COVID-19 Corona Virus - How You Can Prepare

05 Aug 2021 10:02 #161 by Mountain-News-Events
COVID19 Vaccine Clinics at Platte Canyon High School
Posted on: August 4, 2021

Park County, Colo. – Vaccinations are the leading prevention strategy in order to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Park County Public Health (PCPH) in partnership with our local school districts, is launching a vaccination effort to bring mobile vaccination teams to Platte Canyon High School to vaccinate students ages 12 and older.

With parent/guardian permission, students can visit any one of the following local or school-based sites to receive the Pfizer vaccination against COVID-19. Walk-ins welcome and appointments available:

Thursday, August 5 - Platte Canyon High School 57393 US Hwy 285, Bailey, CO 80421 -7:30 AM – 3:30 PM Register for an appointment here.
Thursday, August 12 - Platte Canyon High School 57393 US Hwy 285, Bailey, CO 80421 - 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM Register for an appointment here.

PCPH encourages parents to contact your child’s pediatrician with questions or require other back-to-school vaccines and to sign kids up for a vaccine appointment at the earliest opportunity. In addition to the school clinics, people can visit the weekly vaccine clinic for individuals 12 and older every Thursday at St. Mary of the Rockies, 236 Bulldogger Road Bailey CO 80421 from Noon – 6 PM. Register for an appointment here.

If you have any questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please feel free to call the Park County Public Health COVID19 Vaccine and Testing Coordinator at 719-836-4162 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For information about Park County’s COVID-19 Response and to access additional resources, please visit our website.


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12 Aug 2021 14:58 #162 by Mountain-News-Events
From Park County Public Health:

Park County is seeing a spike in COVID19 cases. There are two vaccine clinics in Bailey today and more next week in Fairplay and Hartsel.

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13 Aug 2021 17:26 #163 by Mountain-News-Events
Posted on: August 13, 2021
JCPH Extends Public Health Order 21-001: County to Remain in Observation Period for Another Month

Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) today extended Public Health Order 21-001 – COVID-19 Dial. The order is now effective through September 15, 2021. View the full order extension here.

“Given the stall in COVID-19 vaccinations, combined with the sharp increase in cases and hospitalizations due to COVID-19 here in Jeffco, extending the Public Health Order is prudent at this juncture. The highly transmissible Delta variant is quickly making its way through unvaccinated individuals in our community, and we need to keep a close eye on how COVID-19 is affecting our county for a while longer,” said Dr. Dawn Comstock, Executive Director, JCPH. “At this time there are no changes to requirements for businesses or organizations in the county, and we will remain in Level Clear as we continue in an extended Observation Period. However, we are urging all community members ages 12+ who are unvaccinated to get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible, as vaccines are safe, effective and the leading public health strategy to help us end this pandemic and keep our communities fully open.”

With the extension of PHO 21-001, Jefferson County will continue operating in Phase 2 – Observation Period. During the Observation Period, JCPH will continue to closely monitor hospitalizations, a health metric indicative of severity of COVID-19 infections. If needed, JCPH can apply capacity limits based on hospitalization rates as described in the order.

In Jefferson County, the 14-day average hospitalization rate rose from 0.3 per 100,000 residents from June 22-July 5, 2021 to 0.8 per 100,000 residents from July 23-August 5, 2021. According to the order, the county could be moved to Level Blue if there are greater than 2.0 hospital admissions per 100,000 residents over a 14-day period.

“This spring, large numbers of Jeffco community members stepped up to protect themselves, their loved ones and our community as a whole — and your efforts led to Jeffco being one of the first counties in Colorado to surpass 70% vaccination coverage among eligible individuals,” Comstock said. “If you are unvaccinated and eligible, please get vaccinated. If you know someone who remains unvaccinated, and you feel comfortable doing so, please sit down and have an earnest conversation with them to hear what their concerns are and offer reliable information from trusted sources. You could make a difference — people trust the people they know and love.”

