Per cosmiccowboy55: Grass fire off of 64 in the area of Payne Gulch. Platte Canyon responding, size is established at 2 acres. Elk Creek Fire and USFS tones out mutual aid, and aircraft being ordered.
Fire caused by shooters, they are being held by fire.
From Jeffco Sheriff 2min ago:
Smoke can be seen in the area of Bailey. This is due to a willand fire in Park County. Some folks are being evacuated along Co Rd 64 A & Co Rd 64 B in the area of Pine Gulch Subdivision. We are assisting Park County with the evacuations.
From Park County Posted on: September 15, 2019
64 Alfa Fire
Payne Gulch Road has been evacuated. This is a forest service land fire. 3 to 5 acres in size. The Shawnee VFW has been opened for evacuees. Pre- evacuation of. Brookside and Payne Gulch trailhead in effect.