30% in Colorado Say They Are Tea Party Members

05 Aug 2010 12:26 #11 by The Viking
Just keep believeing we dont' exist. Cant wait till the next election. We will see who brings out more votes. Our imaginary million members of the Tea Party or the uninspired Democrats. I hope you keep underestimating us.

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05 Aug 2010 12:32 #12 by JMC
You deny Obama was born in the U.S. I deny that 1/3 of Colorado are TP' ers
That said I dislike all current political organizations. I am about to move further in the sticks and spend the rest of my days ignoring ALL politics. Nothing is working and we all are to blame.
I may change my nic to "I give up"

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05 Aug 2010 12:51 #13 by AspenValley

The Viking wrote: They stand for what most Americans have wanted and have been fighting for.

Right there, you put your finger on the centerpiece of delusion that is fueling all the howls of outrage called "The Tea Party". It is pretty clear that you and others involved in this believe you are the "majority" and that your views are (or should be) shared with "most everyone".

And the Tea Partiers simply cannot believe that that is no longer the case, if it ever was. And that's what all this temper tantrum stuff is about. Shouts of 'taking our country bacK" really boil down to outrage that the look and composition of this country is changing. More women than men are getting college degrees. Every year whites come closer to being a minority. "Most everyone" doesn't agree that the 10 Commandments should be the basis of all law in this country. "Most everybody" also doesn't believe that tax cuts for the rich "trickle down" to the poor. Or that you can wage a successful "War on Terrorism".

The country and the world are changing and as far as I can see, what the Tea Party is all about is a hissy fit that this "shouldn't" be happening. You want to go back to some kind of Andy of Mayberry view of America that never even existed in the first place.

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05 Aug 2010 12:56 #14 by The Viking

JMC wrote: You deny Obama was born in the U.S. I deny that 1/3 of Colorado are TP' ers
That said I dislike all current political organizations. I am about to move further in the sticks and spend the rest of my days ignoring ALL politics. Nothing is working and we all are to blame.
I may change my nic to "I give up"

Don't put words in my mouth. I never said I deny he was born here. I just posted a poll that came out today. I am one of the 29% who is not sure because he locked everythign up and won't prove it. You have to admit that is really strange. I would be proud to prove I was born in America. Maybe he doesn't want to upset the Muslims? :Whistle

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05 Aug 2010 13:06 #15 by LOL

JMC wrote: .....That said I dislike all current political organizations. I am about to move further in the sticks and spend the rest of my days ignoring ALL politics. Nothing is working and we all are to blame.
I may change my nic to "I give up"

I agree with you JMC, but you are just joking right? You are giving up too? Lets start a new little country somewhere in the sticks! LOL

I think this country has to politically self-destruct before it can start over clean. Default on the debt, cancel all past programs, recall all elected officials, start over. Amend the constitution, term limits, balanced budgets, more strictly limited gov't power, simple fair income or sales tax that is fixed by the constitution and can't be changed at the whim of politicians.

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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05 Aug 2010 14:26 #16 by Cat Crap Hill
The Tea Party Movement is merely the GOP rebranding itself. If most the Tea Partiers identify themselves with the Republican Party (what's the difference?), then I can see where 30% of Coloradans say they're Tea Partiers.

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05 Aug 2010 14:29 #17 by AspenValley

Cat Crap Hill wrote: The Tea Party Movement is merely the GOP rebranding itself. If most the Tea Partiers identify themselves with the Republican Party (what's the difference?), then I can see where 30% of Coloradans say they're Tea Partiers.

Well, I certainly would agree they need a new brand. It's kind of like when you sell tainted food that gives people Botulism. You can either go bankrupt or change your name and hope no one figures out you're the same company that sold poison products.

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05 Aug 2010 14:32 #18 by dummy up

AspenValley wrote:

Cat Crap Hill wrote: The Tea Party Movement is merely the GOP rebranding itself. If most the Tea Partiers identify themselves with the Republican Party (what's the difference?), then I can see where 30% of Coloradans say they're Tea Partiers.

Well, I certainly would agree they need a new brand. It's kind of like when you sell tainted food that gives people Botulism. You can either go bankrupt or change your name and hope no one figures out you're the same company that sold poison products.

Could not have said that any better, Thanks

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06 Aug 2010 06:53 #19 by Nmysys
I don't believe that most Tea Party members associate themselves with the GOP. They lean heavier towards what the GOP once stood for, God and Country, but the Tea Party movement is made up primarily by Patriots who are just plain fed up with the way the whole system is breaking down. They are the Silent Majority of decent Americans who have for the most part just gone about their lives expecting the government to do the right thing, and have discovered that Big Government is not what they expected from it. They want less government intrusion in their lives, honest media ( novel concept) lower taxes, and the Freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

They don't want activists making the decisions against the will of the people. They want a government that is proud of what this nation is, not apologetic to the rest of the world.

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06 Aug 2010 08:01 #20 by AspenValley

Nmysys wrote: They lean heavier towards what the GOP once stood for, God and Country.

I'd like to know when the Republican party ever stood for THAT? Has history been so thoroughly forgotten in this country that people can't remember that during the 20th century and right up until the Reagan era, Republicans mostly stood for Wealth and Big Business? Or Mammon and Country Club if you will?

And what happened to change that? The rich party insiders realized they would have to "rebrand" to fool the proles into voting for them. So they started pretending they gave a rat's ass about things like "Family Values" and the Ten Commandments so they could suck in all the Salt of the Earth types whose interests were not served by the Big Business core of the party, but were easily fooled into thinking if they voted Republican they would have "Godly" representation in government. Really? What has thirty years of that "Godly" representation brought you?

So don't talk silliness about what the Republican party "once stood for". It never did stand for "God and Country" and never intended to. It just wanted your votes.

They don't want activists making the decisions against the will of the people. They want a government that is proud of what this nation is, not apologetic to the rest of the world.

Translation: "We Don't Want that Uppity You Know Who in the Whitehouse"......

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