As of August 9, 2021, 75.1% of eligible Jeffco residents have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Given the increased transmissibility of the Delta variant, public health experts estimate that at least 80% vaccination coverage is needed to reach herd immunity.

For more information on the Public Health Order, visit . To find out where to get a free COVID-19 vaccine close to home, any day of the week, visit .

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16 Aug 2021 18:26 #164 by Mountain-News-Events
August 16, 2021


Ashley Sever
Public Affairs Manager
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Nikki Work
Sr. Public Affairs Coordinator, Media Lead
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JCPH Issues Public Health Order Requiring Masks for Everyone Ages 2+ and Routine Testing of Unvaccinated Individuals in
Pre-K through Grade 12 Schools & Childcare Settings

Jefferson County, Colo. — Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) today released Public Health Order 21-002, which requires everyone ages 2 and older to wear a mask when indoors at all schools and school-based extracurricular activities as well as all childcare settings in Jefferson County. Additionally, the Order requires all unvaccinated faculty and staff, as well as all unvaccinated students and adults who are participating in school-based extracurricular activities, to undergo routine testing during the academic year. The purpose of the Order is to protect health and preserve in-person learning in the county. The Order is effective tomorrow, August 17, 2021 and will remain in effect until rescinded, superseded or amended.

“Over the past few weeks, we have seen schools that do not require masking in other parts of the country be required to send large numbers of students home to quarantine and even close schools. While our department released very strong guidance to Jeffco schools and childcare settings recommending they require mask-wearing, unfortunately too few schools and childcares have adopted this safe and effective mitigation strategy,” said Dr. Dawn Comstock, Executive Director, JCPH. “Due to the highly transmissible Delta variant now driving a surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in our county, coupled with insufficient vaccination coverage in schoolchildren, we must act now to prevent unnecessary illness and help protect in-person learning and educational experiences as much as possible. Despite heroic efforts by Jeffco teachers and schools to offer remote learning, last year far too many students struggled with academic achievement, social development and mental wellness. The goal shared by Jeffco parents, school leaders and public health leaders is to protect in-person learning.”

In Jefferson County from August 2-8, 2021, there were 535 new cases (91.8 per 100,000 residents) of COVID-19, compared to only 110 new cases (18.9 per 100,000 residents) from July 2-8, 2021. Cases have increased rapidly over the past month for both children and adults. Most new cases are among people who are unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated, and at this time, 41.2% of those ages 12-15 and 37.4% of those ages 16-19 have not received even one dose of vaccine. Children under 12 are also vulnerable as they are not yet eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.

Based on sample testing, it’s estimated that the Delta variant is responsible for nearly 100% of COVID-19 cases in Colorado. The Delta variant, which is twice as infectious as prior strains, appears to have a greater impact on children ages 19 and under as compared to past strains of the virus.

“We learned a great deal firsthand during the 2020-21 school year in Jeffco, and a wealth of scientific studies have proven that universal mask policies are safe and very effective at reducing the spread of COVID-19 in schools,” Comstock said. “Requiring masking indoors for everyone, combined with implementing a testing policy and promoting vaccination, will help reduce the virus in these high-density indoor settings, prevent outbreaks and minimize disruptive quarantines and isolations. Keeping kids in school is something we all want, and with some simple but important steps, we can preserve this next school year for our Jeffco youth.”

In addition to masking and testing requirements outlined in PHO 21-002, JCPH strongly recommends all schools and childcare settings follow JCPH’s Guidance for Schools and Childcares. JCPH’s Order and guidance aligns with CDC’s guidance which recommends universal masking for childcare and Pre-K-12 education for all individuals while indoors, regardless of vaccination status, as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation for universal masking in school and childcare settings.

