28 Jul 2010 16:08 #1 by AV8OR
This election cycle we, for the most part, have chosen who we would like to represent us for the next four years. Arguably, we are witnessing large groups of people in uproar about how government is or is not representing us - The People.

In my mere opinion, it appears that there is more animosity against candidates and a sincere distrust as to the intent of the candidate. I, for one have reflected such in my posts.

All the while we criticise others, we are not ourselves coming up with SOLUTIONS. Now, don't get me wrong, there are a few splinters of solutions and I do not take that away from you. Keep it up!

One thing is certain, providing GOD allows it, four years will come and the posts of 2010 will be mere "I told you so."

How can we cultivate or bring out true "Leadership?" When I studied "leadership" in school I learned it as "The art of influencing others so as to accomplish a mission." First, we have to ask what is our mission? That will vary by elected office.

In the interest of writing a thread that is readable before the next election cycle, I will just take ONE office and relate "leadership" in that capacity.

COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Park County in this example):

In my mere opinion, much focus has been from a "reactionary" position. The current commissioners have shown us, whether intentionally or not, that they are in a mode of "bailing water out of a sinking boat." Rather than looking at the cause of the leaks so as to stop the leak, or even better - preventing it.

An example would be, the shortfall of revenue coming into the county is forcing the commissioners to CUT costs. On the surface, this is not a bad thing. As any business leader would do, "cost cutting" would be implemented. This tends to work as long as "spending" in other areas is not increased. This is a necessary "REACTION."

Given the current and consistent state of revenue shortfalls, there will come a time when cutting costs will eventually mean that essential services for which a county must provide the citizens, like police, road maintenance, fire (in some states); all will become victim. One can not provide a good or service if there are no employees to produce the widget.


A county commissioner must be a "LEADER." One that has vision, is a forward thinker, a person that realizes that there is not always going to be a canned solution and must think out of the box.

A LEADER must be "ProACTIVE." They must not only find solutions for today's problems, they must be searching for an answer to tomorrow's problem that has yet to rise.

We must find candidates that have a strong business accumen and is a driven leader that inspires confidence. One that can reassure the people that the problem is under control and that the brightest minds are working to DEVELOP a SOLUTION.

We must find candidates that have FORESIGHT that is as good as their hindsight!

We must find candidates that realize that this county will not be able to live on "cuts" alone, but rather, how can we bring additional revenue to the county through means other than overburdening the current taxpayers.

This county will need to look at how to bring BUSINESS anchors to our community. With business comes jobs! With jobs comes the production of a widget. The sold widget creates revenue from a sold product. Jobs are sustained as widgets are sold. As the quality of our labor pool increases, so does the arrival of more BUSINESS anchors. More BUSINESS anchors brings more jobs. The next thing you know, Park County becomes a self sustaining county. More importantly, Park County Government is NO longer the largest single employer.

I ask each of you, DO YOU KNOW who the next INSPIRING LEADER is among you?

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28 Jul 2010 19:05 #2 by ColoradoXprss
Replied by ColoradoXprss on topic INSPIRING LEADERSHIP

AV8OR wrote: This election cycle we, for the most part, have chosen who we would like to represent us for the next four years. Arguably, we are witnessing large groups of people in uproar about how government is or is not representing us - The People.

In my mere opinion, it appears that there is more animosity against candidates and a sincere distrust as to the intent of the candidate. I, for one have reflected such in my posts.

All the while we criticise others, we are not ourselves coming up with SOLUTIONS. Now, don't get me wrong, there are a few splinters of solutions and I do not take that away from you. Keep it up!

One thing is certain, providing GOD allows it, four years will come and the posts of 2010 will be mere "I told you so."

How can we cultivate or bring out true "Leadership?" When I studied "leadership" in school I learned it as "The art of influencing others so as to accomplish a mission." First, we have to ask what is our mission? That will vary by elected office.

In the interest of writing a thread that is readable before the next election cycle, I will just take ONE office and relate "leadership" in that capacity.

COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Park County in this example):

In my mere opinion, much focus has been from a "reactionary" position. The current commissioners have shown us, whether intentionally or not, that they are in a mode of "bailing water out of a sinking boat." Rather than looking at the cause of the leaks so as to stop the leak, or even better - preventing it.

An example would be, the shortfall of revenue coming into the county is forcing the commissioners to CUT costs. On the surface, this is not a bad thing. As any business leader would do, "cost cutting" would be implemented. This tends to work as long as "spending" in other areas is not increased. This is a necessary "REACTION."

Given the current and consistent state of revenue shortfalls, there will come a time when cutting costs will eventually mean that essential services for which a county must provide the citizens, like police, road maintenance, fire (in some states); all will become victim. One can not provide a good or service if there are no employees to produce the widget.


A county commissioner must be a "LEADER." One that has vision, is a forward thinker, a person that realizes that there is not always going to be a canned solution and must think out of the box.

A LEADER must be "ProACTIVE." They must not only find solutions for today's problems, they must be searching for an answer to tomorrow's problem that has yet to rise.

We must find candidates that have a strong business accumen and is a driven leader that inspires confidence. One that can reassure the people that the problem is under control and that the brightest minds are working to DEVELOP a SOLUTION.

