start receiving those at the end of March.

*Jeffco has reached 70% - see press release at bottom

Park County Moves to Level Blue on COVID-19 Dial
February 26, 2021

Park County, Colo. - Today the Park County Board of County Commissioners announced that the county will move to Level: Blue within Public Health Order 20-36, on the state’s COVID-19 dial, as amended and extended.

Due to the successful efforts in Park County to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) approved the Board of County Commissioners previous request. The status change is effective today, Feb. 26, 2021 at 6 a.m.

The move to Level Blue: Caution means new more relaxed restrictions for places of business and activities. Here is a summary of some of the key changes:
  • Restaurants: Indoor dining is increased to 50% capacity or up to 175 people (up from 50), excluding staff, whichever is less, per room. Outdoor dining will stay the same, 6 feet between parties outdoors. Restaurant liquor sales will be extended to midnight.
  • Indoor entertainment events can continue to operate at 50% capacity not to exceed 50 people, or up to 175 people, whichever is less. Establishments over 7,200 square feet may expand to 100 people using the Social Distancing Calculator.
  • Outdoor entertainment events are limited to 50% capacity (up from 25%) and can have up to 250 people (up from 175).
  • Gyms, rec centers, and indoor pools may operate at 50% capacity, not to exceed 175 patrons (up from 50), whichever is less.
  • Organized recreational youth or adult league sports may resume activities with no more than 25 players, excluding coaching staff and referees or umpires.
  • Outdoor Guided Activities may be conducted at 50% capacity not to exceed 25 people (up from 10), whichever is less.
  • Retail establishments stay the same at 50% capacity.

Please review Public Health Order 20-36 for the full details and guidance.

For information about Park County’s COVID-19 Response and to access resources, please visit our website. For details on Colorado's Dial, please visit the dial dashboard.
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February 23, 2021


Ashley Sever
Public Affairs Manager
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Nikki Work
Sr. Public Affairs Coordinator, Media Lead
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Jefferson County Reaches Goal of Vaccinating at Least 70 Percent of Residents Age 70 and Over Against COVID-19

Jefferson County, Colo. – Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) announced today that the county has reached its goal of vaccinating at least 70% of residents age 70 and over by the end of February. This monumental effort, achieved in partnership with the entire local public health system, is a major accomplishment in the county’s pandemic recovery effort and another step forward to slowing the spread of COVID-19 in our community and getting back to the Jeffco way of life.

As of today, 70.0% (44,843 individuals) of Jefferson County residents ages 70 and older have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 34.8% (22,275 individuals) have received both doses. Jefferson County has the largest older adult population in the state, with about 64,000 adults over the age of 70. Since the start of the pandemic, this population has had the highest rate of hospitalizations and mortality due to COVID-19, accounting for approximately 80% of deaths in Jefferson County.

“It’s important that we celebrate this major milestone in the COVID-19 vaccination effort here in Jeffco, because what it really means is more lives saved,” said Dr. Dawn Comstock, Executive Director at JCPH. “The older adult population in Jeffco has been severely affected by this virus and we are so grateful that the vaccine is now available to provide much needed protection. However, we can’t stop here — we are going to stay focused on getting the rest of the 70+ population vaccinated as well as push forward to vaccinating other high-risk groups as quickly as possible.”

As next steps in the county’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy, local public health system partners will focus on reaching the remainder of Jeffco’s 70+ population to ensure they have access to a vaccine. Based on vaccination efforts to date, we know that priority populations are less likely to have access to the vaccine, and we are implementing strategies to ensure equitable distribution across eligible groups. Additionally, providers will continue to make progress with vaccinating populations that recently became eligible to get the vaccine, including people age 65-69, Pre-K through 12th grade school staff and educators as well as licensed child care providers. Jefferson County will continue to work hard, across the system, to quickly administer every single dose of the COVID-19 vaccines allocated to us by the state.

“Accomplishing this major milestone took the entire Jefferson County community coming together — from health care providers and pharmacies who helped get this safe and effective vaccine into arms, to city and county leaders who advocated to get more vaccine allocated to Jefferson County, to community organizations and neighbors who helped older adults register or get to a vaccine appointment,” Comstock said. “On behalf of JCPH, we thank you and we celebrate alongside you.”

For any older adults in Colorado and Jeffco who have still not been able to sign up for or receive a COVID-19 vaccine, we encourage you to make an appointment now. Here are some helpful tips for signing up:
  • Sign up directly with a local vaccine provider. Health care providers, retail pharmacies and public health clinics have their own registration websites. You may have to create an account, and if you receive a reference code, write it down. For a list of providers, visit Additionally, our partners at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have created an appointment search tool, called the Colorado COVID-19 Vaccine Finder, that may be helpful for finding an appointment.
  • Help is available if you need assistance with registering for a vaccine. You can call Benefits in Action at 720-221-8354 and they will help you sign up.
  • If you are on a wait list, check your email, voicemail and/or text messages often so you do not lose your spot in line.
  • You can get vaccinated in any city or county. You are not required to get vaccinated in the community you live in.
  • The vaccine is free. Providers should not ask you to pay for the vaccine or other administrative costs, regardless of your insurance status. If you have insurance, the provider may seek reimbursement from your health insurance company for these fees, but you should not be charged.
  • You should not be asked to provide ID when registering or when you go to your appointment. However, you may be asked to verify your age or health care worker/first responder status.
  • You do not need to be a U.S. citizen, and you will not need to prove lawful presence to get a COVID-19 vaccine in Colorado.

For more information, visit or view JCPH’s vaccine fact sheet for older adults. You can also call JCPH’s Vaccine Call Center at 303-239-7000 and press option 1 for vaccine information. For additional help or other questions, please call 1-877-CO VAX CO (1-877-268-2926). Operators are answering calls 24/7 and in multiple languages.

About Jefferson County Public Health

Public health is what we as a society do collectively to prevent illness and premature death and promote health in our neighborhoods and communities. Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) is a nationally accredited health department committed to promoting and protecting health across the lifespan for all people through prevention, education and partnerships. To learn more about JCPH visit . You can also follow JCPH on Twitter @JeffcoPH, Instagram @JeffcoPH and Facebook @jeffcopublichealth.


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