major bean wrote: What are the covenants covering pigs in Harris Park? I know that a person can have the usual farm animals in Harris Park but I seem to remember that pigs are excluded. Does anyone know?
Do you have any idea what the title of this thread sounds like? You have opened yourself up to some very interesting responses! rofllol
I have bought several properties in Harris Park and I have never received anything in regards to covenants.
If covenants aren't re-affirmed ever so often...they become unenforceable.
I live in DCVR. We have and HOA and covenants but they are unenforceable.
Once that occurs...You live under existing LUR's.
If you have an HOA, I suggest you contact a member of the board and see what you can learn about the history of your covenants.
I cannot say for sure....but my guess is that your covenants have ended up like mine. Your zoning is "residential" up there. My zoning is Mountain Residential so mine is more restrictive than yours would be.
Have you given any thought to possibly approaching the neighbor with pigs to see if you guys could come to a good solution for you both?
Hope you get some relief....Pigs can be a smelly situation.