"we shall require a substantially new manner of thinking,if mankind is to survive," ALBERT EN STEIN.
GUESS WE HAVE LEARNED NOTHING, u can lead man to knowledge,but u can't make him THINK......sums it up pretty well, I said.JMO
You can give people options as to where they can find accurate information, but you can't force them to consume or accept that information. The last 3.5 years is absolute proof of that.
"We're the party of common sense, in all honesty, you're not, in all fairness. We like water to put out fires, it's really quite efficient". DJT
"capitalism is the most extraordinary belief,that the nastiest of men ,for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of all."......pretty simple statement...think about it. TRUMP IN SPADES. jmo
homeagain wrote: "capitalism is the most extraordinary belief,that the nastiest of men ,for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of all."......pretty simple statement...think about it. TRUMP IN SPADES. jmo
Please, tell us about your dream society without capitalism.
"We're the party of common sense, in all honesty, you're not, in all fairness. We like water to put out fires, it's really quite efficient". DJT
Was feudalism better? Merchantilism an improvement? A slave based economy? A government planned economy like Cuba and the Soviet Union?
A combined government controlled capitalism like China? Social Democrat economy like Scandinavian nations do? Where capitalism is permitted but taxed heavily to fund social programs?
Please choose wisely.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
homeagain wrote: the nastiest of men ,for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of all.".....I THINK U SOMEHOW MISSED THIS PART OF THE MESSAGE.
The nastiest of men? Comments like this gave people all the excuse they needed to assassinate Trump. You people suffering from TDS have encouraged this sniper.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.