Summary of Requirements for Schools and Childcares in Jeffco
  • Masks for all individuals ages 2+ indoors in all schools, childcares and school-based extracurricular activities
  • Implement a COVID-19 testing policy by September 7, 2021, requiring all unvaccinated faculty and staff to be tested weekly throughout the school year
  • Implement a COVID-19 testing policy by September 7, 2021, requiring all unvaccinated students and adults participating in school-based extracurricular activities to be tested weekly
  • Post signage that masks are required at their facilities (signage provided in the Order)
  • Enforcement of quarantine for individuals who are unvaccinated and unmasked when exposed to an individual case, and enforcement of quarantine for all unvaccinated individuals — masked and unmasked — who are exposed in outbreaks
  • Enforcement of isolation for anyone who tests positive for COVID-19
  • Cooperation in case investigations and contact tracing
  • Social distancing of at least six feet when masks are removed as permitted in the Order (e.g., When students are eating and drinking at meal times indoors)
Summary of Recommendations for Schools and Childcares in Jeffco
  • Promoting vaccinations to increase coverage among eligible students, faculty and staff
  • Require vaccinations for faculty and staff, as well as all adults and eligible students participating in school-based sports and extracurricular activities
  • Follow additional recommendations outlined in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Back to School Roadmap to layer as many additional precautionary measures as feasible to keep students, faculty and staff safe
For more information about PHO 21-002 and complete requirements for schools and childcares, view the full Order. You can also refer to Frequently Asked Questions here.

About Jefferson County Public Health
Public health is what we do collectively to prevent illness and premature death and promote health in our neighborhoods and communities. Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) is a nationally accredited health department committed to promoting and protecting health across the lifespan for all people through prevention, education and partnerships. To learn more about JCPH visit . You can also follow JCPH on Twitter @JeffcoPH, Instagram @JeffcoPH and Facebook @jeffcopublichealth.

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17 Aug 2021 12:54 #165 by Mountain-News-Events
From Park County Public Health:
Have you weighed the risks and decided to get vaccinated against COVID19? You'll find many options across Park County this week: today at the Hartsel Fire Station from 11 AM - 6 PM, Wed. August 18 - Fairplay, North-West Fire Station from Noon -7 PM and Thursday August 19 at St. Mary of the Rockies in Bailey.


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18 Aug 2021 16:01 #166 by Mountain-News-Events
From Park County Public Health:
In the past month, over ten percent of Park County's COVID19 cases are among children. With schools just getting started again, please do your part to keep yourself, kids and teachers safe. Vaccine clinic for ages 12 and up in Fairplay today and Bailey tomorrow.

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23 Aug 2021 08:29 #167 by ScienceChic
Moderna applied for full approval after Pfizer did so their application is still pending. I haven't checked if Johnson & Johnson has applied yet.

US regulators give full approval to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
By LAURAN NEERGAARD and MATTHEW PERRONE, AP News | August 23, 2021 41 minutes ago

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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28 Aug 2021 17:11 #168 by Mountain-News-Events
August 28, 2021


Ashley Sever
Public Affairs Manager
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Nikki Work
Sr. Public Affairs Coordinator, Media Lead
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JCPH Amends PHO 21-002 Order now requires masks for everyone ages 3+ in school settings, provides additional clarification

Jefferson County, Colo. — Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) has amended Public Health Order 21-002, which now requires everyone ages 3 and older (instead of 2 and older) to wear a mask when indoors at all schools and school-based extracurricular activities as well as all childcare settings in Jefferson County. Additionally, the amended Order no longer requires social distancing of at least 6 ft. when masks are removed during meal times or when playing instruments indoors, and instead, JCPH strongly recommends maintaining at least 3 ft. distance in these instances. The amended Order is effective immediately and until it is rescinded, superseded or amended.

