Myth Vs. Reality and the dumbing down of America

31 Aug 2010 16:35 #21 by Beeks

Nmysys wrote:
What bothers me the most is how hard you Liberals are trying to emulate your heros, the elite who think they know better than everyone else, how to run our lives, what cars to drive, what the cause of this so-called Global Warming is. Does it make you feel powerful to think you are the smart ones? Make your stupid guesses LJ, and scruffy, it is apparent to everyone what fools you are.

It isn't easy being you, is it? Not just anyone could pull it off, right?

It is apparent that intellectual debate can't possibly survive with your comments thriving like they do. Just because we disagree on political matters doesn't give you the right to attack. Fight back with reason, logic, proof, etc.,if there is any.

Plug conservative, republican, or tea partier into that first sentence and it could be fired right back at you. We live in a country where we refuse to compromise or see any other view than our own, and if you disagree with me than you're a scum-sucking piece of crap. Open your horizons folks, quit letting radio, TV and e-mail tell you what's right and wrong.

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31 Aug 2010 16:43 #22 by Scruffy

Nmysys wrote: For sh**s ( you ) and giggles ( LJ ) i would rather have someone who cares about and works FOR the American people, not themselves. I would look at their accomplishments, not their college degrees. I am sick of the elites and their pompous bullsh**. Anything good enough for the American people should be good enough for them, like health care, like pensions, Social Security, etc. Now have a good laugh. Its okay you think you are one of the elite, so its okay. Idiot!!!

What happened to you to make you so bitter?

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31 Aug 2010 17:50 #23 by Nmysys
Idiots like you voted to assuage their guilt over the way Black people have been treated in the past, believing everything they were told, not taking into consideration the harm that has been caused over affirmative action policies to the black community. We elected a man with no credentials of any kind, with totally suspicious friends, acquaintances, associates, no copies of anything to prove any statement he made. Liberals have defended everything he has done including acts that can be interpreted by some as treasonous or traitorous, he has bowed to leaders of other nations, some our avowed enemies. He is totally threatening our very existence, and you dumbly ask me what ever has happened to me.

Everything I post is attacked by you Kool-Aid drinkers who are oblivious to what is going on as long as it fits your agenda, and you don't even realize that you too will be thrown under the bus when the time comes, because you think that our alarm-ism is just strictly what I wrote this morning, simply to piss you off, and not a warning of what is about to happen. We have it so easy in this country, we are so naive. We just don't believe anything can happen to us. Calamities happen to other people, catastrophes happen elsewhere, terrorists do things elsewhere, like on TV or in the movies. It is so easy to have your head buried in the sand because we live in a rural area of the mountains and we think things like that can't possibly happen here. Look at the overpass on Hwy 285 at Kennedy Gulch/ Foxton Rd. and you will see gang graffiti already from major drug gangs.

You can't be that naive Scruffy, and I still can't figure out if you are M/F, but no one, and that includes myself, likes to be continually attacked when they are doing what they believe in. I believe in what I post on here, or I wouldn't be doing it. This is not a game, it is life, and it bothers me how many people are still so naive. The average person in this country maybe spends a few minutes out of their busy day paying attention t0 anything, no less the news, and they believe the spoon fed Pablum that is fed to them via the mainstream media, and they defend what they believe with venom rather than facts.

I am sick of being attacked by people who have no proof of anything and accused of exactly that rather than proof of any kind from them. This morning I was attacked because I put something on at 8:25 AM and the person who answered, did so at 9:35AM and never did answer my questions or provide any proof, just claimed I was wrong.

So you ask me what has happened to me. Kool-Aid drinking Liberals have happened to me!!! END OF RANT

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31 Aug 2010 17:59 - 31 Aug 2010 18:28 #24 by LadyJazzer
Ever notice how much he loves that word "elite"? (Too much Limbaugh & Beck...) If by "elite" you mean "educated", why YES! I am. And if you think that *I* think that a good number of the people at some of these rallies aren't exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer and are easily whipped into a frenzy of hating that "black man in the White House" because he's "not like them"...You'd be right. Oh, it's not overt racism--but don't kid yourself that it drives many of them nuts.

I'm wondering how you got to be so bitter myself? But what I see in you, and your buddies, is a sociopath. Everyone who is not making at least a certain level of income, (regardless of their age, health, infirmities, disabilities, social situations, widow/widower/single-mom/whatever) is not worthy of having a safety net. "Screw 'em...Let the bastards freeze in the dark." You wouldn't recognize empathy if it bit you in the ass.

"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch...You've got termites in your soul."

If the opposite of that is "elite"--then I'm an "elite"...

I'm going to take a wild guess that if they let the tax-cuts expire for the top two brackets, it's going to hurt me more than you. If they take the cap off of the $106,800 income maximum and start taxing ALL income for Social Security, it's definitely going to hurt me more than you. I'm going to owe income-taxes to TWO states this year--and that doesn't count what I'm going to owe to the State of Colorado separately because I'm still a legal resident and own my home here. I'm probably going to pay a LOT more in federal, state and county taxes than you...and in fact, I may pay more in taxes than you MAKE. I'm okay with that. Taxes are not a punishment...They are a contribution to the society I want to live in.

