The Viking wrote: All this bickering back and forth fighting to take God out of our nation doesn't mean anything really. It will only really mean something when you have to stand before Him and answer why you did it and why you fought to make Him irrelevant. I really do feel sorry for a lot of you.
The difference between us is that you want YOUR version of "God" to b the official God of the United States, much in the same way that Coors Light is the "official beer of the NFL". I believe that what makes this country great, and what our founding fathers intended, is that we are free - each of us, as individuals - to worship the God of our choice and our beliefs. God must be a part of our nation, but we all don't have to believe in the same interpretation of "God". You seem to think we must.
LadyJazzer wrote: I think the founders would be disgusted with the sheep that try to hold them out as a justification for their twisted views today.
So you are saying that our founders didn't believe in God? You know, the one you call imaginary. So were they a bunch of idiots who were all wrong too? Our founders were stupid and wrong but you are right? Is that what you and your clan on here are saying?
The Viking wrote: All this bickering back and forth fighting to take God out of our nation doesn't mean anything really. It will only really mean something when you have to stand before Him and answer why you did it and why you fought to make Him irrelevant. I really do feel sorry for a lot of you.
The difference between us is that you want YOUR version of "God" to b the official God of the United States, much in the same way that Coors Light is the "official beer of the NFL". I believe that what makes this country great, and what our founding fathers intended, is that we are free - each of us, as individuals - to worship the God of our choice and our beliefs. God must be a part of our nation, but we all don't have to believe in the same interpretation of "God". You seem to think we must.
Most all of them were Christians and believed in Christ as their Lord and Savior. Were they all a bunch of stupid idiots to believe that? (I know I won't get a straight answer here)
Dummy Up wrote: The founders were rebels not sheep to follow blindly like the conservatives do today. They just try to talk a good game.They have no real understanding that the founders would be disgusted with the sheep like behavior they portray. Today's right wingers are just followers and that is sad.
rofllol rofllol You guys keep posting the stupidest posts that are so easy to prove wrong. Today's right wingers took a stand and formed the tea Party to make a difference. It is the Liberals who keep following blindly like shee and voting in the same people who got our nation in this mess. You said that lie totally backwards!!! rofllol
LadyJazzer wrote: No...It's a realistic world, without invisible men in it.
This was your quote. So are you saying that our founding fathers were foolish and believed in an invisible man that is not based on a realistic world?
No, I said that was MY belief... I already posted a very long article that defined what the founding fathers believed. I'll post it again if you're too stupid to read it.