“Last week we hosted a town hall with more than 60 childcare owners and operators in the county and received feedback on JCPH’s Public Health Order pertaining to schools and childcares. We heard the most common challenges with implementing the Order were masking among 2 year-olds, as well as the inability to maintain six-feet distance when children are unmasked during meal times due to lack of space in many smaller facilities,” said Dr. Dawn Comstock, Executive Director, JCPH. “While JCPH’s original Order follows guidance from CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospital Colorado regarding appropriate ages for use of face coverings, we listened to those in our community who work with young children every day and have modified the age for required masking from age 2 and older to age 3 and older. Additionally, we’ve modified our Order to strongly recommend at least 3 ft. distancing when unmasked for meal times. We thank our community for sharing their feedback, appreciate their commitment to health and wellness of the children in their care, and recognize this will help childcare providers implement mitigation protocols more easily and effectively in their settings, so we can all continue to work together to stop the rising spread of COVID-19 while emphasizing, prioritizing, and protecting in-person school and childcare.”

In summary, the amended PHO 21-002 now requires:
  • Masks for all individuals age 3+ indoors in all schools, childcares and school-based and school-sponsored extracurricular activities
  • By September 7, implement a COVID-19 testing policy requiring all unvaccinated faculty and staff to be tested weekly throughout the school year
  • By September 7, implement a COVID-19 testing policy requiring all unvaccinated students and adults participating in school-based and school-sponsored extracurricular activities to be tested weekly
  • Post signage that masks are required at their facilities
  • Enforcement of quarantine for individuals who are unvaccinated and unmasked when exposed to an individual case, and enforcement of quarantine for all unvaccinated individuals — masked and unmasked — who are exposed in outbreaks
  • Enforcement of isolation for anyone who tests positive for COVID-19
  • Cooperation in case investigations and contact tracing, including reporting cases and outbreaks to JCPH
JCPH also continues to strongly encourage schools and childcares to following other elements in JCPH’s Guidance for Schools and Childcares, including promoting vaccinations to increase coverage among eligible students, faculty and staff.

“Thank you to schools and childcare facilities for taking steps needed to protect children in our community from COVID-19,” Comstock said. “We want to be as responsive as possible to your feedback as we understand the need to balance the implementation of numerous viral mitigation strategies with practical challenges and constraints of school and childcare settings. We admire the work you do and will continue to work toward our common goal of keeping kids healthy and safe .”

For more information about the amended PHO 21-002 and complete requirements for schools and childcares, view the full Order.

About Jefferson County Public Health
Public health is what we do collectively to prevent illness and premature death and promote health in our neighborhoods and communities. Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) is a nationally accredited health department committed to promoting and protecting health across the lifespan for all people through prevention, education and partnerships. To learn more about JCPH visit . You can also follow JCPH on Twitter @JeffcoPH, Instagram @JeffcoPH and Facebook @jeffcopublichealth.

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01 Sep 2021 16:16 #169 by Mountain-News-Events
September 1, 2021


Ashley Sever
Public Affairs Manager
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Nikki Work
Sr. Public Affairs Coordinator, Media Lead
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JCPH Provides Update on COVID-19
Department shares important reminders for residents as COVID-19 continues to persist in Jeffco

Jefferson County, Colo. — As the highly transmissible Delta variant continues to spread in the county, especially among unvaccinated residents, Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) shares an update on the current situation in Jeffco. The department also reminds residents of safe and effective mitigation strategies to prevent COVID-19, including infection by the Delta variant.

“We have heard from residents that it is a confusing time and that it has been difficult to know how to safely go about daily life as the pandemic persists. This is understandable, especially after going from a safer start of summer to seeing cases and hospitalizations surge again,” said Christine Billings, Head of the Office of Pandemic Response, JCPH. “We are committed to continuing to share current, transparent COVID-19 data and evidence-based prevention strategies with our residents so they are armed with the information they need to make choices to protect themselves and their loved ones. Luckily, we have learned a lot about this virus over the past year and a half, and public health prevention recommendations have evolved based on science to meet current needs. There are several important prevention measures that, when layered together, we know are very effective at stopping the spread of COVID-19 while our county remains a high risk area.”

COVID-19 Data for Jefferson County
  • From August 23-29, there have been 767 new cases of COVID-19 (131.5 per 100,000 persons) in Jeffco, a 68.2% increase from the same time period last month (456 new cases from July 23-29).

