Obama's Beach Blanket Recovery

12 Aug 2010 15:02 #11 by outdoor338
I love obama's talk about how the republicans drove the car in the ditch, well you libs are driving the car over the cliff. You don't know how to stop the damage you libs are doing to this great country. We as a nation are watching the collapse of this great nation and your party! The November elections will be your downfall. Can't wait..

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12 Aug 2010 15:06 #12 by conifermtman

archer wrote: whine about what....you cons have been whining and squealing like stuck pigs for over a year, for all the good it does you. Just makes you look silly. You don't have positive alternatives, only complaints. You can't even get your own party to agree on anything, not even what type of candidate represents the Republican party. Until you get your collective act together the GOP will still be just a party of "no", nothing to offer.

That is why we are going to take back the House and quite possibly the Senate, because we are the party of no. A majority of Americans seem to prefer that until we can take back control and fix all the damage that people like you voted for.

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12 Aug 2010 15:07 #13 by The Viking

archer wrote: whine about what....you cons have been whining and squealing like stuck pigs for over a year, for all the good it does you. Just makes you look silly. You don't have positive alternatives, only complaints. You can't even get your own party to agree on anything, not even what type of candidate represents the Republican party. Until you get your collective act together the GOP will still be just a party of "no", nothing to offer.

No alternatives? What have you been smoking to miss what every conservative has been saying? No more stimulus for over $1 trillion when it did nothing other than save phantom jobs! We need to cut taxes! No total healthcare overhaul that will cost over $1 trillion, raise taxes on all classes, raise everyone healthcare expenses other than illegal immigrants, and will make our hospitals have wait times of months or more instead of hours, when we could have fixed it by just changing a few things that needed fixing. No bailouts of everything they can possibly find, with monopoly money that he will not have to worry about because he will be out of office when we all have to start paying for it. So government take over of everything they can get their hands on. The banks, the auto industry, the lending industy, Wall Street, our hospitals, and anything else you can think of. There has been no whining. All the Republicans voted against all of these total failures but the Dems control everything and thus are 100% responsible for where we are right now. Of course they are saying 'no'. But you libs and the media just keep using that talking point even when they have come up with alternatives to everything that the Dems just ignore and then use that tired old line of 'they are just the party of no'. Bullsh**! They all have ideas but Obama and the libs keep ignoring them and taking us down the worst path in our history.

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12 Aug 2010 15:08 #14 by netdude
Your 'party' had 8 years to fix problems and only thing you did was dig a deeper hole.... your words ring hollow....

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12 Aug 2010 15:10 #15 by The Viking

conifermtman wrote:

archer wrote: whine about what....you cons have been whining and squealing like stuck pigs for over a year, for all the good it does you. Just makes you look silly. You don't have positive alternatives, only complaints. You can't even get your own party to agree on anything, not even what type of candidate represents the Republican party. Until you get your collective act together the GOP will still be just a party of "no", nothing to offer.

That is why we are going to take back the House and quite possibly the Senate, because we are the party of no. A majority of Americans seem to prefer that until we can take back control and fix all the damage that people like you voted for.

Exactly! they say we drove it into the ditch, but right now they are driving 100 mph off a cliff and they have taken their foot off the brake. And as much as the Republicans keep telling them to stop, they just laugh and say all you are is the party of 'no'. Look how fast we are going, feel the rush, we can do what we want because we have kicked you out of the car. The Dems are totally responsible for everything that is happening.

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12 Aug 2010 15:15 #16 by outdoor338
after the damage the liberals did to this country, I bet it sets the democratic party back a decade!

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12 Aug 2010 15:19 #17 by The Viking

netdude wrote: Your 'party' had 8 years to fix problems and only thing you did was dig a deeper hole.... your words ring hollow....

You guys really hate reality don't you? Bush pulled us out of Clinton's recession and made it the shollowest in history. He had to deal with 9/11 because he was cleaning up Clinton's incompetency. He had to take on World Com and Enron because Clinton ignored them for the last four years of his Presidency because he didn't want to rock the boat while he was riding the dot com wave that fell in his lap. He did nothing for our economy. It collapsed just as he was leaving and Bush had to clean it up. The housing bust that happened due to the deregulatioin bill which was signed in 1999 (by Clinton) landed in Bush's term and he had to deal with that too. obama is still having to deal with Clinton's mess also, but he has now added on 10 more things to help destroy our economy.

The hole was already dug with Clinton just sitting back and riding the dot com boom and not doing anything for the future other than negative things. Bush helped fill in that hole as best he could, till the second bomb of 9/11 hit which was already in motion years into Clintons term, and Bush had to fill in that $1 trillion dollar hole, then the third bomb that Clinton left with housing bust hit and dug another huge crater. Bush could have fixed that in a few years too had he still been president. Obama is the one who is digging it deeper.

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12 Aug 2010 15:21 #18 by The Viking

outdoor338 wrote: after the damage the liberals did to this country, I bet it sets the democratic party back a decade!

Yes, watch this video, it is hilarious but so true. Most Dems are ashamed to admit they voted for Obama.

Democratic Electile Dysfunction


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12 Aug 2010 16:00 #19 by FredHayek

Vice Lord wrote:

Nmysys wrote: You don't want to miss this video!

http://www.youtube.com:80/watch_popup?v ... &vq=medium

Wow....Did you crackers really expect Obama to clean up Bush's mess in a day, a year or even 10 years?

Seriously... are you really that stupid, or is this an act?

Just what VL says! It took 12 years and a world war for FDR to bring the economy back from Hoover. so it should take Obama 16 years to come back from "W", the worst President in history.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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12 Aug 2010 16:24 #20 by archer
A whole lot of spin going on here....i do love the cons saying out of one side of their mouth, you can't blame Bush for Obama's problems, the out of the other side they blame Clinton for Bush's problems. How I wish Bush really had been such a non-entity....but the damage he did will be with us for decades, I doubt we have even an inkling of what his policies will cost us in the long run.

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