A huge boost for Republicans this election!

23 Sep 2010 22:36 #21 by archer

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote:

The Viking wrote: And the whole party of No thing makes you sound uneducated and like a sheep. .

There you go again, when you don't have an intelligent response that makes any sense, you attack the poster....that sure fosters discussion.

Are you serious? You can't read either? You take one sentence out of two posts and responses that I made and then say I don't have a response? Your cutting and pasting what you want to use against me won't cut it here. Too many intelligent people were able to read ALL of the post and the other one right after it and know that I didn't just post one sentence attacking you. You are WAY too sensitive. Please go and really read my posts and respond rather than deflecting like you did in this post again. There were about 15 other sentences that you convieniently ignored as usual because there are facts and logic in them.

Why would I want to respond to someone who has just called me an uneducated sheep?

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23 Sep 2010 22:39 - 23 Sep 2010 22:44 #22 by The Viking

pineinthegrass wrote:

The Viking wrote: Sure there was reaching across the isle. 34 democrats reached across and agreed with the Republicans that in a recession we should not raise taxes on ANYONE, including those who create jobs. Just common logic and I am glad 15% of the Dems in the House finally saw it that way too. But the other 200 are too stubborn to reach across the isle to save this country and the economy and jobs.

Yes, right before the November elections you can find 34 Dems (assuming that's a correct number) who want to try and save their ass in the elections. Repubs do the same thing too when they are in trouble. You mention 200 Dems being too stubborn, but how about most every Repub being just as stubborn? You being a bit selective (biased) here?

But after the election, you won't get that many Dems. And if the Repubs win, the Dems can probably block them with a filibuster in the Senate, just as the Repubs are threatening now.

So let me ask you Viking, are you really willing to go all out to keep a 3.9% tax cut for the 3% highest income Americans, and face the risk of increasing everyone else's taxes if you fail to protect them? Not to mention delaying any tax planning for all of us until after the elections instead of late Oct when we normally learn our new tax brackets. And how do you justify really thinking that a 3.9% tax increase, back to what it was before Bush, would really destroy the economy?

Or instead, why not wait until the voters prove they want a Repub majority, and then push for what you want without risking hurting all tax payers? How about letting the voters show that they really support this first?

First off, there are two ideas. One which is a partisan Democrat plan is to not extend the tax cuts to the top 3% who create the most jobs. The other which has bipartisan support and most economists say is wisest, is to extend tax cuts to everyone in a recession, 'especially' to those who create jobs. So how can you call the Republicans stubborn when they are agreeing with 97% of what the Dems want? they just ask for 3% more and the Party of NO shut down the vote. So no, I am not being selective or biased. I am for the bipartisan plan. I like a plan that attracts both sides of the isle. The Republicans and 34 Democrats have the majority and will give those stubborn 200 97% of what they want. Those 220 or so who are in the majority want an extra 3%. But Reid won't allow the majority to vote and give the 97% a tax extension even though the majority wants it along with the other 3%.

Second, you asked me this. "are you really willing to go all out to keep a 3.9% tax cut for the 3% highest income Americans, and face the risk of increasing everyone else's taxes if you fail to protect them? " I am not risking it and neither are the Republicans. The only people risking this are the Dems. If you read the story, you will see that it is the Dems who decided to stop a vote on this before the elections not the Republicans. There is a majority who will vote yes tomorrow for extending tax increses for ALL. But the minority, led by Reid said NO and won't allow it. The Republicans don't have the power to bring the vote to the floor. The Republicans and 34 Dems are are ready to vote yes on giving ALL including the middle class a tax break. They said the upper class for 2-3 years and then they could re-evaluate it. But in a recession, like most economists say, it is stupid and a job killer to raise taxes on the one who create the jobs. So you need to ask the Dems why they are not voting on this and why they "are you really willing to go all out to keep a 3.9% tax cut for the 3% highest income Americans, and face the risk of increasing everyone else's taxes if you fail to protect them?"

There was even a poll out the other day where 60+% said tax cuts for ALL including the top 3% will either help the economy or have no effect. Only 30 some percent said they should raise their tax or it will hurt the economy. Obama and the Dems are totally out of touch with what Americans think is best for this country!

Look at it this way. You want compromise? The Republicans agreed with 97% of what Obama wants. Now all they ask for is 3% and the Dems can't compromise on that much.