  • Hospitalizations among Jeffco residents have doubled with the 14-day rolling average increasing from 0.4 per 100,000 persons during July 10-23 to 0.8 per 100,000 persons during August 10-23. Currently, there are 41 Jeffco residents in the hospital with confirmed COVID-19.

  • Of all new cases in the past two months, 83.5% were among people who were unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated. 82.9% of hospitalizations in the past two months were among people who were unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated.

  • As of August 30, 71.9% of residents ages 12+ are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and another 5.1% are partially vaccinated. Given the increased transmissibility of Delta, public health experts estimate that at least 80% vaccination coverage is needed to reach herd immunity.

  • The Delta variant, which spreads more than twice as easily from one person to another compared with earlier strains, represents nearly 100% of cases of COVID-19 in Colorado.
“At this point in the pandemic, reading or hearing data about COVID-19 can seem routine or intangible. In reality, these numbers represent our Jeffco community members — neighbors, parents, children, friends and coworkers — who are still suffering from this virus. As a community, there is a lot we can do right now to help get the pandemic back under control for ourselves and others,” Billings said. “Easy actions like getting vaccinated, wearing a mask indoors and getting tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms will help keep our kids in school, our homes and workplaces safe and, hopefully, allow us to enjoy the upcoming fall holidays together while staying healthy.”

Layered COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations
  • Get vaccinated. Vaccination is the best path to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, and everyone ages 12+ should get a COVID-19 vaccine. If you are immunocompromised, it is recommended that you get an additional dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine at least four weeks (28 days) after your second dose.

    - All three COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, but for those who were waiting for full approval to be confident in their choice to get vaccinated, the FDA recently gave full approval to Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine for people 16+. The first full approval of a COVID-19 vaccine is an important milestone that should reassure anyone who has concerns about getting vaccinated.
    - Find a free COVID-19 vaccine close to home, any day of the week, at .

  • Wear a mask indoors. CDC recommends that everyone ages 2+ wear a mask in indoor public settings, regardless of vaccination status, in high or substantial risk areas. While COVID-19 vaccines are still highly effective at preventing COVID-19 and serious illness from the virus, breakthrough cases are possible and additional prevention steps can help lessen the chances of getting sick. Masks are safe and effective and are not harmful to children’s mental health.

    Masks are required for everyone ages 3+ in schools and childcare settings in Jeffco, per PHO 21-002.

  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed, get tested. We remind residents that if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or if you have been exposed to COVID-19, get tested and isolate until you receive your results. Get tested even if your symptoms are mild and even if you have been vaccinated. If your test is positive, continue to isolate for 10 days.

    - The most common symptoms are fever, cough and shortness of breath, but symptoms can also include fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea.
    - Visit to find a list of free testing locations across Jeffco.

  • Add other layers of protection when possible. Social distancing, avoiding large crowds, gathering outdoors rather than indoors, improving ventilation (air flow) and regular handwashing are additional ways to prevent COVID-19.

“As families continue to balance everyday activities with COVID-19 risk, these layered mitigation steps can help give them some clear guidance and peace of mind as we continue to live with COVID-19,” Billings said. “We have the tools to protect ourselves, we just need everyone to use them.”

For more information about COVID-19 in Jeffco, including current data, vaccination locations, testing sites and more, visit .

About Jefferson County Public Health
Public health is what we do collectively to prevent illness and premature death and promote health in our neighborhoods and communities. Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) is a nationally accredited health department committed to promoting and protecting health across the lifespan for all people through prevention, education and partnerships. To learn more about JCPH visit . You can also follow JCPH on Twitter @JeffcoPH, Instagram @JeffcoPH and Facebook @jeffcopublichealth.

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08 Sep 2021 15:46 #170 by Mountain-News-Events
From Park County Public Health:
More vaccine clinics announced for Park County - this time in Guffey. Thanks to Southern Park County Fire Protection District for hosting a clinic this Saturday from 3 - 5 PM. For details, please visit .

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