A huge boost for Republicans this election!

25 Sep 2010 18:08 #31 by Nmysys

Is Rasmussen your polling place? Here goes Wayn-o or is it Dran-o, with his polls again. Outdoor is a Tea Partier Wayn-o not a straight line Republican.

Having a hard time Wayne what with all the Conservatives here on 285Bound? You sure are reaching with all of your posts of late, trying to get more Progressive support out of the community. It must be lonely with only Archer and the wackos on your side.


Don't forget the Tea Party movement of people who are not Extreme Right Wingers. We are the people who are tired of both extremes. Don't fear what the left has been doing for the last 1 1/2 years? Then you really are just a shill for the progressive agenda of Socialism and destroying this country and what it has stood for!!

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25 Sep 2010 18:10 #32 by dummy up

archer wrote: The perverse side of me hopes the republicans/tea party win big this Nov and again in 2012.....then the nation will see what a sorry excuse for reform these people have in mind. Put a bunch of right wing extremists in power and this great nation will become unrecognizable. What holds me back from that wish is the thought that the country could indeed be totally, and forever, changed into some sort of corpocracy/theocracy. I see the right enforcing one nation/one religion.....I see the right getting sweet deals for their corporate and wealthy constituents, I see the right letting the middle class fade away in favor of a have/have not nation. there is no compassion in this right wing movement....average citizens mean nothing to them. Perhaps only by letting them run this country down as far as they can will the good and decent citizens of this nation finally throw them out once and for all.

You are so right, I almost wish the whack jobs get their way too. maybe they need another 4 years of Bush/Cheney to finally see how awful the position they put us in actually is.They will whine that 4 years of Obama caused the next 10 years of problems.Fools

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25 Sep 2010 18:22 #33 by Wayne Harrison
I wish Bush's term wouldn't have ended just as the chickens came to roost. I would have liked to see him sweat for a year or so.

Of course, if you listen to Outdoor, the conservatives have already won -- even the 2012 presidential election. Me? I'll let actual voters decide, not some extreme right wing blowhards.

I know he's a Tea Partier, Nmysys. And I know he's not a straight line Republican. I'm glad he presents his wacked out posts on here so the lurkers can get an idea of what real Tea Partiers are like.

I don't think conservatives are anywhere close to running the country, even with some November gains. And they still don't have an obvious presidential candidate for 2012, either. Even one.

As for me, I'm a proud supporter of the Texas Nationalist Movement. I wish I could attend the rally next weekend in Texas.

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25 Sep 2010 18:30 #34 by archer

Nmysys wrote: Archer:

Don't forget the Tea Party movement of people who are not Extreme Right Wingers. We are the people who are tired of both extremes. Don't fear what the left has been doing for the last 1 1/2 years? Then you really are just a shill for the progressive agenda of Socialism and destroying this country and what it has stood for!!

I have yet to meet, or read a post from, a tea partier that is not an extreme right winger.....I have yet to see a tea party candidate that isn't a wacked out nut job. Sure from one side of their mouth they say low taxes and smaller government.....then come all the other crazy ideas.....I suppose masterbation will become illegal in delaware when O'Donnel gets elected. Rand Paul will remove every semblance of social good this country has ever done.

There is nothing in the tea party that will appeal to anyone BUT an extreme right winger, I don't care how many times you say otherwise. Eventually those who have been suckered by the low taxes, less government line will see the ugly underbelly of this movement.

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25 Sep 2010 18:48 - 25 Sep 2010 18:55 #35 by Spykster

Wayne Harrison wrote:

Spykster wrote: ALSO...the DREAM ACT was shot down in flames...AGAIN !!!

Interesting what the Republican pollster Rasmussen found about support for this bill:

Most Voters See College, Military As Ways for Children of Illegals To Become U.S. Citizens

New Rasmussen Reports polling finds that most voters believe children brought to this country illegally who complete two years of college or serve in the military should get a chance at U.S. citizenship. But they also agree that allowing this route to citizenship just encourages more illegal immigration.

Fifty-two percent (52%) of Likely U.S. Voters think a child who is brought here illegally and completes two years of college should get a chance at citizenship. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree and say they not get that opportunity, and 12% are not sure.

Support is even higher for those who serve honorably in the U.S. military. Seventy-eight percent (78%) say a child brought to this country illegally who is in the military ought to get a chance at citizenship. Only 14% feel otherwise.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... s_citizens

They only know part of the story, Wayne...I suspect you know the rest...Basically, it is an "enforcement never" back door amnesty for up to possibly 70% of the Illegals in this country by way of " Chain Migration ", which includes those not even in this country yet. Perfect vehicle for the " Reconquista " folks and " La Raza " (the race), a group that your messiah has pledged his undying support over American Citizens. However, when people actually find out the true intent of the bill as written, the vast majority turn against it. BTW...I've actually read it, so don't try your usual line of b.s. on me...Anyway, a more sensible solution would have them return to their true homelands and get a Student Visa after all American students have been accomodated, and let them wait in line like everybody else. As written, it gives them a bonus - citizenship - for being an Illegal Alien, one of the most deranged ideas to come out of supposedly intelligent brains I've ever heard...Also, let their parents pay for what they have done...I don't know what it is about you DemonCrats...not one of you acknowledges the Rule of Law, or the accepting of personal responsibility, and that is primarily what that rotten piece of legislation is all about.

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25 Sep 2010 18:50 #36 by Spykster

archer wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Archer:

Don't forget the Tea Party movement of people who are not Extreme Right Wingers. We are the people who are tired of both extremes. Don't fear what the left has been doing for the last 1 1/2 years? Then you really are just a shill for the progressive agenda of Socialism and destroying this country and what it has stood for!!

I have yet to meet, or read a post from, a tea partier that is not an extreme right winger.....I have yet to see a tea party candidate that isn't a wacked out nut job. Sure from one side of their mouth they say low taxes and smaller government.....then come all the other crazy ideas.....I suppose masterbation will become illegal in delaware when O'Donnel gets elected. Rand Paul will remove every semblance of social good this country has ever done.

There is nothing in the tea party that will appeal to anyone BUT an extreme right winger, I don't care how many times you say otherwise. Eventually those who have been suckered by the low taxes, less government line will see the ugly underbelly of this movement.

Re : Your reference to slapping Johnny behind the ears...I doubt if you realize it...some consenual sex acts between married heterosexual couples, such as oral sex, are against the law already in many states...

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25 Sep 2010 19:06 #37 by archer
leave it to a right winger to concentrate on the sex and ignore the rest of the post. What is it about conservatives and their preoccupation with sex?

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25 Sep 2010 19:09 #38 by dummy up

archer wrote: leave it to a right winger to concentrate on the sex and ignore the rest of the post. What is it about conservatives and their preoccupation with sex?

WAAAY!! to easy!

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25 Sep 2010 19:33 #39 by Spykster

archer wrote: leave it to a right winger to concentrate on the sex and ignore the rest of the post. What is it about conservatives and their preoccupation with sex?

The rest of your post is useless fodder...however, let me remind you that you bought up the topic of sex...first... :bash

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25 Sep 2010 19:41 #40 by archer

Spykster wrote:

archer wrote: leave it to a right winger to concentrate on the sex and ignore the rest of the post. What is it about conservatives and their preoccupation with sex?

The rest of your post is useless fodder...however, let me remind you that you bought up the topic of sex...first... :bash

Yep ....and in typical right wing fashion that is all you saw. Too funny.

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