The two pilots, by themselves, would have more than a 180° view HA . . . think about it . . . there are windows on both sides of the pilot seats in the aircraft . . . add in a third and even with the two pilots looking only out the front windscreen, the third individual would have the ability to clear the tail from one side . . . at minimum that's a 270° view of what's around them. With one pilot looking forward, the crew chief looking out one side and the other pilot looking out their side window, you would easily have over 300° coverage of the aircraft with 3 people.
You link to a former pilot giving their OPINION . . . on CNN no less . . . there is NOTHING VERIFIED about their OPINION. That former pilot doesn't have access to the telemetry data, doesn't KNOW the altitude, speed, or heading of either aircraft at the time of the collision, and there's no way to accurately determine altitude of the aircraft from the video.
I understand you BELIEVE something, but BELIEF and KNOWLEDGE are not synonyms. Your beliefs, the former pilot's beliefs, are NOT VERIFIED KNOWLEDGE. You understand this, yes?
How misogynistic of you to think that only females are irrational . . . and no, I don't have to be a Blackhawk pilot to look at the windows on the craft and understand the purpose for having those windows located where they are. Why would you put windows on the side of the aircraft next to a pilot's seat if not to enhance the view the pilot has while doing their task HA? Sightseeing? You don't believe that a pilot can fly and chew gum at the same time? That they are only capable of looking straight in front of them while flying the aircraft?
And isn't it curious that you fail to mention another point the former Blackhawk pilot made with regards to the ATC . . . that they failed to inform the Blackhawk pilots that the traffic they were talking about was coming from their 5 o'clock, which would have made all the difference in the world regarding where the people in that helicopter were looking for the passenger jet.
None of which alters the reality that BELIEFS are NOT KNOWLEDGE and that the former Blackhawk pilot was talking about what she BELIEVED happened based on her experience piloting a Blackhawk helicopter. Those are her words, spoken at the very beginning of the video, not mine. She very clearly states that she BELIEVES these things, and its also prominently displayed in the CNN headline, "Ex-Black Hawk helicopter pilot believes three things went wrong in plane collision".
Belief is not the same thing as knowledge HA, never has been, never will be. There is nothing VERIFIED about the BELIEFS of the former pilot . . . yet. Maybe information will be discovered which will VERIFY her BELIEFS, but for now there is NOTHING verified about her beliefs.
THE NTSB will be issuing some findings in about 30 days.....within that report will probably be EXACTLY what the female pilot said...THREE DIFFERENT PROBLEMS, 1.military policies issues need revision,2.controller accuracy directions,3. poss. malfunction of instrumentation. AS THE EX AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER STATED IN THE VIDEO.....WE LEARN FROM EACH ACCIDENT (last one in 1972)......the real problem needing addressing is also usage of choppers as "taxis" to commute to and from capitol to residence.....air space is finite,u attempt to ADD MORE CRAFT FOR COMMUTE CONVENIENCE AND THERE WILL BE MORE ACCIDENTS. (vip's might have to reorg their transport)
Probably is NOT VERIFIED . . . that's the point that is being made . . . the suppositions and beliefs of those outside of the investigation are NOT VERIFIED INFORMATION, they are suppositions and beliefs which may, or may not, eventually BE verified. The only information that is verified about what the former Blackhawk helicopter pilot BELIEVES is that she used to be a Blackhawk helicopter pilot.
Incidents such as this one are ALWAYS a cascade of failures. This one probably started with ATC vectoring the jet to a different runway when it was on approach and there was but a single ATC managing both the commercial and the military traffic. Wouldn't matter which craft was at which altitude, or which jet the Blackhawk pilots had in their sights, absent ATC vectoring the commercial jet to a different runway while it was on approach that put both craft in the same airspace. That's where the first rock started tumbling down the hill . . .
And yes, that's scuttlebutt too . . . hasn't been verified yet, but it has been reported. By your standards displayed thus far on the topic, that makes it verified information
let me ask a question....did u every see TOP GUN?.......THE back seat person was positioned to see ALL
OF THE SKY AND WAS ROTATING HEAD AT 360 TO SEE EVERYTHING...yes it was a movie,but the 5,6 o'clock position was relayed to front pilot....I see this scenario as what was missing in this does the female black hawk pilot......lots of questions and unknowns.....the same query still stands tho....VIPS needing to "taxi" to and from residence,THAT needs addressing ....too much traffic and too little sky.( for now we will wait and see the primary cause).....I will concede your point.
Yes, in a Blackhawk the pilot/copilot are side by side with a crew chief in the back, similar to the old Huey, which it replaced. It is a transport craft, not an attack craft. Attack craft, Cobra (Marines) and Apache (Army), have a two person crew sitting in a tandem arrangement similar to fixed wing attack aircraft.