Poverty Increases Under Obama

12 Sep 2010 18:01 #11 by Nmysys
I guess that your saying that is what the Right calls him is just your way of repeating the daily speak of the left, huh?

Another one bites the dust!!

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12 Sep 2010 18:02 #12 by Scruffy
Can you point out an instance of when some person on the left has called Obama the Messiah?

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12 Sep 2010 19:32 #13 by hillfarmer
Typical far-right propoganda. Fox News (per Murdoch's bias) doesn't want mention that the problem might possibly be caused by the recession spawned by the policies of the right wing.

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12 Sep 2010 19:55 #14 by HEARTLESS
swillfarmer, just making the "no its their fault" accusation is getting older and weaker every time. Here is an example on how to argue a point. The large corporations have continued to move production off shore due to high union wages and compensation packages. Or, government interference in the housing market, particularly the subprime portion, helped to set up a catasrophic failure in banking.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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12 Sep 2010 20:10 #15 by Wayne Harrison
Since the clip stopped just after he said "Obama is sort of God tring to bring all different sides together" it's hard to know what he was going for... since they obviously didn't include the full comment.

Just listening to it, it sounds like he's not saying it as a compliment.

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12 Sep 2010 20:12 #16 by HEARTLESS
Yep, we're one unified nation now.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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12 Sep 2010 20:30 #17 by Wayne Harrison
Just Googling Obama "the Messiah" "first mentioned" I found a political blog article that called him the Messiah in 2007.

http://blogcritics.org/politics/article ... e-messiah/

There were Messianic references in some of John McCain's ads and one blogger, trying to track down the first reference dates it to Oprah calling Obama "the one." I'm sorry, but I don't follow that train of thought. Republicans thought John McCain was "the one" didn't they? If they didn't, why did they vote for him?

The blogger also mentioned something Obama said on the campaign trail:

“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal”

I don't get a Messiah reference out of that. I think he's talking about taking steps to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to halt global warming.

Then, of course, there's Rush Limbaugh who has been calling Obama the Messiah for several years:

September 11, 2008, The Rush Limbaugh Show...

LIMBAUGH: "If you haven't heard this, you haven't heard these things batten down. We have two sound bites on Sunday. Donna Brazile, otherwise reasonable, restrained, has lost it. The whole Democrat Party has just lost it."

[Brazile: "Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor. And perhaps they should understand the role of a community organizer is to help people in distress."]

"Now, this is just grasping at straws, folks, we're shooting fish in a barrel here. I mean, they're not even making this a competition. Jesus was a community organizer? Pontius Pilate was a governor? Sarah Palin is going to crucify Obama? Is that what we're supposed to take out of this, because Obama is the new messiah? Jesus Christ was the first messiah. Now Obama is taking his place, he's The Messiah, he's the savior. Pontius Pilate was a governor? The only thing Pilate is remembered for is murder. We are comparing the governor of Alaska, who is only qualified, say the Democrats, because she has not had an abortion, which is murder, of murder. Pontius Pilate was a governor?"


Limbaugh repeats the Brazile sound bite, then pounces with projection again...

BRAZILE: "If you haven't heard this, you haven't heard these things batten down. We have two sound bites on Sunday. Donna Brazile, otherwise reasonable, restrained, has lost it. The whole Democrat Party has just lost it."

LIMBAUGH: "All right, FDR was a governor, folks. I guess he was Pontius Pilate, too. Germans might think so. Japanese might think so. Bill Clinton was a governor. Bill Clinton was a governor. Barack Obama was a community organizer. Bill Clinton was governor. Pontius Pilate was a governor. Let me tell you something, Senator Obama. I know Jesus Christ. I pray to Jesus Christ all the time. I study what Jesus Christ did, and said, all the time. And let me tell you something, Barack Obama: You are no Jesus Christ. I say the same thing to you, Donna Brazile, same thing to you, Steve Cohen: Your guy is no messiah. Your guy is no Jesus Christ.

I had to laugh (again) at Limbaugh jumping from "Jesus Christ was a community organizer" to "Obama is no Jesus Christ." He does those sorts of weird jumps in logic a lot. But then, he's got an inside track to Jesus, apparently.

If God didn't like what he or Beck said perhaps he'd cause one of them go deaf and the other one blind...

Oh wait....

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12 Sep 2010 20:41 #18 by Travelingirl

Scruffy wrote: Can you point out an instance of when some person on the left has called Obama the Messiah?

Happy to oblige:




http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blume ... 04531.html
Many progressives believed they had discovered their savior in Barack Obama, a gifted orator and writer who proclaimed in his book, The Audacity of Hope, "I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views." As Obama's primary battle against Hillary Clinton intensified, his rhetoric and the language of his supporters grew increasingly messianic. At a rally in South Carolina, Oprah Winfrey referred to Obama as "The One," a fusion of Jesus and Neo from The Matrix. Then, when Obama defeated Clinton in Iowa, he quoted from a Hopi Indian End Times prophecy that had become popular among New Agers: "We are the ones we've been waiting for." Moved to the point of ecstasy by Obama's victory speech, Ezra Klein declared the candidate, "not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of the word over flesh... Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our higher selves."

Now that some of Obama's most zealous supporters are beginning to express grave doubts about his ability to deliver the transcendent change he promised, they should consider their role in contributing to the problems Obama faces with both his Democratic base and his opponents on the right. Many of Obama's harshest progressive critics embraced a secular salvation fantasy that Obama cleverly channeled and cultivated to excite them and distract from his lack of progressive accomplishments. In the end, Obama's messianization created false expectations while establishing political space for the right to undermine and delegitimize him.

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12 Sep 2010 20:52 #19 by Wayne Harrison
I'd have to agree with that assessment, but I voted for him because I thought he was the better candidate running for office (and because I thought McCain's pick of Sarah Palin was a disaster -- given his health, she could have become president for God's sakes). I wouldn't consider any mortal the Messiah and I'm not aware of any religious people who would, either. I do think some on the right purposefully mischaracterized many on the left's belief that Barack Obama would deliver us from more of the same (he didn't) and come up with the exit strategy for Iran that Bush didn't think to worry about (we're still there).

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12 Sep 2010 21:52 #20 by FredHayek
Back on topic. I think we are going to see more poverty and I don't believe it is mostly Obama's fault. The developing world is catching up with us, w/o not only cheap labor but also developing their own innovations. Just like Japan and Europe started rebounding from WWII in the 1960's, this next century is Asia's to take.

Get used to it, there are policies that Obama needs to do, including easing up on regulation so that American business can be more innovative, but the die has already been cast, and it will be hard to change the results.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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