Some of you may remember my battle with a couple different cancers 5 years back... diagnosed in 2010 with colon cancer, then kidney cancer about 8 months later. Anyway, it was a difficult fight but I've been clean for a few years and just some neuropathy in my feet as a permanent reminder. MMJ worked well is so many ways, from helping my appetite to controlling nausea to helping me sleep. Unfortunately I continued to use it at night in order to sleep and would wake up as many as 3 times a night to hit the vaporizer to knock me out. Yes, in a way I was addicted and couldn't stop the routine.
But as I've witnessed the stupid f##king morons would seem to be everywhere smoking weed in public and the many dispensaries in the metro area, I decided to flush the last of my current stash and tough it out just to see if I could do it... and I did. It's been about three weeks and I immediately noticed that once I get to sleep, I stay asleep. I now have vivid dreams again where before I rarely ever did. I wake up ready to get sh$t done instead of procrastinating (I never smoked during the day btw except when I was on chemo). I've smoked recreationally off and on for about 35 years now and I do believe its better than drinking booze, but not much better when I look at the wasted hours that I could have been more productive.
So while I think weed is an excellent choice for those who need it medically, I really believe too many people like me use (used) it for the wrong reasons and it IS habit forming, 100%. I'm not saying that I'll never indulge at a party or on a rare occasion when I REALLY need to unwind (and someone offers) but for the most part, I'M DONE and will not contribute one thin dime to the industry again.
Astrology is for suckers and has no connection to science
My hat is off to you! I know too many people who are actively badgering their primary care sawbones for a medical marijuana card so they can get the "good stuff." So far I have been fortunate enough to dodge the pot habit, I just never found it any more interesting than booze. That being said, it's good to hear that you took the initiative to heal your self and better that you arrived at the conclusion that there are meds you don't need anymore! Best wishes for good health in the future!
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford
Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus
Thanks guys, the truth is it really wasn't very hard to do because the effects of not using it became clear within a couple days.
I didn't post this for any other reason other than to maybe put the idea into the head of someone else who thinks they need it for one reason or another. I actually think it's fine for the occasional social use like booze, but if it becomes a habit, I know for a fact that memory, motivation, and sleep are effected in a negative way. I'm almost 53 and ready to start another business that cancer took from me, so I think I need every possible advantage I can find.
I actually look forward to sleeping now because of the dreams I'm having where before it seemed like I couldn't get into a deep enough sleep to experience them. Probably different for others, but if any of you smoke weed before you sleep, try stopping for a few nights and let me know how it goes.
Astrology is for suckers and has no connection to science
You did just admit it wasn't that addictive...
More a psychological or habit forming addiction. Or maybe you aren't an addictive personality? I never found it tough to quit smoking. I would run short of money and just stop buying smokes until I wanted one.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
FredHayek wrote: You did just admit it wasn't that addictive...
More a psychological or habit forming addiction. Or maybe you aren't an addictive personality? I never found it tough to quit smoking. I would run short of money and just stop buying smokes until I wanted one.
Well it was addictive, I just never wanted to admit that I was addicted. When I finally realized I was, I just quit cold turkey. I'm sure if it was nicotine or alcohol it would have been more difficult but it may just be like you said and I don't have an addictive personality. What I do know is that I feel like I accomplished something that will benefit my well being and success, and I feel stupid for not doing it sooner.
Astrology is for suckers and has no connection to science
Congratulations Rick. I quit getting stoned, no medical issue, years ago because it robbed me of my will to do things. A friend quit because of the loss of time while stoned. I support medical use where it helps with pain, nausea or dealing with PTSD and so on.
HEARTLESS wrote: Congratulations Rick. I quit getting stoned, no medical issue, years ago because it robbed me of my will to do things. A friend quit because of the loss of time while stoned. I support medical use where it helps with pain, nausea or dealing with PTSD and so on.
Most of my experience is with the mj of 40 plus years ago including what we called Iowa ditch weed because it grew in ditches.
I do not have much experience with the modern more potent stuff. I find your and Rick's comments interesting. I do know several regular users and enthusiasts. They say that not only does it give them brilliant ideas and incredible insights, it motivates them to accomplish much during a day. IE, makes them MORE productive.