QUESTIONABLE data,but BIG $$$$$bet by our gov.,who purchased it anyway....NO, I will not be lining up for the vaccine for a VERY LONG while.
Scaredy Cat! Take one for the team, HA! You are part of an at-risk group, the nation needs you to get on board now so that we can start to return to normal.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
QUESTIONABLE data,but BIG $$$$$bet by our gov.,who purchased it anyway....NO, I will not be lining up for the vaccine for a VERY LONG while.
ANOTHER issue of questionable efficiency....ERIC TOPOL, highly respected...does NOT see the "success"
BUT OUR GOV. DOES AND DOLED OUT MANY DOLLARS for a drug that does NOT have a solid track record....where is the logic in that when we are TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS DEFCEIT SPENDING?
Wow. I am so excited about this. 90% success rate is awesome! I was starting to give up on getting a vaccine. Nice to know we could see it in the next few months.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
Governor Polis is trying to get 100-200K Covid-19 vaccines in December. Would 1st responders be the priority? Then healthcare workers. Politicians next? My dad's retirement community just put their residents back in quarantine with delivered meals after three seniors got asymptomatic cases. Have to imagine more will become infected as cases peak in both Colorado and around the world.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
Governor Cuomo(D) NY is like HA and doesn't trust a vaccine developed under the Trump administration.
Is this taking partisanship too far? How many more New Yorkers is he going to condemn to death by saying that his state will not use it?
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.