Look how much government Obama is creating compared to FDR

24 Jun 2010 16:54 #1 by The Viking
This compares FDR's 'New Deal' to just what Obama has done in one bill. I know a lot of you don't like Glenn Beck but if you really listen to him and ignore the antics, he brings up history and imformation that is very informative and things most people never new. Obama has already created almost 10 times more government agencies thn FDR did when he totally changed the country. At least watch it before making snide remarks.


Here is a shorter version that is closer up so you can see some of the new agencies created by both. it is scary that people actually beleive that Obama is not out of control trying to have the goernment control almost everything.


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24 Jun 2010 18:10 #2 by archer
We do live in a vastly different country and time than the years of FDR....but hey, it's always fun pretend that nothing has changed and we can beat someone up with "the good ol' days".

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24 Jun 2010 18:22 #3 by The Viking

archer wrote: We do live in a vastly different country and time than the years of FDR....but hey, it's always fun pretend that nothing has changed and we can beat someone up with "the good ol' days".

This has nothing to do with 'the good ol' days'. It is here and now. He just created 159 new Government boards and commissions, IN ONE BILL. Here is a link to all of them. This doesn't even count all the other ones he has created in 17 months and all the new Czars. Are you OK with growing our government faster and bigger than ever in history and giving them that much more Big Brother control over our lives? I thought you were for smaller government too?

http://projectworldawareness.com/2010/0 ... s-created/

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24 Jun 2010 18:29 #4 by The Viking
And remember, it has now been proven that this cannot be paid for in this bill in fact some estimates have it raising out deficit as much as $1 to $1.5 trillion. Who is giving him the right to play with money he doesn't have? And who does he expect to pay for all these new agencies and boards? And what happened to promising to only using the pay as you go system?

Anyone can create tens of thousands of jobs if they can print out trillions of dollars without worrying who or how it is ever goig to be paid back. He is just trying to make himself look like the hero without caring about the consequenses of our future becaue he won't be in charge then. No personal responsibility at all! Remember, we as taxpayers will being having to pay this all back someday.

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24 Jun 2010 18:34 #5 by archer
uh.....I do believe a couple years ago we were posting the same things about Bush....the more things change the more they stay the same (contradicting my previous post I guess)

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24 Jun 2010 21:18 #6 by Wayne Harrison
The Obama FDR comparison story came out over a year ago.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/2 ... 68708.html

Beck claims Obama has outspent even Franklin Roosevelt as a percent of GDP

(Only if you eliminate the final third of FDR's presidency)

http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter ... lin-roose/

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24 Jun 2010 21:36 #7 by Wayne Harrison

The Viking wrote: This doesn't even count all the other ones he has created in 17 months and all the new Czars.

So, we're back to the "Czars" list again, huh?

Of the 32 czars Beck lists:

* Nine were confirmed by the Senate, including the director of national intelligence ("intelligence czar"), the chief performance officer ("government performance czar") and the deputy interior secretary ("California water czar").

* Eight more were not appointed by the president – the special advisor to the EPA overseeing its Great Lakes restoration plan ("Great Lakes czar") is EPA-appointed, for instance, and the assistant secretary for international affairs and special representative for border affairs ("border czar") is appointed by the secretary of homeland security.

* Fifteen of the "czarships" Beck lists, including seven that are in neither of the above categories, were created by previous administrations. (In some cases, as with the "economic czar," the actual title – in this case, chairman of the president’s economic recovery advisory board – is new, but there has been an official overseeing the area in past administrations. In others, as with the special envoy to Sudan, the position is old but the "czar" appellation is new.)

* In all, of the 32 positions in Beck’s list, only eight are Obama-appointed, unconfirmed, brand new czars. (the rest are the same "Czar" positions Bush had)


Czars are really nothing new. They’ve long been employed in one form or another to tackle some of the nation’s highest-profile problems. The first energy "Czar" was appointed by Richard Nixon. He was Republican Gov. John Love of Colorado.


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24 Jun 2010 21:42 #8 by daisypusher
If the total is 32 and Obama created 8, then a 33.34% increase in Czars is quite a big increase for the small time he has been in office.

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24 Jun 2010 21:56 #9 by archer

daisypusher wrote: If the total is 32 and Obama created 8, then a 33.34% increase in Czars is quite a big increase for the small time he has been in office.

It's a meaningless term coined pretty much by the media......but if you are comparing "czardom"

As for Obama having an unprecedented number of czars, the Bush administration had even more appointed or nominated positions whose holders were called "czars"


and it's still meaningless because many of the so-called czars are actually positions with other titles, like the director of national intelligence...AKA the intelligence czar.

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24 Jun 2010 22:03 #10 by daisypusher
This quote is from the article you cite:

"In all, of the 32 positions in Beck’s list, only eight are Obama-appointed, unconfirmed, brand new czars."

And is the basis of the statistics stated. But according to you the article makes meaningless what the article states.

lol I can agree with that about FactCheck....

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