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23 Sep 2010 22:42 #23 by The Viking

archer wrote:

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote:

The Viking wrote: And the whole party of No thing makes you sound uneducated and like a sheep. .

There you go again, when you don't have an intelligent response that makes any sense, you attack the poster....that sure fosters discussion.

Are you serious? You can't read either? You take one sentence out of two posts and responses that I made and then say I don't have a response? Your cutting and pasting what you want to use against me won't cut it here. Too many intelligent people were able to read ALL of the post and the other one right after it and know that I didn't just post one sentence attacking you. You are WAY too sensitive. Please go and really read my posts and respond rather than deflecting like you did in this post again. There were about 15 other sentences that you convieniently ignored as usual because there are facts and logic in them.

Why would I want to respond to someone who has just called me an uneducated sheep?

I said people who keep using that tired media induced line sound like sheep. Because it makes no sense so why else would people use it? This thread proves the Dems are the party of NO. The majority in congress want tax cuts passed for all, but Reid said 'NO' I won't allow the vote and the tax payers can suffer.

It's OK. There are plenty of others who are discussing the issue. You hang onto the one sheep line. We can continue without you.

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23 Sep 2010 22:53 #24 by archer

The Viking wrote: We can continue without you.

Please do, the spin you are putting on this has us all dizzy.

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24 Sep 2010 00:18 #25 by Spykster
ALSO...the DREAM ACT was shot down in flames...AGAIN !!!

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24 Sep 2010 07:46 #26 by Wayne Harrison

The GOP has long chafed under criticism from President Obama and the Democrats that it is "the party of no." What its new campaign blueprint shows is that if it takes control of the House, it will become "the party of stop."

At its heart, the Republicans' "Pledge to America" represents a promise to stop Obama in his tracks - stop the economic stimulus, stop the financial bailout program, repeal and (try to) replace the health-care law, stop other spending and stop the elimination of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

Republicans pledged to roll back most government spending to the levels that existed before the economic collapse. After that they promise to establish "hard caps" on new discretionary spending. Going back to 2008 levels, they said, would save $1 trillion over 10 years. But extending the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans would eat up most of those savings, an estimated $700 billion.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 836_2.html

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25 Sep 2010 09:11 #27 by Wayne Harrison

Spykster wrote: ALSO...the DREAM ACT was shot down in flames...AGAIN !!!

Interesting what the Republican pollster Rasmussen found about support for this bill:

Most Voters See College, Military As Ways for Children of Illegals To Become U.S. Citizens

New Rasmussen Reports polling finds that most voters believe children brought to this country illegally who complete two years of college or serve in the military should get a chance at U.S. citizenship. But they also agree that allowing this route to citizenship just encourages more illegal immigration.

Fifty-two percent (52%) of Likely U.S. Voters think a child who is brought here illegally and completes two years of college should get a chance at citizenship. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree and say they not get that opportunity, and 12% are not sure.

Support is even higher for those who serve honorably in the U.S. military. Seventy-eight percent (78%) say a child brought to this country illegally who is in the military ought to get a chance at citizenship. Only 14% feel otherwise.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... s_citizens

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25 Sep 2010 17:19 #28 by outdoor338
wayne, americans are waking up and will fight what you and the libs are doing, and that is giving away parts of this country. November is soon here..what will you say when you lose big time in the voting??

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25 Sep 2010 17:33 #29 by Wayne Harrison
But Outdoor, even your own right-wing pollster says the majority of Americans support the Dream Act. It appears you are in that 14% of Americans who don't. I hope you don't get lonely.

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25 Sep 2010 18:01 #30 by archer
The perverse side of me hopes the republicans/tea party win big this Nov and again in 2012.....then the nation will see what a sorry excuse for reform these people have in mind. Put a bunch of right wing extremists in power and this great nation will become unrecognizable. What holds me back from that wish is the thought that the country could indeed be totally, and forever, changed into some sort of corpocracy/theocracy. I see the right enforcing one nation/one religion.....I see the right getting sweet deals for their corporate and wealthy constituents, I see the right letting the middle class fade away in favor of a have/have not nation. there is no compassion in this right wing movement....average citizens mean nothing to them. Perhaps only by letting them run this country down as far as they can will the good and decent citizens of this nation finally throw them out once and for all.

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