We must find candidates that have FORESIGHT that is as good as their hindsight!

We must find candidates that realize that this county will not be able to live on "cuts" alone, but rather, how can we bring additional revenue to the county through means other than overburdening the current taxpayers.

This county will need to look at how to bring BUSINESS anchors to our community. With business comes jobs! With jobs comes the production of a widget. The sold widget creates revenue from a sold product. Jobs are sustained as widgets are sold. As the quality of our labor pool increases, so does the arrival of more BUSINESS anchors. More BUSINESS anchors brings more jobs. The next thing you know, Park County becomes a self sustaining county. More importantly, Park County Government is NO longer the largest single employer.

I ask each of you, DO YOU KNOW who the next INSPIRING LEADER is among you?

AV8OR very compelling and common sense approach. I agree on all points made. In response to your question, do we know who the next INSPIRING LEADER is among us? IMHO it would be the citizens in Park County who have not only the Leadership skills, but the fortitude to stand up for what is right for this community. Those who have given their blood, sweat and tears to grow their futures here living in Park County, those that know how to "listen", "compromise", "think outside the box" and know how to be not only fiscally responsible, but also are willing to go above and beyond in listening to the many, many ideas that are out here in our community. One of the best comments I heard during the debates and meet the greets by some of the candidates was forming "Action Committees", I feel that each of the elected offices should have "Action Committees" with Park County residents involved in all aspects of our County Government. IMO this will keep the transparency, the accountability and the "checks and balance" in the forefront for our community to see the progress that is being made not only to get us back in the "black" but to also show the progress that is being made and revenue generated to keep Park County a thriving, family friendly community for people to want to come live here and to spend there money here even if it is someone just passing through. This is all part of being a good leader, thanks for reading and who knows maybe someday I may just run for a position in Park County whereby I would be working "For the People" not for a select "group" of individuals with personal agendas.  :Thanks:

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29 Jul 2010 05:54 #3 by Let the Wildlife run PC
:grouphug: Both of these statements are awesome!!!

For the first time since we've lived here, and through many campaigns, the people are finally speaking up, they are sick and tired of no "leadership" and have been waiting for a person like Michael Graves to come along, I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Park County will finally get back on track, and become OUR County again. It's going to take time to correct the damage that the current administration has done to our County, but with community involvement, new Leadership with a new department of integrity, morals, values, standards and ethics and working together, with OUR tax money, we WILL turn our little Government into a place that people will be proud again to say they live in Park County, instead of being a joke and embarrasment.

We're taking our County BACK!!! :woo hoo:

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29 Jul 2010 08:58 #4 by Nobody that matters
Gee, it only took two replies for someone to turn the topic from a discussion on leadership into a campaign speech.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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29 Jul 2010 10:40 #5 by 40coupe
Replied by 40coupe on topic INSPIRING LEADERSHIP
I, for one, am encouraged and appreciative of the sentiments expressed in the above posts by AV8OR, ColoradoXpress and 4everyoung. The axiom reads 'Of the People, By the People and For the People', not 'Of Certain People, For Certain People and By Certain People' as the previous regime(s) in Park County seem to have exemplified. No 'campaign speech' here...just sincere appreciation in seeing folks putting the betterment of the People and the County ahead of their own. This will be a 'Win - Win' situation, all around. except for those few who've kept their monkey-grip on the reins of 'Power' for far too long. :thumbsup:

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29 Jul 2010 13:28 #6 by Local_Historian
Well said - and if it can be managed county wide, it can be managed state wide, and eventually country wide.

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29 Jul 2010 13:54 #7 by AV8OR
Cultivating "grassroots" leadership For the People, By the People

Keep in mind all the above, that we have all written is good on paper and we all appear to agree on what we expect of our leaders.

Now, the next step: Identifying those individuals that not only possess the desire to represent The People, they have to have the talents to create the ways and means to propel the county/state/nation forward "ProActively."

A statement by a candidate to the effect that, "I care about representing the People and will do everything possible," is merely a PLATITUDE.

Do YOU know someone that possesses SOLUTIONS v. Platitude?

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29 Jul 2010 18:14 #8 by major bean
Replied by major bean on topic INSPIRING LEADERSHIP
Those who wish to lead have big holes in their souls. You don't need them, they need you.

Major Bean

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29 Jul 2010 22:58 #9 by Rockdoc
Replied by Rockdoc on topic INSPIRING LEADERSHIP

major bean wrote: Those who wish to lead have big holes in their souls. You don't need them, they need you.

What an interesting comment. Is it by extension that you think a leader evolves from someone who leads by example and action but perhaps even shuns the spotlight? This is something I can relate to, but may not be what you suggest. Please elaborate.

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29 Jul 2010 23:23 #10 by AV8OR
Food for Thought:

If there exists any merit to the feasibility of Natural Gas being available for extraction in Park County, it would be wise to chose sound business individuals that are capable of being wise financial stewards. This potential boon, as The Flume would call it, could impact the county in a couple of ways.

1.) It might create a tremendous influx of revenue for the county, or
2.) Unwise leadership could take the county down a path of foolish spending on anticipation of future revenue (i.e. PILT and HUTF funding) only to have the well(s) production - short lived.

Franz, being a geologist... any thoughts?

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