I giggle when you consistently divert to something else rather than the question posed to you. Usually has something to do with Gaia, Trump, or the fourth friggin turning. Hilarious
Rick wrote: I giggle when you consistently divert to something else rather than the question posed to you. Usually has something to do with Gaia, Trump, or the fourth friggin turning. Hilarious
What u fail to understand is this.....ALL present turmoil we r experiencing is DIRECTLY sourced from those three topics...but then, THAT is the macro view,which apparently is looked upon as irrelevant.
Biden is lying his ass off. He just mentioned Charlottesville and said Trump claimed Nazis were fine people. Snipes took 7 years to finally admit that was a lie.
Notice that his mouth is open most of the time? He’s also getting very angry… another common sign of dementia. Jill Biden is a monster for allowing her husband to keep embarrassing himself and this country.