Grow-the-hell up. Put your big-girl panties on, and deal with it. You friggin' anti-tax whiners make me want to puke as much as I'm sure I irritate you.

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31 Aug 2010 18:11 #25 by Nmysys
Go ahead and puke LJ, it won't be your first time or your last. You have me all wrong, I live on Social Security at way less than minimum wage. Want me to prove that to you?

Why don't you prove something about yourself, jerkoff!!!!

The rant I just wrote was heartfelt, and has no basis in what you and your stupid fantasies are. You are pathetic, can't make your mind about
how to defend something so you attack like the stupid whatever you are. Go back to your crib where you belong. You make me sicker every time you respond.

I am sick of idiots like you responding like you do. All you do is stalk me like some kind of a pervert. Are you?

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31 Aug 2010 18:17 #26 by LadyJazzer
Then don't read my posts. Just sayin'.....

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31 Aug 2010 18:23 #27 by Scruffy

Nmysys wrote: Idiots like you voted to assuage their guilt over the way Black people have been treated in the past, believing everything they were told, not taking into consideration the harm that has been caused over affirmative action policies to the black community. We elected a man with no credentials of any kind, with totally suspicious friends, acquaintances, associates, no copies of anything to prove any statement he made. Liberals have defended everything he has done including acts that can be interpreted by some as treasonous or traitorous, he has bowed to leaders of other nations, some our avowed enemies. He is totally threatening our very existence, and you dumbly ask me what ever has happened to me.

Everything I post is attacked by you Kool-Aid drinkers who are oblivious to what is going on as long as it fits your agenda, and you don't even realize that you too will be thrown under the bus when the time comes, because you think that our alarm-ism is just strictly what I wrote this morning, simply to piss you off, and not a warning of what is about to happen. We have it so easy in this country, we are so naive. We just don't believe anything can happen to us. Calamities happen to other people, catastrophes happen elsewhere, terrorists do things elsewhere, like on TV or in the movies. It is so easy to have your head buried in the sand because we live in a rural area of the mountains and we think things like that can't possibly happen here. Look at the overpass on Hwy 285 at Kennedy Gulch/ Foxton Rd. and you will see gang graffiti already from major drug gangs.

You can't be that naive Scruffy, and I still can't figure out if you are M/F, but no one, and that includes myself, likes to be continually attacked when they are doing what they believe in. I believe in what I post on here, or I wouldn't be doing it. This is not a game, it is life, and it bothers me how many people are still so naive. The average person in this country maybe spends a few minutes out of their busy day paying attention t0 anything, no less the news, and they believe the spoon fed Pablum that is fed to them via the mainstream media, and they defend what they believe with venom rather than facts.

I am sick of being attacked by people who have no proof of anything and accused of exactly that rather than proof of any kind from them. This morning I was attacked because I put something on at 8:25 AM and the person who answered, did so at 9:35AM and never did answer my questions or provide any proof, just claimed I was wrong.

So you ask me what has happened to me. Kool-Aid drinking Liberals have happened to me!!! END OF RANT

Thong wedged a little too tightly up your butt?

So, you're tired of being attacked? Then stop posting. Nobody is forcing you to write anything on this forum. If you don't want comments, then why do you write?

Wasn't it you who told AspenValley that if she didn't like what you wrote, she should stop reading it?

I understand your position, which to paraphrase "If it's liberal, then I f***ing hate it." I guess we're through here.

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31 Aug 2010 20:00 #28 by major bean
There can be no dumbing down of the U.S. populace. The average knowledge of the citizen has always been on the bottom. For the past 40 or so years the media will periodically bring forward amazing statistics showing some large percentage of the populace who do not know who the vice president might be, the governor of their state, Thomas Jefferson, etc.
With a high school drop out rate of over 45% who would even question the stupidity of the common man?

Major Bean

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31 Aug 2010 20:38 #29 by Travelingirl
Charles Sykes, author of DUMBING DOWN OUR KIDS, speaks at high school and college graduations sharing a list of things the graduates did not learn in school. In his book, he talks about how the ongoing feel good, politically correct atmosphere has created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and set them up for failure in the real world.
Rule 1:
Life is not fair, get used to it.
Rule 2:
The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3:
You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4:
If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.
Rule 5:
Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.
Rule 6:
If you screw up, it's not your parents' fault so don't whine about your mistakes. Learn from them.
Rule 7:
Before you were born your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way paying bills, cleaning your room, and listening to you tell them how idealistic you are. So before you save the rain forest from the blood-sucking parasites of your parents' generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8:
Your school may have done away with winners and losers but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades, they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This, of course, bears not the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.
Rule 9:
Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off, and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10:
Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11:
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one...

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31 Aug 2010 20:40 #30 by PrintSmith

Wayne Harrison wrote: Congratulations! You're in the 34 percent who believe correctly.

Well, actually, it was the Congress that started TARP since all revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives according to Article II of the Constitution, so it would appear that The Beast itself is in error with regards to its "reporting".

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