We will have to look at who & what we are-Sandy Hook photos

14 Mar 2013 07:36 #11 by FredHayek
But it won't stop the bad guys. Daily, one of the most repressive gun states, Illinois, the only state that still outlaws concealed carry is seeing murders by bad guys with non-assault rifles.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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14 Mar 2013 08:00 #12 by FOS
People in chicago murder by any means at their disposal.
I wonder if it has anything to do with outrageous taxes, extreme poverty and a lack of hope that it will ever get any better.....Isn't this where the Obama's call home?

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14 Mar 2013 08:03 #13 by FOS
As for the pics....I agree with Renegade. I am just sad that the parents have to see these pics over and over.


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14 Mar 2013 08:22 #14 by FredHayek

frogger wrote: People in chicago murder by any means at their disposal.
I wonder if it has anything to do with outrageous taxes, extreme poverty and a lack of hope that it will ever get any better.....Isn't this where the Obama's call home?

Good point. Why single out those (20)? Put every murdered body on the news in HD. The ones from drunk driving, the ones that are done by illegal aliens, show videos of abortions. Maybe if men and women saw what videos of abortions looked like, they would be better about using their birth control.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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14 Mar 2013 08:31 #15 by FOS
I am fascinated by the fact that liberals want those pictures published because they believe it suits their need yet an aborted fetus offends them?
Both are realities of life. Let's see it all.
if the left wants us to see what they believe is the consequence of our beliefs.....it is a two way street.
let them see the consequences of their beliefs.
Heaven forbid that we have any double standards

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14 Mar 2013 08:42 #16 by Rick

archer wrote:

FredHayek wrote: We didn't show the death of Osama Bin Laden a terrorist why show the death of innocent children? Would you want the parents to have to see this time and time again? You are a heartless person. America knows what happened but you and the fat slob Michael Moore want to wallow in it. You do live up to your name.

And conservatives think it's quite OK to publish pictures of aborted fetuses, why one was posted here just today.....spare me your feigned outrage Fred.

What percentage of consrvatives are you talking about here? I don't remember answering that poll.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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14 Mar 2013 08:48 - 14 Mar 2013 08:51 #17 by LadyJazzer
Sorry... "It won't stop the bad guys" and "It wouldn't have prevented this tragedy" are getting to be nothing more than repetitive NRA talking-points that are about as silly as saying "Putting up traffic lights and stop signs aren't going to stop people from dying...if a bad guy chooses to ignore them."

You need some new material...

The studies show that the states with the most gun-control laws have the fewest gun deaths... Period... It's good enough for me.

SO, it looks like ALL of the remaining FIVE gun-control laws in Colorado are going to pass... GOOD!!!!! Let the weeping and wailing and "tyranny" and "despotism" and "War on the Second Amendment", ad nausueum, begin...

And yes, I would hope that if the pictures of the Sandy Hook massacre get out, so many people will be turned off that the NRA/RMGO will sink so far in the public consciousness that we'll see even more controls put into place...even if "it wouldn't have prevented this particular tragedy."

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14 Mar 2013 08:51 #18 by homeagain
Your points are well stated. However, on a MACRO view.......what we are debating and pointing fingers at (from BOTH
SIDES) is just how far REMOVED the human species has become....(from the consequences of it's actions and choices.)

Waging war with drones has SANITIZED the consequences of war,"collateral damage" are just two words in the dictionary and the ACTUALLY result of that action is far removed from our consciousness.

IF you take the present status of the world,the human species AND the condition of this orb we call Earth......you will
see the consequences of our "actions" are coming to fruition......and NOT in a good way. JMO.......from a metaphysical

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14 Mar 2013 10:29 #19 by archer

Rick wrote:

archer wrote:

FredHayek wrote: We didn't show the death of Osama Bin Laden a terrorist why show the death of innocent children? Would you want the parents to have to see this time and time again? You are a heartless person. America knows what happened but you and the fat slob Michael Moore want to wallow in it. You do live up to your name.

And conservatives think it's quite OK to publish pictures of aborted fetuses, why one was posted here just today.....spare me your feigned outrage Fred.

What percentage of consrvatives are you talking about here? I don't remember answering that poll.

I think it's about the same percentage as froggers liberals.

frogger wrote: I am fascinated by the fact that liberals want those pictures published because they believe it suits their need

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14 Mar 2013 10:50 #20 by Wicked

FredHayek wrote: Good point. Why single out those (20)? Put every murdered body on the news in HD. The ones from drunk driving, the ones that are done by illegal aliens, show videos of abortions. Maybe if men and women saw what videos of abortions looked like, they would be better about using their birth control.

Let's go for it - I'm all for showing all of that and educating people as to the reality of the consequences of their decisions, maybe then they'd be more responsible. If you haven't figured out by now, I'm not a touchy-feely, bleeding heart lib like you assume - I'm all for making people deal with harsh realities. Heartless, no - it's tough love, baby. I'd much rather women take birth control and men wear condoms to prevent STDs than women have to deal with unintended pregnancies, the stigma of it, the negative repercussions for their jobs or schooling, and the men waltzing off not taking care of their part in it and if that means showing them the ugliness of an actual abortion, then suck it up Cupcakes. Seeing pictures of car crash victims was the most effective deterrent to driving stupid in my driver's ed classes. Should it be done to the point of desensitization, no. It should be a learning experience.

frogger wrote: I am fascinated by the fact that liberals want those pictures published because they believe it suits their need yet an aborted fetus offends them?
Both are realities of life. Let's see it all.
if the left wants us to see what they believe is the consequence of our beliefs.....it is a two way street.
let them see the consequences of their beliefs.
Heaven forbid that we have any double standards

Who says an aborted fetus offends us? No double standards here, that's your assumption. As I said above, I'm all for it. Just because I support a woman's right to choose, because you and I and the rest of the world has no right to judge her life's experiences and tell her what she can do with her body, doesn't mean that I think it's the right choice, or the best form of birth control. If you're going to show those though, you have to do it before women become sexually active - once they get pregnant it's a little too late. That means better sex ed in high school, probably even earlier.

We'll hold this line until Hell freezes over --Then we'll hold it on ice skates.-Anonymous picket sign

Couldn’t, wouldn’t, mustn’t, shouldn’t – these are the laments of the spineless. –Bette Davis

Feminist. We Just Call Out Bulls**t Where We See It.

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