Transgender Discrimination or Not? - Split out from Sports Field Equality Topic

05 Mar 2021 13:13 #41 by homeagain

FredHayek wrote:

[b]Have you also read the stories about trans people who later regretted their decisions?[/b]
Your teens can be turbulent times, lots of hormones and uncertainty. Surgery and hormone blockers can make radical changes to your body you might later regret.


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05 Mar 2021 16:36 #42 by ramage
The only psychiatrist to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine was Monix for his development of the the surgical procedure of prefrontal lobotomy for a mental dosorder. Perhaps one of the advocates for treatment of "gender dysphoria" via surgical alteration and chemical castration will be so fortunate.

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06 Mar 2021 14:26 #43 by homeagain
By the 1980s, lobotomies had fallen out of fashion. "In general, the entire functional neurosurgery field moved away from destruction—from ablative surgery," Slavin says. A then-new technique called deep-brain stimulation made ablative surgery obsolete. In the procedure, a surgeon drills holes in the head and inserts electrodes into the neural tissue. When current passes through the leads, they activate or inactivate patches of the brain. "The attractive part is that we don't destroy the tissue," Slavin says. Doctors can also adjust treatment if a patient suffers side effects. They can turn the current down or suspend it altogether—so as to "give the brain a holiday," as Slavin calls it.

Most deep-brain stimulation is now used to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson's Disease. The surgical treatment of patients with OCD is FDA-approved but reserved only for extreme cases. Slavin and his colleagues have been examining broader uses in an ongoing study. "Within the next five years, we hope we'll have a definitive answer of whether or not it works."

EXCERPT from Popular Science.

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06 Mar 2021 18:35 #44 by ramage
Parkinsonism is not a mental disorder, it is a physical disorder, due to malfunction in the brain. Moniz promoted PFL (pre=frontal lobotomy); " the theory being that this leads to the uncoupling of the brain's emotional centres and the seat of intellect (in the subcortical structures and the frontal cortex, respectively)."
Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a physical disorder.

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06 Mar 2021 20:30 #45 by Rick

ramage wrote: Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a physical disorder.

I do find it interesting, yet expected that there is little if any media discussion about that fact. I know it can't be discussed because some people will see it as 'transphobic' language. This would be another case where science isn't followed or even talked about.

Now before anyone gets triggered by what I just said, I do believe that any person who believes they are not what their biology says they are should have the freedom to live as the gender they choose... none of my damn business, have a good life.

What I don't agree with is indoctrinating children into thinking they can pick a gender and it's perfectly normal. It used to be that children were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up and they would say "fireman", "astronaut", "president" never heard little Johnny say "I want to be a woman". You can't tell me that an impressionable child couldn't be influenced by a parent or a teacher that tells them they can choose the opposite gender if they don't feel 'right' about who they are. He or she couldn't possibly develop doubts about what gender they are based on nothing more than a trait or physical attribute that doesn't jive with their chromosome count. Why am I wrong?

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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07 Mar 2021 07:12 #46 by homeagain

ramage wrote: HomeAgain,
Parkinsonism is not a mental disorder, it is a physical disorder, due to malfunction in the brain. Moniz promoted PFL (pre=frontal lobotomy); " the theory being that this leads to the uncoupling of the brain's emotional centres and the seat of intellect (in the subcortical structures and the frontal cortex, respectively)."
Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a physical disorder.

THAT was changed in 2019.....reassessment of the condition

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07 Mar 2021 07:39 #47 by ramage
From your citation:
"Research and compassion led the World Health Organization to removed gender nonconformity from its list of mental disorders in its global manual of diagnoses in 2019. "
I do not accept the edict of the W.H.O., it is a corrupt organization in my opinion. This is the same W.H.O. that misled the world regarding the Wuhan virus.

A prominent psychiatrist, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul R McHugh, claims that transgender individuals suffer from a form of mental illness and that Gender Reassignment is “biologically impossible.”

On the heels of the American College of Pediatrics Reaching the Decision that Transgenderism of Children is Child Abuse (click and read!), people are melting down everywhere!

To be clear – people should be treated very seriously when attempting to rectify their feelings with surgery or dangerous hormone treatments because they do need help and fast. Can people reasonably disagree about a cure?

Can people also agree that children should not be making these choices?

Dr, McHugh also states that people who endorse gender reassignment are in fact supporting a mental disorder.

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07 Mar 2021 08:12 #48 by homeagain
WE will never see things in the same perspective, because our UNDERSTANDING of diversity is hugely
different. The CHILD is the main consideration and for the child's well being and the way they choose to
walk thru life. I can only be empathic and KNOW if I where in a MALE BODY and I felt,thought,and KNEW
it did not feel like me,and "those things down there" were repugnant to me.....I would hope my parents
would AT LEAST allow me latitude and attempt to explore what that means and seek assistance.

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07 Mar 2021 08:58 #49 by Rick

homeagain wrote: WE will never see things in the same perspective, because our UNDERSTANDING of diversity is hugely
different. The CHILD is the main consideration and for the child's well being and the way they choose to
walk thru life. I can only be empathic and KNOW if I where in a MALE BODY and I felt,thought,and KNEW
it did not feel like me,and "those things down there" were repugnant to me.....I would hope my parents
would AT LEAST allow me latitude and attempt to explore what that means and seek assistance.

I get that, if those feelings were already there without being planted in the child's brain by woke adults. Children learn everything they know by their surroundings and the adults around them, just like you and I only know what's going on in the world from the media sources we believe and anecdotal experiences in our personal lives.

My point is that children believe what they are told, and if they are told that they may not be the gender biology says they are, that could lead to the child deciding he or she isn't in the right body, especially if the child has been traumatized in some way. Children are not born racists, the people around them teach them to believe they are superior. Children are knowledge sponges and not everything they absorb is good for their long term interests.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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07 Mar 2021 09:29 #50 by homeagain

Rick wrote:

homeagain wrote: WE will never see things in the same perspective, because our UNDERSTANDING of diversity is hugely
different. The CHILD is the main consideration and for the child's well being and the way they choose to
walk thru life. I can only be empathic and KNOW if I where in a MALE BODY and I felt,thought,and KNEW
it did not feel like me,and "those things down there" were repugnant to me.....I would hope my parents
would AT LEAST allow me latitude and attempt to explore what that means and seek assistance.

I get that, if those feelings were already there without being planted in the child's brain by woke adults. Children learn everything they know by their surroundings and the adults around them, just like you and I only know what's going on in the world from the media sources we believe and anecdotal experiences in our personal lives.

My point is that children believe what they are told, and if they are told that they may not be the gender biology says they are,
that could lead to the child deciding he or she isn't in the right body, especially if the child has been traumatized in some way. Children are not born racists, the people around them teach them to believe they are superior. Children are knowledge sponges and not everything they absorb is good for their long term interests.

BOLDED...there is an error in your thinking.....the child isn't TOLD,THEY KNOW....the parents R usually
aghast at the thought,they try to persuade them they R WRONG...not listening to what the child desperately needs to express. (the link I posted brought that out VERY CLEARLY, the mother of
Indya Moore did NOT want to hear her SON say I want to be a woman/girl...she wanted her SON to
not bring shame to the family...(UNACCEPTING)....THE MAIN REASON FOR SUICIDE in this

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