Starting at 9 a.m. on February 6, the CodeRED emergency notification system will begin making test calls to residents in Jefferson and Broomfield counties along with portions of Adams and Clear Creek counties.
The counties previously used First Call Network for emergency notifications. However, during the Lower North Fork Fire last year, at least 12 percent of Jefferson County residents in the evacuation zone were not notified.
The new CodeRED system may be used to notify residents of evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, missing child reports and severe weather.
The information provided by The Denver Channel does not agree with the information provided by CodeRed when you enroll, which does not agree with the information provided by Jefferson County at
Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley
Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy
NEW Emergency Notification System to be tested Wed., Feb. 6th
We no longer have your phone number! --Sign up today...
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office E-mail Alert
January 31, 2012
On February 6, starting at 9 a.m., the CodeRED emergency notification system will begin making test calls. This notification process is expected to take several hours to complete due to the large number of landlines to be called. This system is used to help disseminate information regarding critical incidents.
In addition citizens can elect to receive notification of severe weather using the CodeRED Weather Warning system.
Residents and businesses are encouraged to visit [url=" onclick=";return false;][/url] to sign up. It only takes seconds, and can include SMS (text) and email address preferences. This is especially important for those addresses without a landline, as residents and businesses must register if they want to receive emergency notifications. Residents who have previously registered their phone numbers must re-register under the new notification system to ensure accuracy.
Residents wanting more information about the test notification call or with questions should call: 303-277-0211.
When I signed up for CodeRed on my phone, I put all the numbers in as contacts and identified them as
Emergency Notifications 1-866-419-5000
Emergency notifications general 1-855-969-4636
Emergency Weather 1-800-566-9780
Since I now work where tornados happen, I have my gps turned on so that I get the correct notifications for where I am physically as well as my home address.
I haven't received a text alert yet (though I signed up for that), but did get calls on my home and cell phones. Thanks for the numbers pacamom; I'd only seen the 866-419-5000 one.
"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill