I think this all would have been a different issue if she'd posted the ad on craigslist, or in a newspaper. Instead, she posted it on a church bulletin board, inside the church, where only those who attend said church - or those looking to cause trouble - would even know to look.
Good that the case was dismissed. It was a ridiculous waste of time and court funding.
Achmed wrote: So if I have millions of US dollars, you will rent to me? True?
If you have millions of dollars, I will let you buy my house- for three times the current value, of course. After that, I don't care what you do with it.
Americans you make me laugh. You would sell your souls for money. Currency that will soon be worthless.
Achmed, americans never value family, only possessions. I laugh in their faces with a hardy laugh, and shake my head, why? When obama wins in 2012 america will rebound, just you wait and see.
Achmed wrote: So if I have millions of US dollars, you will rent to me? True?
If you have millions of dollars, I will let you buy my house- for three times the current value, of course. After that, I don't care what you do with it.
Americans you make me laugh. You would sell your souls for money. Currency that will soon be worthless.
naw - fi I sold you this house, I could buy a house further up and in and with a better well. And stock up on many things and happily become a recluse.