Republican Leaders' Racist Quotes

15 Jul 2012 10:03 #1 by Arlen
Since it is stated repeatedly, by liberals, that the Republican Party is the party of racism, I would like to have all of the racist quotes of the leaders of the Republican Party posted in this thread. This should definitively establish that the Republican Party is the party of racism, once and for all.
We can easily post racist quotes for prominent Democrats. This has been demonstrated.

Liberals, this is your chance to demonstrate that your argument is truthful. Here are the guidelines:
1. post only quotes of prominent Republican leaders (U.S. Presidents, U.S. Vice Presidents, U.S. Senators, U.S. Cabinet heads, Governors, etc.)
2. do not post quotes of obscure individuals
3. do not post quotes of those who do not hold public office.

(I know of one quote by a Republican president, but I will let a liberal take this low-hanging-fruit.)

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15 Jul 2012 11:29 #2 by Arlen

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15 Jul 2012 12:34 #3 by TPP

Arlen wrote: [crickets]chirp[/crickets]

Yeap! as I figured...

Yet, my Commie B-I-L, posted this:

Besides everybody knows that would also be G.W.'s fault, can't even get that correct!

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15 Jul 2012 14:44 #4 by Arlen
[missioncontrol] ι ι ÓÐÈ˽ÓÌýÂð ÓÐÈËÂð? [/missioncontrol]
[translation] Hello! Hello! Is anybody out there? [/translation]

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15 Jul 2012 17:26 #5 by Arlen
Surely, this thread, open for posts of racist quotes by Republican leaders, is a slam dunk for the liberals. They can produce the evidence that will prove beyond doubt that the Republican Party is the party of racism.

Liberals can shuck the appearance of just being hateful liars and demonstrate that their accusations are based upon solid historical evidence. It will show that liberals are open-minded and fair in their judgement of what is happening in our political process.

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15 Jul 2012 17:47 #6 by Kate
I'm temporarily returning to reply to this, Arlen:

1. Ann Coulter Says, “Our Blacks Are Better Than Their’s”
When comparing Herman Cain to President Barack Obama, Coultier (pictured right) made a statement that could have been made by a slave owner. Does the Republican party own “Blacks” and what exactly makes your “Blacks” better than African-American Democrats? Her statement was both racist and condescending.

2. Pat Buchanan Says, “Blacks Bought A Lot Of Propaganda On The Liberal Plantation.”
Making a slavery reference to justify why African Americans support Democrats, Buchanan used language also parroted by Black republicans, Allen West and Herman Cain, comparing modern day African Americans to slaves who weren’t allowed or empowered to make their own political decisions.

3. Rush Limbaugh Calls Obama “Oreo Cookie”
Rush Limbaugh decided to mock President Obama’s biracial heritage by calling him an Oreo cookie on his talk show:

"Well, it — what it’s going to be here, it’s actually a biracial cookie. You’ve got three of the chocolate wafers, and then you’ve got the white vanilla cream — the cream…. And Kraft comes up with the Or-Bam-eo, the triple double-dipper."

4. Republican Calls Obama A “Tar Baby”
Republican congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado said that working with President Obama on the debt ceiling was like “touching a tar baby.” Perhaps he was not familiar that “tar baby” is considered a racial slur.

5. Rush Limbaugh Accuses Michelle Obama Of “Uppityism”
After Michelle Obama was booed at a NASCAR event, Limbaugh defended the booers, saying that they booed her because she’s uppity. “Uppity” was a word used by racists during Jim Crow to describe African Americans who didn’t know their place.

6. 'Your Boy,' the President
MSNBC commentator Pat Buchanan refused to apologize for calling President Obama a "boy" on national television while speaking to the Rev. Al Sharpton about the rancorous debt-ceiling negotiations. The incident sparked an on-air fight that went viral on the Internet. Who is the real boy in this scenario? On the one hand you have the president, and on the other a washed-up commentator.

7. Slavery Kept Black Families Intact
Slavery wasn't all bad, according to GOP presidential contender Michele Bachmann, who signed a pledge that said the institution kept black families intact. The pledge (pdf) reads, in part, "sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father … than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American president." Sadly, Bachmann has a warped understanding of history.

8. Rick Perry's "Ni**erhead" Ranch.
The racist slur appeared on a rock outside the Texas hunting campground which Perry's family once leased. Rick Perry was under fire after it was revealed that he hosted friends at the hunting ground.

Is that enough? Of course, if you were so interested in learning about racism in the Republican ranks, Arlen, you could have googled "racist quotes by Republicans." There's a bevy of quotes to choose from.

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15 Jul 2012 17:51 #7 by Arlen
Thanks for the post, but you failed to pay attention to the guidelines. U.S. Presidents, U.S. Vice-presidents, U.S. senators, U.S. cabinet heads, Speakers of the House, Governors, etc. No one said anything about the Republican ranks. You are trying to change the conversation; typical liberal tactic.

The list you gave are private citizens, commentators, wannabes, etc.

Sorry, Charlie.

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15 Jul 2012 18:02 #8 by Something the Dog Said
Arlen, you are the only one playing the race card.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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15 Jul 2012 18:09 #9 by Arlen

Something the Dog Said wrote: Arlen, you are the only one playing the race card.

Really!? Are you serious? "Racist" is all we have heard since Obama was elected. If you disagree with Obama's policies you are accused of being racist. Republican are accused of being the party of racism and its point of view is that is racism. The evidence of history says that it is the Democratic Party that is racist.

Liberals will not post their evidence here, but only yell "RACIST" again for the invitation to liberals for a chance to show the evidence of their convictions. This is very persuasive argument that liberals are not honest, truthful people, but, rather, are hateful liars.

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15 Jul 2012 18:25 #10 by Arlen
Dog, I was hoping that you would respond to my last post by saying that no one accuses the GOP of being racist. Then I would have an opportunity to post a few quotes:

Democracy4Sale wrote: Wellllll, it looks like the Senate fought back another knuckle-dragger assault by the GOP racist to cut funding for nutrition programs. Now it can go back to the House to upset the teabaggers. :biggrin:

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