I looked for information before asking but I am lost.
Thank you for the links to Jeffco and Parkco sheriff live audio feed.
Who provides this?
Right below there is an ad for purchasing a scanner to hear all the local action. In the old days we listened to scanners but not the new digital if that is what they are called now. Are digital scanners available for Park County and do they work. Is that what we are listening to online?
I believe if you are listening online, it is all digital. However, digital doesn't work very well in the mountains so many departments (like Platte Canyon FD) still use analog - you have to have a scanner in order to hear those transmissions.
jf1acai can explain much better than I, but I also believe that you can hear scanner broadcasts over HAM radios too, and it isn't expensive to get one - you just have to get certified.
All law enforcement agencies use the Colorado Digital Trunked Radio System (DTRS). Park County Sheriff can use both VHF analog and DTRS. Nearly all mountain area fire departments use VHF analog, exceptions that I can think of being Evergreen on UHF analog, and Foothills and Genesee using DTRS. Evergreen is in the process of converting to VHF analog. Indian Hills and Inter-Canyon tried DTRS, then changed back to VHF analog. Some of the fire departments also have some DTRS capability so they can communicate with Metro fire departments to a limited extent, although when that is necessary it is usually accomplished by dispatch patching the VHF analog to a DTRS channel. Most metro area fire departments use DTRS, Golden and some others that serve both metro and mountain areas use both depending on circumstances.
The online scanners can be a mixture of DTRS and analog. I am not aware of any online scanner which covers Platte Canyon's VHF analog.
Most HAM transceivers can scan the public service VHF and UHF analog frequencies, but they are not able to transmit on those frequencies. It is illegal for anyone to transmit on HAM frequencies without an FCC amateur radio license which covers the frequency being used. It is illegal for anyone to transmit on public service frequencies unless they are authorized by an organization which is FCC licensed for the specific frequency (or are a licensed HAM in an emergency).
As far as how expensive a HAM transceiver is, it varies a lot depending on the quality and capabilities desired. New they start at around $100, and can go as high as you are able/willing to spend.
I have not checked recently, but I think DTRS scanners start at around $500 new.
Hope this is helpful.
Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley
Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy
Thank you jf1acai. You helped clarify a lot of it.
Based on price the DTRS scanners are out. I will listen to the one online. I was initially hoping to listen to a portable so I could free up the computer since it isn't mine to begin with. No matter, thankful that this person is willing to stream it online.